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Taxation in the amirate of Mecca during the medieval period
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 February 2009
The amirate of Mecca was established by sharifs of Hasanid ancestry in the middle of the fourth century a. h./tenth century a.d. The territory traditionally under its direct control included the holy city of Mecca and its immediate hinterland, the nearby hill town of Ṭā'if, and the Red Sea port of Jedda. In addition, the sharifs often exercised a tenuous hold over certain tribal areas in the Sarāt Mountains south of Ṭa'if, as well as the coastal plain south of Jedda, known as the Tihāma.
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- Copyright © School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 1995
1 For the geographical extent of the amirate of Mecca during the medieval period, cf. al-Qalqashandī, Shihāb al-D¯n Abū 'l-'Abbās Aḥmad b. 'Alī, Ṣubḥ al-a'shā f¯ ṣinā'at al-inshā (Cairo, 1910–1920), iv, 255–60Google Scholar; al-Idrīsī, Muḥammad b. ‘Abd Allāh, Nuzhat al-musht¯q fī ikhtirāq al-āfāq (Naples, 1965–1977), n, 138–9Google Scholar; al-Iṣṭakhrī, , Kitāb al-Mas¯lik wa'l-mamālik, 2nd ed. (Leiden, 1967), 19Google Scholar; Baṭṭūṭa, Muḥammad b. ‘Abd Allāh b., Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharā'ib al-amṣ¯r wa ‘ajā’ib al-asfār (Beirut, 1964), 164.Google Scholar
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18 ibid., 69. One irdabb is equivalent to 90 litres; cf. Mortel, Richard T., ‘Weights and measures in Mecca during the Late Ayyūbid and Mamlūk periods’, in Serjeant, R. B. and Bidwell, R. L. (ed.), Arabian Studies (University of Cambridge Oriental Publications, 42, Cambridge, 1990), 178.Google Scholar Al-Maqrīzī (Sulūk, 1, 264Google Scholar) gives the compensation as 2000 dinars and 1000 irdabbs of wheat plus the revenues from lands in Egypt and the Yemen. Sibt Ibn al-Jawzī, Yūsuf b. Quzāoghlū, Mir'āt al-zamān fi tārīkh al-a'yān (Hyderabad, 1952), VIII, 338Google Scholar, maintains that it amounted to 8000 irdabbs of wheat alone, and he is supported by Abū Shāma al-Muqaddasī, Shihāb al-D¯n Abū Muḥammad ‘Abd al-Rahmān b. Ism¯'īl, Kitāb al-Rawdatayn fī akhbār al-dawlatayn (Cairo, 1287–88 a.h.), n, 3–4Google Scholar; and Bardī, Ibn Taghrī, Nujūm, VI, 78.Google Scholar Ibn al-Mujāwir, Jamāl al-Dīn Abū ‘l-Fatḥ Yūsuf b. Ya'qūb gives a figure of 4–6000 irdabbs of wheat in Tārīkh al-mustabṣir (Leiden, 1951), 1, 42.Google Scholar
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33 al-Fāsī, , Shifā', II, 243Google Scholar; idem, 'Iqd, IV, 234, 405, 406.Google Scholar
34 The amirate of Madina was ruled by sharifs of Ḥusaynid ancestry, and was founded in the middle of the fourth/tenth century; cf. Mortel, Richard T., ‘The origins and early history of the Ḥusaynid amirate of Madīna to the end of the Ayyūbid period’, Studia Islamica, LXXIV, 1991, 63–78CrossRefGoogle Scholar; idem, ‘The Ḥusaynid amirate of Madīna during the Mamlūk Period’, Studia Islamica (forthcoming).
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38 al-Fāsī, , 'Iqd, III, 396; VI, 62.Google Scholar
39 al-Maqrīzī, , Sulūk, II, 887.Google Scholar
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44 El-Hawary, and Wiet, , Matériaux, 155.Google Scholar
45 The Meccan mudd is equivalent to of the Meccan ghirāra, or 2.3–2.8 litres, depending on the value chosen for the volume of the ghirāra, cf. Mortel, , ‘Weights’, 180.Google Scholar
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47 al-Fāsī, , Shifā', II, 249.Google Scholar
48 El-Hawary, and Wiet, , Matériaux, 155.Google Scholar
49 ibid., 155–6.
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54 ibid., VI, 210; Fahd, ‘Umar b., Itḥāf, III, 385.Google Scholar
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63 ibid., IV, 116; Fahd, ‘Umar b., Itḥāf, III, 506.Google Scholar
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66 al-Fāsī, , 'Iqd, IV, 120Google Scholar; Fahd, 'Umar B., Itḥāf, III, 524.Google Scholar
67 al-Fāsī, , Shif¯', II, 257.Google Scholar
68 al-Fāsī, , 'Iqd, IV, 122Google Scholar; Fahd, 'Umar b., Itḥāf, III, 530–1.Google Scholar
69 al-Fāsī, , 'Iqd, IV, 128Google Scholar; 'Umar b. Fahd, Itḥāf, III, 555.Google Scholar
70 ai-Fāsī, , 'Iqd, IV, 136Google Scholar; Fahd, 'Umar b., Itḥāf, III, 565.Google Scholar The iflūrī is the Venetian ducat, worth about 54 Mas'ūdī dirhams at this time, cf. Mortel, ‘Prices’, 301.
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75 Birdī, Ibn Taghrī, Nujūrn, XIV, 251–2.Google Scholar
76 al-Maqrīzī, , Sulūk, IV, 680–1, 707–8Google Scholar; Bahā'l-Dīn Muḥammad b. Luṭf Allāh al-Khālidī, al-Maqṣad al-rafī' al-mansha' al-h¯dī li-ṣina'at al-inshā', MS Cairo: Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣriyya, no. 21031 zayn, 1Google Scholar, ff. 154a–b; ‘Umar b. Fahd, Itḥāf, III, 620–2Google Scholar; cf. also Labib, , Handelsgeschichte, 380.Google Scholar
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79 al-Maqrīzī, , Sulūk, IV, 723Google Scholar; Fahd, 'Umar B., Itḥāf, III, 632.Google Scholar
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84 ibid., iv, 143.
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86 Bird¯, Ibn Taghr¯, Nuj¯m, XV, 349.Google Scholar
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88 Fahd, 'Umar B., Itḥāf, IV, 179–80.Google Scholar
89 Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad b. 'Abd al-Raḥmān al-Sakhāwī, al-Tibr al-masbūk f¯ dhayl al-Sulūk (Cairo, 1896), 40–1.Google Scholar
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91 ibid., IV, 231.
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