The Sanskrit-Khotanese bilingual text edited in this study is contained in the manuscript fonds Pelliot 5538. Since we are still seriously in need of bilingual texts in the elucidation of Khotanese problems, the present short text is welcome. I am deeply indebted to Professor Paul Pelliot who has most kindly and courteously given me permission to read and to publish Khotanese manuscripts of his collection. I was able during the Christmas vacation last year to examine some sixty texts at the Bibliotheque Nationale. The recto of the Manuscript P 5538 contains a carefully written Parau ‘decree’, which is indicated also by a large drawing of the Chinese character ‘imperial commands’, kindly identified for me by M. C. M. Wang.
page 524 note 1 ttava written above catta in kīcatta.
page 525 note 1 Subscript.
page 526 note 1 Subscript.
page 526 note 2 Blurred out.
page 528 note 1 Subscript with blurred ha above.
page 528 note 2 Mahāvyutpatti (Sakaki) 87 ff.: Vipaśyi, Śikhi, Viśvabhuk, Krakucchanda, Kanakamuni, Kāśyapa, Śākyamuni.
page 528 note 3 This is a common formula in letters.
page 528 note 4 Sanskrit: evam mayā śrutam. ekasmin samaye.
page 530 note 1 Or perhaps adīka ‘superior to’ (adhika).
page 532 note 1 -yari imperat. 2 pi. passim.
page 539 note 1 In Tibetan called hdro-tir, Thomas, F. W., Tibetan Literary Texts and Documents, p. 114.Google Scholar
page 540 note 1 The place and people dumla, duiriva have now been noted several times. Hence dumva should be read BSOS viii 883 and 918.
page 541 note 1 I take this opportunity to correct a passage of this MS. quoted BSOS viii, 936. Line 20 f. reads śe darma baudasatvāṃ
kṣuni ye pūha cū hīṄa kamala aśiri basti salī haudama
, of Śe tcūni (? Chinese title) the gracious god (
for *jastye),
Dharma, the King of Bodhisattvas, the regnal year was the fifth, Cū hīṄa (Chinese year name), … year, seventh month.
page 542 note 1 In P 2893. 212, a well-written medical text, the form has turned up, so that the etymology Old Iran. *parsa-, suggested by Morgenstierne and quoted BSOS viii 930, becomes doubtful.