AKHYMBEK, M.; Trotter–Kato product formula and an approximation formula for a propagator in symmetric operator ideals 173
ANTONY, D. and BARMAN, R.; p-adic quotient sets: linear recurrence sequences 19
BARMAN, R.; see ANTONY, D. 19
BEIKE, N. F., CARLETON, R., COSTANZO, D. G., HEATH, C., LEWIS, M. L., LU, K. and PEARCE, J. D.; p-groups with cyclic or generalised quaternion Hughes subgroups: classifying tidy p-groups 443
CAMPBELL, J. M.; On Guillera’s 7F 6(
)-series for 1/π2 464
CARLETON, R.; see BEIKE, N. F. 443
CARO, J. and PASTEN, H.; On the fibres of an elliptic surface where the rank does not jump 276
CHALEBGWA, T. P. and MORRIS, S. A.; Sin, cos, exp and log of Liouville numbers 81
CHALEBGWA, T. P. and MORRIS, S. A.; Erdős properties of subsets of the Mahler set S 504
CHAN, H. H. and CHAN, S. H.; An amazing identity of Gauss and Jenkins’ lemma 86
CHAN, S. H.; see CHAN, H. H. 86
CHAN, T. H.; A note on powerful numbers in short intervals 99
CHAVAN, S.; On discriminants of minimal polynomials of the Ramanujan tn class invariants 264
CORRIGAN, C. C. and ZHAO, L.; Zero density theorems for families of Dirichlet L-functions 224
COSTANZO, D. G.; see BEIKE, N. F. 443
CULLY-HUGILL, M.; Explicit estimates for the distribution of primes 341
DALAL, T. and KUMAR, N.; Notes on Atkin–Lehner theory for Drinfeld modular forms 50
DANH, L. Q. and DEO, T. T.; A note on subnormal subgroups in division rings containing solvable subgroups 422
DAY, J.; Pilot-wave hydrodynamics: quantisation of partial integrability from a nonlinear integro-differential equation of the second order 472
DE PAULA MIRANDA, B. and LELIS, J.; On p-adic interpolation in two of Mahler’s problems 69
DEO, T. T.; see DANH, L. Q. 422
DIAO, J.; Mechanistic Markov models for the evolution of gene families 513
DONG, Z. and WEI, B.; A note on the large values of |
(1+it)| 217
DUONG, A. T. and NGUYEN, V. H.; On the lowest eigenvalue of the fractional Laplacian for the intersection of two domains 290
ERKOÇ, T.; see GÜNGÖR, S. B. 120
FLORES, F.; A criterion for hypersymmetry on discrete groupoids 320
FRANCIS, F.; Short character sums and their applications 339
FUENTES, E.; Affine convolutions, Ramanujan–Fourier expansions and Sophie Germain primes 11
GUAN, H., ZHANG, X. and YANG, Y.; Recognising Ree groups 2G 2(q) using the codegree set 125
GÜNGÖR, S. B. and ERKOÇ, T.; Some criteria for solvability and nilpotency of finite groups by strongly monolithic characters 120
HAN, H. and LEI, Y.; Reversed Hardy–Littlewood–Pólya inequalities with finite terms 459
HAN, X. and LIU, H. F.; A pair of equations in eight prime cubes and powers of 2 244
HARRINGTON, J. and JONES, L.; A note on generalised Wall–Sun–Sun primes 373
HASANALIZADE, E.; On near-perfect numbers of special forms 366
HE, Z., LV, Z. Q. and ZHU, X. T.; Large -free subgraphs in r-chromatic graphs 200
HEATH, C.; see BEIKE, N. F. 443
HOSEANA, J.; The Akiyama mean-median map has unbounded transit time and discontinuous limit 298
HUANG, C.-H.; A rigidity property of pluriharmonic maps from projective manifolds 166
HUSSAIN, M. and SCHLEISCHITZ, J.; Jarník type theorems on manifolds 391
KAPHLE, A.; A novel SNP heritability model for heritability analyses and genomic prediction 347
KLAVŽAR, S., KRISHNAKUMAR, A., TUITE, J. and YERO, I. G.; Traversing a graph in general position 353
KOSZ, D.; On the doubling condition in the infinite-dimensional setting 480
KOZLOWSKI, W. M.; Contractive semigroups in topological vector spaces on the 100th anniversary of Stefan Banach’s contraction principle 331
KUMAR, K. S.; see SENA, G. P. 205
KUMAR, N.; see DALAL, T. 50
LAN, K., ZHOU, Y. and LIU, F.; The chromatic number of (P 6, C 4, diamond)-free graphs 1
LE, M. H. and STYER, R.; On a conjecture concerning the number of solutions to ax+ by= cz 40
LEE, E. S.; Explicit Mertens’ theorems for number fields 169
LEE, K. H.; Using machine learning approaches to develop price optimisation and demand prediction models for multiple products with demand correlation 522
LEI, Y.; see HAN, H. 459
LEWIS, M. L.; see BEIKE, N. F. 443
LI, A.; see WU, S. 177
LI, J.; see YANG, Y. 438
LI, Q. and WEI, S.-D.; A nonspectral problem for planar Moran–Sierpinski measures 308
LI, S. C., MIAO, S. J. and ZHANG, M. J.; On the size, spectral radius, distance spectral radius and fractional matchings in graphs 187
LIN, B. L. S. and SUN, S.; On the number of nearly self-conjugate partitions 114
LIU, F.; see LAN, K. 1
LIU, G.; Essays on strong and weak approximations of stochastic differential equations 175
LIU, H. F.; see HAN, X. 244
LIU, Y. and ZHANG, J.; Bpr (Fn) has no nontrivial idempotents 142
LOPE, D. J.; Bayesian spatiotemporal models for infectious diseases in relation to health inequality 516
LU, K.; see BEIKE, N. F. 443
LUCCHINI, A. and SPIGA, P.; Finite groups with independent generating sets of only two sizes 449
LUNDSTRÖM, P. and ÖINERT, J.; Simplicity of Leavitt path algebras via graded ring theory 428
LV, Z. Q.; see HE, Z. 200
MA, R. and WU, J.; On the primes in floor function sets 236
MIAO, S. J.; see LI, S. C. 187
MORRIS, S. A.; see CHALEBGWA, T. P. 81
MORRIS, S. A.; see CHALEBGWA, T. P. 504
NEMATI, M. and SOHAEI, Z.; Multipliers on the second dual of abstract Segal algebras 133
NGUYEN, V. H.; see DUONG, A. T. 290
PASTEN, H.; see CARO, J. 276
PEARCE, J. D.; see BEIKE, N. F. 443
PENNISTON, D.; 23-regular partitions and modular forms with complex multiplication 254
RANKIN, C.; A remark on the geometric interpretation of the A3w condition from optimal transport 162
RAY, A.; Diophantine equations of the form Yn = f(X) over function fields 379
ROCK, C. P.; Extracting features from eigenfunctions: higher Cheeger constants and sparse eigenbasis approximation 511
ROTH, J. and UPADHYAY, A.; Reilly-type upper bounds for the p-Steklov problem on submanifolds 492
RUSSO, A.; On the central kernel of a group 283
SENA, G. P. and KUMAR, K. S.; On the number of algebraic points on the graph of the Weierstrass sigma functions 205
SHARMA, H.; Spectral multiplier theorems for abstract differential operators 343
SOHAEI, Z.; see NEMATI, M. 133
SONG, C.; Monte Carlo variance reduction methods with applications in structural reliability analysis 518
SPIGA, P.; see LUCCHINI, A. 449
STYER, R.; see LE, M. H. 40
SUN, S.; see LIN, B. L. S. 114
SUN, X. and WANG, B.; On the LND conjecture 412
TANG, D.; Proof of a conjecture of Banerjee and Dastidar on odd crank 406
TANGSUPPHATHAWAT, P., SRICHAN, T. and LAOHAKOSOL, V.; Distribution of r-free integers over a floor function set 107
TUITE, J.; see KLAVŽAR, S. 353
UPADHYAY, A.; see ROTH, J. 492
WANG, B.; see SUN, X. 412
WATHSALA KARUNARATHNE, W. B. M.; Scheduling in queueing systems 349
WEI, B.; see DONG, Z. 217
WEI, S.-D.; see LI, Q. 308
WOOLEY, T. D.; The paucity problem for certain symmetric Diophantine equations 29
WU, J.; see MA, R. 236
WU, S. and LI, A.; Max-cut by excluding bipartite subgraphs 177
WU, Z.; Optimal stopping problems with a random time horizon 345
YANG, Y.; see GUAN, H. 125
YANG, Y. and LI, J.; On large orbits of finite solvable groups on characters 438
YERO, I. G.; see KLAVŽAR, S. 353
YU, J.; Pricing and hedging of VIX derivatives in modified stochastic models 351
YUSNITHA, I.; C*-algebras of self-similar action of groupoids on row-finite directed graphs 150
ZHANG, J.; see LIU, Y. 142
ZHANG, M. J.; see LI, S. C. 187
ZHANG, X.; see GUAN, H. 125
ZHAO, L.; see CORRIGAN, C. C. 224
ZHOU, Y; see LAN, K. 1
ZHU, X. T.; see HE, Z. 200