Thesis Synopsis Template
- [Title of thesis]
- [Author name (including ‘Dr.’ if a PhD has already been conferred)]
- Author address and bio
- Keywords: [Insert up to six keywords that will help people find your synopsis here]
- [Insert text of thesis synopsis here]. The synopsis itself should offer a concise yet thorough overview of the research study, including, where appropriate:
- research questions or aims
- social/ecological context of the study
- outline of the key academic debates and literatures the thesis engages with
- theoretical approach or contributions
- methodological approach or contributions
- key results or findings
- key implications or recommendations
- References [Insert reference list here]
- Citation and digital source for thesis: [Insert how people should cite, and where they can find, the thesis]
- Publications arising from the thesis: [Insert a reference list for any publications that you have produced based on the thesis]
- A thesis submitted for the award of [Degree name] in the Faculty/School of [Discipline] at [University name]
- Supervisors: [Supervisor names and attributions (i.e., name of institution they work at).]
- Acknowledgements, Conflicts of Interest, Financial Support, Ethical Standards