Key Publications Generated
The following refereed publications have resulted from the research described in this dissertation:
Kennelly, J., Taylor, N., & Serow, P. (2012). Early career primary teachers and education for sustainability. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 21 (2), 139–153.
Kennelly, J., Taylor, N., & Serow, P. (2011). Education for sustainability and the Australian Curriculum. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 27 (2), 209–218.
Kennelly, J., Taylor, N., & Serow, P. (2011). Environmental education and the whole school approach in one Australian primary school. Economic and Environmental Studies, 11 (2), 125–143.
Kennelly, J., & Maxwell, T. (2010) Education for sustainability, initial teacher education and the primary curriculum. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Postgraduate Research Conference — Bridging the Gap Between Ideas and Doing Research, University of New England, Australia.
Kennelly, J., Taylor, N., & Maxwell, T. (2008). Addressing the challenge of preparing Australian pre-service primary teachers in environmental education. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 2 (2), 141–157.
Kennelly, J., Taylor, N., & Maxwell, T.W. (2008). A student teacher's personal pathway to education for sustainability. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 24, 24–33.
Kennelly, J., Taylor, N., & Serow, P. (2008, July). Engagement, self-efficacy and intention to teach Environmental Education in two pre-service primary teachers. In Hayes, T. & Hussein, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Inaugural Postgraduate Research Conference: Bridging the Gap Between Ideas and Doing Research (pp. 115–122). Armidale, Australia: University of New England.
Kennelly, J., & Taylor, N. (2007). Education for sustainability for the K-6 Curriculum: A unit of work for pre-service primary teachers in NSW. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 23.
Access to this thesis
Kennelly, J. (2011). Education for sustainability and pre-service teacher education (Unpublished PhD thesis, University of New England, Australia).
Author Biography
While maintaining close ties with the University of New England, Julie Kennelly now works primarily for the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Education and Communities. In her capacity as facilitator of Education for Sustainability projects in the New England Region of northern NSW, she works with school students, teachers and the NSW network of Environmental Education Centres.