Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Newcombe, Andrew Paul
The Boundaries of Regulatory Expropriation in International Law.
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Chen, Chun-ming (Kevin)
On a Coherence Approach Towards Jurisdictional Conflicts between the WTO and RTAs.
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Prislan, Vid
Non-Investment Obligations in Investment Treaty Arbitration – Towards a Greater Role for States?.
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Talmon, Stefan A. G.
A Primer on ICJ Procedure: A Commentary on Article 43 ICJ Statute.
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Reinhold, Steven
Good Faith in International Law.
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Kleinlein, Thomas
The Versailles Peace Treaty Before the Permanent Court of International Justice: Tracing the Legalism of the Paris Settlement.
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