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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017
1 Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine denounced the Treaty of the Union of December 30, 1922, in a coordinated set of edicts adopted by their respective supreme soviets or presidiums thereof between December 8-12, 1991. 176
2 Some annual volumes are accompanied by a special, extra volume devoted to conference or other thematic papers. These special volumes are commonly missing in most collections and apparently had a distribution different from the usual Yearbook.
3 [Editor’s note: The first textual reference to a particular person includes a first name or initials, but only the last name is used in a subsequent reference.]
4 Sbornik Dhstvuiushchikh Dogovorov SSSR [Collection of treaties in force of the USSR] (1924-92) (appearing with some title variations).
5 The last to appear was Vneshnaia Politika Rossii: Sbornik Dokumentov, 1990-1992 [Foreign policy of Russia: Collected documents, 1990-1992] (O. V. Balkina comp., 1996).
6 Vneshniaia Politika Rossii XIX I Nachala XX Veka: Dokumenty [Foreign policy of Russia of the XIX and early XX centuries] (A. L. Narochnitskii ed., 1995). Volume 16, the last, dealt with the period October 1828-July 1830.
7 This work is indispensable for the period covered. See Perechen’ Mezhdunarodnykh Dogovo- Rov Rossiiskoi Federatsii: S 1 IANV. 1990 PO 31 AVG. 1996 G. [List of international treaties of the Russian Federation ratified or denounced by the Russian Federation: From 1 January 1990 to 31 August 1996] (1997).
8 This volume follows three bibliographies for the Soviet era from 1917 to 1990, published respectively in 1976, 1987, and 1992 under the editorship of the late professor D. I. Feldman.
9 S. N. Lebedev, Izbrannye Trudy Po Mezhdunarodnomy Kommercheskomu Arbitrazhu, Pravu Mezhdunarodnoitorgovli, Mezhdun- Arodnomu Chastnomu Pravu, Chastnomu Morskomu Pravu [Selected work on international commercial arbitration, law of international trade, private international law, and private maritime law] (2009).
10 Izbrannye Trudy [Selected works] (N. F. Kuznetsova ed., 2004).
11 Public and Private International Law: Problems and Prospects (S. V. Bakhin ed., 2007).
12 Mezhdunarodnoe Pravo I Natsional’nye Interesy Rossiiskoi Federatsii [International law and national interests of the Russian Federation] (A. A. Kovalev & B. L. Zimnenko eds., 2008).
13 International Law of XXI Century: To the 80th Anniversary of Professor Igor I. Lukashuk (V. Butkevich ed., 2006).
14 Chelovek I Ego Vremia: Zhizn’ I Rabota Avgusta Rubanova [Man and his time: life and work of August Rubanov] (O. A. Khazova ed., 2006).
15 Liber Amicorum Honouring Gennady P. Zhukov (A. la. Kapustin & A. Kh. Abashidze eds., 2005).
16 For the English language version, see Kuznetsov, V. I. & Tuzmukhamedov, B. R., International Law—A Russian Introduction (Butler, William E. ed. & trans., 2009)Google Scholar.
17 Kurs Mezhdunarodnogo Prava V Semi Tomakh [Course of international law in seven volumes] (V. N. Kudriavtsev et al. eds., 1989-93).
18 Grabar, V. E., Materialy K Istorii Literatury Mezhunarodnogo Prava V Rossii (1647- 1917) [Materials on the history of the literature of inter national law in Russia (1647-1917)] (Butler, W. E. ed., 2005)Google Scholar.
19 G. S. Starodubtsev, Mezhdunarodnopravovaia Nauka Rossiiskoi Emigratsii [International law science of the Russian emigration] (2000).
20 V. V. Pustogarov, “…S. Pal’moi Vet/Viu Mira.” F. F. Martens—Iurist, Diplomat, Publitsist [“…With the palm branch of peace”: F. F. Martens—jurist, diplomat, publicist] (1993). (The English version is entitled Our Martens: Martens, F. F., International Lawyer and Architect of Peace (Butler, W. E. ed. & trans., 2000)Google Scholar.)
21 Kamarovskii, L. A., O Mezhdunarodnom Sude [On an international court] (Shestakov, L. N. ed., 2007)Google Scholar.
22 Shafirov, P. P., Rassuzhdenie, Kakie Zakonnye Prichiny Petr I … [Discourse on what legal reasons Peter I had…] (Butler, W. E. ed., 2008)Google Scholar.
23 Kozhevnikov, F. I., Russkoe Gosudarstvoi Mezhdunarodnoe Pravo (Do XX Veka) [Russian state and international law (to the XX century)] (Shestakov, L. N. ed., 2006)Google Scholar.
24 An English translation of his earlier study was published: Zimnenko, B. L., International Law and the Russian Legal System (Butler trans, W. E.., 2007)Google Scholar.
25 E. Bykhovskaya, State Immunity in Russian Perspective (2008).
26 N. A. Shebanova, Sobstvennost’ Rossiiskoi Federatsii Za Rubezhom: Pravovoe Regulirovanie I Zashchita [Ownership of the Russian Federation abroad: legal regulation and protection] (2010).
27 Kolodkin, A. L., Gutsuliak, V. N. & Bobrova, Iu. V., The World Ocean—International Legal Regime (Butler, W. E. trans., 2010)Google Scholar.
28 Kodeks Torgovogo Moreplavaniia Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation] (G. G. Ivanov ed., 2000; 2d ed. 2005).
29 A. N. Vylegzhanin & V. K. Zilanov, Spitsbergen (2006); Spitzbergen: Legal Regime of Adjacent Marine Areas (W. E. Butiered. & trans., 2007).
30 Talalaev, A. N., Pravo Mezhdunarodnykh Dogovorov [Law of international treaties] (Shestakov, L. N. ed., 2011)Google Scholar (two-volume set).
31 Boguslavskii has written an excellent autobiography, Svidetel’epokhi [Witness of an era] (2008).
32 L. A. Lunts, Kurs Mezhdunarodnogo Chastnogo Prava Vtrekh Tomakh [Cours of private international law in three volumes] (2002).
33 See 1 Russian Law: Theory and Practice 128-36 (W. E. Butler ed. & trans., 2008).
34 Karabelnikov, B. R., Ispolnenie Reshenii Mezhdunarodnykh Kommercheskikh Arbitrazhov [Execution of awards of international commercial arbitral tribunals] (2d ed. 2003)Google Scholar.
35 B. R. Karabelnikov, Priznanie I Privedenie V Ispolnenie Inostrannykh Arbitrazhnykh Reshenii: Nauchno-Prakticheskii Kommentarii K NiuIorkskoi Konventsii 1958 Goda [Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards: scientific practical commentary on the 1958 New York Convention] (2001).
36 Mezhdunarodnyi Kommercheskii Arbitrazh: Kommentarii ZakonodateĽstva [International commercial arbitration: Commentary on legislation] (A. S. Komarov, S. N. Lebedev & V. A. Musin eds., 2007); see also Russian Public Law 661-64 (W. E. Butler trans., 2d ed. 2009) (translating this federal law).