This Special Issue of AI EDAM will be devoted to papers concerned with analogical thinking.
Analogical thinking involves the use of analogies for a variety of tasks such as
1. generating novel concepts (design by analogy) and
2. helping explain existing and new concepts.
We welcome papers that report the study of analogies (and metaphors) not only in design but also more generally in engineering, analysis, and manufacturing, as well as design education. We welcome work describing cognitive studies, computational theories, and interactive tools.
One challenge in analogical thinking is that researchers mean different things by the term analogy, for example, featural, conceptual, and relational similarity. Therefore, we ask that authors clearly characterize what they mean by analogy in their work.
Suitable topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Sources of analogy/metaphor in design/education
• Identification of analogies/metaphors
• Representions/communications of analogies/metaphors
• Applications of analogies/metaphors
• Types of analogies/metaphors selected/formed
• Effectiveness in and of using analogies/metaphors
All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by at least three reviewers. The selection for publication will be made on the basis of these reviews.
Information about the format and style required for AI EDAM papers can be found at
Note that all inquiries and submissions for the Special Issue go to the Guest Editors, not to the Editor in Chief.
Important Dates
Intent to submit (Title & Abstract): As soon as possible
Submission deadline for full papers: February 1, 2014
Reviews due: June 1, 2014
Notification and reviews due to authors: June 15, 2014
Revised papers due from authors: September 1, 2014
Guest Editors
Li H. Shu
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto
5 King's College Road
Toronto, ON M5S 3G8, Canada
Ashok K. Goel
School of Interactive Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Technology Square Research Building
85 Fifth Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280, USA