20 Years of the ASA Graduate Student Paper Prize: Celebrations and Reflections
This special issue of the African Studies Review commemorates the twentieth anniversary of the African Studies Association’s (ASA) Graduate Student Paper Prize. In 2001, the African Studies Association’s Board of Directors established the annual prize for the best graduate student paper presented at the previous year’s Annual Meeting. This special issue is dedicated to re-releasing the eleven articles published since 2001 in ASR by winners of the Graduate Student Paper Prize (hereafter, “the GSP Prize”) ...
Virtual Issue: Eyes on the Prize: Awards, Decolonization, and the ASA Graduate Student Paper Prize
Introduction for Women’s Scholarship on Women in Africa
The theme of agency definitely takes center stage in the most recent publications in African women’s studies. These include Judith Byfield’s The Great Upheaval: Women and Nation in Postwar Nigeria (2020), Naminata Diabaté’s Naked Agency: Genital Cursing and Biopolitics in Africa (2020), Jacqueline-Bethel Tchouta Mougoué’s Gender, Separatist Politics, and Embodied Nationalism in Cameroon (2020), Besi Brillian Muhonja’s Radical Utu: Critical Ideas and Ideals of Wangari Muta Maathai (2020), and Grace Musila’s Wangari Maathai’s Registers of Freedom: Voices of Liberation (2020), among the most notable recent publications....
Virtual Issue: Women’s Scholarship on Women in Africa
Introduction for the Virtual Issue: Ghana, or Filtering the 21st Century through the Ordinary
This collection of articles forms the latest issue of the innovative virtual editions released by the African Studies Review, which, beyond providing new attention and access to important scholarship, also place previously published works in direct conversation with each other....
Virtual Issue: Ghana
Introduction for the Virtual Issue: African Literature, Theater, and Performance
Read introduction here