The African Studies Review aims to feature the best disciplinary and interdisciplinary work on Africa, to publish disciplinary work that is contextualized in and/or draws connections to other disciplines, and to showcase work that is readable "across the disciplines" that contribute to African Studies. Authors should keep in mind that peer-reviewers from cognate disciplines or interdisciplinary backgrounds are likely to be among those asked to assess the originality, significance, rigor, and accessibility of their work.
What is interdisciplinary work? It is work that draws knowledge, methods, perspectives, concepts, or theory from more than one discipline. Interdisciplinary work may combine knowledge across the academic disciplines, examine common ground or tensions between the disciplines, or deal with problems of concern across disciplines.
The goal of the African Studies Review is to produce new knowledge informed by self-critical interaction among Africanists about what we study, our methods, and our conclusions. Investigations of theoretical issues within and among the disciplines are also welcome.