- A
Influence matrix from 2D vortex lattice method from James paper
- a
vector of row sums of A −1
- α
- α
vector of angle-of-attack values
- e
vector of 1’s, [1 1⋯1]T
- C
diagonal matrix of chord lengths
- cl
2D coefficient of lift
- cL
3D coefficient of lift
- cDi
coefficient of induced drag
- H
Influence matrix from 2D vortex lattice model, scaled
- h
vector of row sums of H −1
- r
the vector of row sums of Q −1
- Q
kernel matrix for lifting line theory
- U
kernel matrix from Collar paper
- W
influence matrix
- w
downwash vector
- Γ
vortex filament
- Γ
vector of Γ values
Sixty years ago, A.R. Collar published a paper titled ‘On the Accuracy of the Representation of a Lifting Line by a Finite Set of Horseshoe Vortices’ that explored the combinatorial structure of the matrix at the heart of lifting line theory and, among other results, explicitly identified the model convergence for the elliptical planform(Reference Collar1). Collar’s analysis of lifting line theory was based on the horseshoe vortices being adjacent to each other rather than the more common pedagogical treatment where they are nested. The adjacent approach does continue to be used in classroom settings and in practice in numerical solutions(Reference Mccormick2–Reference Katz and Plotkin4). Lifting line theory also remains an ongoing area of research as it is generalised to unsteady flows and more complex geometries, e.g.,(Reference Sugar-Gabor5–Reference Phillips and Hunsaker7).
The motivation for revisiting Collar’s work came from an accidental discovery while restructuring a numerical implementation along the lines of McCormick(Reference Mccormick2) and Katz(Reference Katz and Plotkin4) for use with modern math software in a course taught by the author. The kernel of the computation involves inverting n × n the matrix that ties the vortex strength to downwash and then eventually summing the matrix elements. While experimenting with results, I was surprised to discover that the sum of the elements of the inverse of the matrix (a quantity central to the lifting line model) is in fact always an integer and, further, is the well-known triangular number T(n) = n(n+1)/2.
This gave pause, as the triangular number is a foundational number in combinatorics and other fields, making its appearance in a wide variety of problems including graph theory (number of total handshakes in a room with n people), combinatorics (number of ways to pick two objects from n), and geometry (number of blocks in a 2D block pyramid of height n). It has an entry in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences Footnote 1 with over 80 unique methods for generating the sequence, now including this one. As it turns out, the property proves to be central to defining the model convergence rate, and once the property is known, it simplifies proof of convergence. The discovery motivated a deeper dive into the structure of the formulation, with the results presented here.
This work revisits and extends Collar’s analysis, identifying some properties that may be of interest to the community. The influence matrix for the 2D form of the vortex lattice model is also touched on. Regarding the 2D vortex lattice model, Collar(Reference Collar8) presented results about the matrix in a 1951 paper, which were independently rediscovered by DeYoung in 1971(Reference Deyoung9) in a paper where he proved convergence properties for the standard 2D vortex lattice model. The same results were again independently discovered and then explored in depth by James in 1972(Reference James10). The work by James, where he analysed in depth the impact of the choice of control and sensing points in the 2D vortex lattice model convergence, continues to inform efforts in working with the vortex lattice model, with citations appearing in literature up to the present day, e.g.(Reference Branlard11). All three papers presented combinatorial expressions for the matrix inverse and row sums of the matrix inverse for the 2D vortex lattice problem.
As an aside, both James and DeYoung conducted at least their initial work in isolation without being aware of Collar’s and each other’s efforts. The work presented here initially was also done without knowledge of Collar’s effort, and DeYoung’s and James’, until reviewers of an earlier submission brought them to light. Collar’s work in particular deserves broader awareness.
Following Collar(Reference Collar1) and McCormick(Reference Mccormick2), a wing of span b is divided into n wing segments with each segment having centre points located at pi. Each segment has a horseshoe vortex with strength Γi (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Vortex lattices.
Define a vector of vortex filament strengths
Define wi as the downwash on the wing segment at point pi due to the streaming vortices, calculated using the Biot-Savart Law. Noting that pi is the location of the centre of the ith wing section, write for the downwash elements:
Index i relates to the point pi as $ p_i = i\Delta x - {{\Delta x} \over 2} $, and so
$p_i - p_j = \Delta x(i - j)$. Also using
$\Delta x = b/n $:
Define a kernel matrix Q with elements q i,j such that
then the downwash vector w is
Note that while the span b is in the definition of the downwash, the matrix Q is dimensionless. Without loss of generality for an arbitrary wing, we can choose a system of units such that span b = 1, simplifying the presentation to
Collar(Reference Collar1) developed a similar but more generalised expression where he defined a matrix U as
which resulted in his expression for the downwash as
His term k could vary between 0 and 1, thus allowing for the point at which the downwash was calculated to vary between the two filaments and not just in the middle (k = 1/2). When k = 1/2, then U = 4Q. The scaling difference between Equations (3) and (6) likely hid the property related to the triangular number.
Look at Q as a 4 × 4 matrix along with its inverse:
The matrix Q is bi-symmetric and is a Real Hermitian Toeplitz matrix and makes for an excellent test case for ongoing research in the properties of infinite Toeplitz matrices(Reference Bogoya, Böttcher, Grudsky and Maximenko12,Reference Böttcher, Bogoya, Grudsky and Maximenko13) . It is also an M-Matrix with many well-known properties that follow(Reference Poole and Boullion14). As Q is a symmetric M-matrix, it is positive definite and its inverse is a positive matrix Q −1 > 0, i.e. all of the elements of Q −1 are positive. Within the space of positive matrices, the matrix sum of elements can serve as a matrix norm, with a number of interesting properties(Reference Merikoski15). Define the function Su(X) as the sum of the elements of matrix X, which is also equal to eT X e.
The matrix Q decomposes into either the sum or the Hadamard product of a simpler matrix H where the elements of H are
or alternatively
where ⊗ indicates the Hadamard product (an element by element multiplication). The matrix H is central to the 2D vortex lattice model, as shown below, and has its own set of interesting properties.
The matrix Q has the surprising property that the sum of the elements of the inverse of $ Q_n^{ - 1} $ is always an integer, and is the Triangular Number T(n), proof at the end of the paper. The number satisfies the relations
While the sum of all the elements is an integer based on numerical experiments over a variety of matrix sizes, it appears that none of the sums of subsets of elements are integers (excepting special cases when choosing n/2 elements and n is even). It would be an interesting problem to confirm or deny this property.
In the investigation of Q, the next property identified after noting the relationship with the triangular number was for the row sums of Q −1. The reason this is of interest is that, in the constant downwash case, we can compute the distribution of Γ (and therefore lift) along the wing by inverting Equation (4) to get Γ∝Q −1e where $ {\bf{e}} = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 & 1 & \cdots & 1 \cr } } \right]^T $, so for constant downwash the lift is distributed as per the row sums of Q −1. We anticipate the row sums to tend towards an ellipse.
Collar did not derive this quantity in his paper, and the author has not found the result anywhere else. The expression for the elements of the vector r = Q −1e can be written in many different forms, as is typical for combinatorial quantities. Writing it in terms of central binomial coefficient terms gives
The benefit of writing it with the central binomial coefficients terms is that there are tight bounds that are also good approximations for the coefficients:
To show that rk tends to an ellipse, look at a general term to use to approximate the central binomial coefficient,
Substituting into Equation (8) and simplifying gives
Substitute k = nz where $ z \in (0,1] $ and let
$ n \to \infty $, scaling by a 1/n to normalise the result:
Equation (9) is the equation of an ellipse and corresponds to the exact solution for the constant downwash condition for a wing with a span b=1. Both the lower and upper bound on the row sums tend to the same ellipse, confirming the shape of the row sums. Figure 2 shows the correspondence between Equations (8) and (9), after scaling the exact result.
Figure 2. Comparing exact solution (solid line) to row sums (points) for inverse of Q, with every 5th point shown.
We can closely approximate the row sums with
If tighter bounds for the central binomial coefficient are needed one can use the following with the upper bound particularly tight(Reference Johnson16):
Only after the relation for the row sums had been identified did I become aware of Collar’s previous work. Collar(1) calculated the inverse of U = 4Q and proved that the elements of U −1 can be written as
To gain the elements of Q −1, scale by a factor of 4,
This expression can be manipulated into one involving central binomial coefficients. An intermediate form is
which further simplifies to one with a generalised hypergeometric function 4F 3.
This expression is broken into two parts to highlight the symmetry. Since both Q −1 and the left collection of central binomial coefficient terms are symmetrical about the diagonal, so must be the term to the right.
James(Reference James10) describes the analysis of a thin 2D wing section divided into n segments, with each segment having a location of vortex μ, location of sensing point λ, and distance between them Δ. The standard values in the 2D vortex lattice method are μ = 1/4, λ=3/4, and Δ = 1/2. The matrix A in his paper relating vortex strength (and so wing lift) has elements Ai,j = 1/(i − j + 1/2), which is just a scaling of H introduced above, so that A = 2H. A has an inverse with the unique property, previously identified by Collar(Reference Collar8), that the sum of elements is
or writing in terms of H,
James and Collar both provide expressions, differing from each other, for the individual elements of A −1. The expression from James is
As per Q, the expression can be manipulated into one involving central binomial coefficients. The values for the elements of A −1 are
Using the same approximation as in Equation (10), the individual terms of A −1 can be approximated as
Similar to the row sums of Q −1, the distribution of the row sums of A −1 or H −1 mirrors the distribution of lift for the 2D constant unity downwash case. Collar(Reference Collar8) derived an expression for the row sums of what would be A −1, defining y(k) as the kth element of the row sum vector y,
This can be manipulated into a form using central binomial coefficients. The vector of row sums of a = A −1e, is
Using the same approximations as in Equation (10) for the central binomial terms gives
Letting k = nz, z ∈ (0, 1] and taking the limit as n → ∞ of Equation (12) gives
This corresponds to the exact solution for the 2D flow with constant downwash (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Comparing exact solution (solid line) to row sums (points) for inverse of A.
The ratio between the lifting line and the 2D vortex lattice exact solutions for constant downwash is
The Row Sums of the Inverse of A has a similarly clean relation to the row sums of the inverse of Q. Dividing Equation (8) by Equation (11) gives the exact ratio of the elements of the row sum of Q −1 to the elements of the row sums of A −1,
In Collar(Reference Collar8), he compared the discrete model of the wing with the ideal closed form solution available for elliptical wings, determining the rate of convergence of the discrete model to the ideal. The analysis here follows Collar’s but is greatly simplified.
Consider an elliptical wing with a peak vortex filament strength at its centre of Γ0. The downwash everywhere along the wing is w = Γ0/2. Recalling that the lift L = ρVΓ and assuming that ρ = V = 1, the lift of the wing is L = (π/4)Γ0.
For the discretised model of the wing with n segments, define a vector of constant downwash w = (Γ0/2)e, and from Equation (3),
The total lift generated by the system of vortices is L n = (1/n)eTΓ, so
Taking the ratio of Rn = Ln/L gives
In Collar’s paper, a significant combinatorial manipulation follows to gain the final result. Here, since we know eTQ −1e = n(n + 1)/2, this immediately resolves to
As noted in the introduction, the triangular number property of the Q −1 matrix is what leads to the exact, clean form of convergence for the constant downwash wing. This rate of convergence likely generalises to all wing planforms.
It is well-known that an elliptical lift distribution results in minimum induced drag along with a resulting constant downwash along the wing(Reference Munk17, Reference Jones18). This section provides an alternate treatment using quadratic programming to gain a direct solution for Γ and w. Again, assuming that ρ = V = 1, the induced drag and lift are
The goal is to minimise the induced drag while meeting a required lift constraint. Casting as a quadratic programming problem gives
with the 1/2 in the objective function used to match the standard form for quadratic programming. Since Q is symmetric positive definite and we have equality constraints, we can use the method of Lagrange multipliers(Reference Fletcher19) to immediately gain the solution by solving the linear problem
where λ is the Lagrange multiplier. Solving for Γ gives
Substituting for eTQ −1e and noting that w = (n/π)Q Γ, we show that minimum drag implies a constant downwash
Note that the proof of optimality of constant downwash only depends on the symmetric positive definite nature of Q and not particularly on the Biot-Savart law or the elliptical distribution of lift. In this sense, the constant downwash is the more fundamental property.
This section presents the lifting line approach that was under development when the discovery about the combinatorial properties of Q were made. It is easy to implement in modern mathematical software with direct support for linear algebra and offers some interesting insights to the problem. The method calculates the coefficients of lift and induced drag for the 3D wing from the properties of the 2D aerofoil sections and the wing planform shape. To simplify presentation, assume the wing has a constant 2D aerofoil shape along the span. The assumption is easily relaxed. Choose units of measurement such that the wing has span b = 1 and is operating at some density ρ and velocity V. We will show that for calculating CL and CDi the velocity and density terms will cancel.
Referring back to Fig. 1, for each segment the Kutta-Joukowski theorem defines the 2D lift per unit length as
Lift is also described as
where ci is the chord, cli the 2D coefficient of lift for the wing section, a is the lift slope curve (assumed constant along the wing), and αLi is the local angle-of-attack. Equating the two and cancelling common terms gives
Define a vector of chord values c, a corresponding diagonal matrix C, and a vector of local angles of attack α L:
Write in vector form
For each wing segment, the angle-of-attack is αLi = αi − (wi/V), with αi the angle-of-attack with respect to the freestream velocity (and contains a twist component if there is one) and wi the downwash induced by the trailing vortices. Write in vector form
Using this and Equation (3) with b = 1, rewrite Equation (18) as
To clean up the presentation, define the influence matrix
Solve for Γ using Equations (20) and (21):
The lift is L = ρV(1/n)eTΓ, so
By definition, cL = 2L/ρV 2S. The surface area S is S = eTC e/n. Using Equation (23), the closed form expression for cL can be written as a function of α and the geometry of the wing as captured in the matrix C,
or alternatively
Note the cancellation of ρ and V, as expected. For the remainder of the paper, let ρ = V = 1 to simplify presentation.
The induced drag is D = (1/n)wT Γ. With substitutions,
The induced drag coefficient is cDi = 2D/S, so
Noting that Oswald’s coefficient satisfies
Using Equation (24) and (26), we can write
Assuming that our wing has no twist, we have α = αe for some scalar α. Constant downwash results in a distribution of Γ as per Equation (13), which we can insert into Equation (22) to get
This can be manipulated to give
so, the distribution of chords tends to the elliptical as expected. Also, since for some scalar β we have C e = βW −1e or WC e = β e, WC has constant row sums, and e is an eigenvector of WC with β the associated eigenvalue. This implies
Substituting into Equation (25) with α = α e and writing in terms of a constant cl along the wing such that cl = aα gives
The aspect ratio AR of a wing is b 2/S, which for this formulation is n/eTC e. If the distribution of chords along the wing is defined as C e = βW −1e, then for such a wing the aspect ratio AR is
Solving for β gives
Using Equations (28) and (29) and writing cL as cL(n) to highlight the dependency, the expression for cL(n) is
which as n grows rapidly tends to
The limit as n → ∞ is as expected,
Using Equation (26) with substitutions, CDi is
Manipulating Equation (31) and inserting Equation (30) to show the relationship cL to gives
The limit as n → ∞ of Equation (32) is again the well-known
From Equations (32) and (33), the estimate of the Oswald coefficient for the elliptical case convergences as
The convergence of the constant downwash model as per 1/n suggests that this property may exist for other planforms and can be exploited to gain accurate results from lower accuracy models. Collar contemplated this in his 1958 paper, and computational experiments suggest merit to his claim. The four planforms in Fig. 4 served as test cases for computing cL, using Equation (24) to generate the approximations with n varying from 200 to 1,200 in steps of 100.
Figure 4. Wing planform shapes for convergence test.
The results show that for a variety of wing planforms, the convergence is by 1/n (see Fig. 5). The same behaviour is observed for computing cDi.
Figure 5. Plot of calculated cL versus 1/n for 4 different planforms. Aspect Ratio for each in parentheses.
Experiments show that with the 1/n convergence, when one takes a finite difference about a value of n in Fig. 5 and projects a line to the Y-axis, significant gains in accuracy are possible with only a minimal increase in computation. For example, using the dart planform from above, by doing a finite differencing of the model about n=100 (e.g., run it at n=98 and n=102) and determining the y-intercept of the line, one gets an estimate of cL that is as accurate as the n=1,000 model but at a factor of 50 reduction in computation effort (assuming O(n 2) computational complexity). Experiments also suggest that the values determined via direct computation and those from finite differencing provides bounds above and below, respectively, for the estimate of cL (Fig. 6).
Figure 6. Demonstration of using finite differencing to provide estimates of values. Finite difference samples were at n+2 and n-2 around the baseline n.
It would be an interesting problem to formally prove the convergence behaviour seen in Fig. 5 for all wing shapes (or determine the limits of the behaviour) and to confirm that the property of the bounding from above and below.
Two results are proved here, the expressions for the sum of the elements of Q −1 and for the row sums of Q −1. The proofs for properties of Q and H parallel each other, so the methods used also directly apply to H. Both identities for Q were initially discovered via experimentation, generating data sets varying in dimensionality and identifying patterns in them, using mathematical symbolic software as an aid. Once having identified the answer, the problem became one of how to prove the answer in a way that was verifiable and acceptable. The proof method is based on relatively recent (since mid-1990s) research on automated proofs of sums of hypergeometric series(Reference Koepf20). Specifically, the proof uses Zeilberger’s Algorithm (Reference Petkovsek, Wilf and Zeilberger21) as implemented in the fastZeil Footnote 2 Mathematica package(Reference Paule and Schorn22). It works for problems with a summand f(n, k) that is hypergeometric in both indices, meaning both of the ratios of f(n + 1, k)/f(n, k) and f(n, k + 1)/f(n, k) result in rational functions in n and k. While the algorithm’s internal workings are opaque, it generates results that are readily verifiable. The reader is steered to the references for details. The Mathematica notebooks executing the proofs are available as supplementary materials to this paper, so what follows is a summary of the proof methods.
The first identity to be proved is for the row sums. Using the identities, QQ −1e = e and r = Q −1e gives the expression to be proven, Q r = e, which when converted into a summation states
This proves that the expression for the row sums of Q −1 is correct. The second is that
This proves that the sum of the row sums, i.e. the sum of the elements of Q −1, is the Triangular Number T(n). Start with the proof of the sum of the elements of Q −1 as it is simpler and is used to explain the method, but be aware that it depends on the correctness of proof of the row sums terms of Q −1. Define the term to be summed:
The goal is to verify
Running the problem against the Zeilberger algorithm gives the recurrence
or alternatively
Checking SUM(1) = f(1, 1) = 1 completes the induction showing that for all n, SUM(n) = 1.
To verify the recurrence generated by the solving algorithm, the algorithm also generates a proof certificate of
The term r(n, k) when multiplied with f(n, k)gives a new term g(n, k) = r(n, k)f(n, k). The algorithm also provides a relationship that is manually verifiable,
This defines a Wilf-Zeilberger Pair. The left and right sides of Equation (41) are easily confirmed to be equivalent (see supplementary material for this step). Now, sum both sides of Equation (41) from k = 0 to to k → ∞ to get
Due to the binomial coefficients in f(n, k) and g(n, k), the terms are nonzero only for a finite range of values of k, specifically 0 ≤ k ≤ n, so the summations on the left side are over finite ranges and are the sums in Equation (38). On the right side, the summations telescope into two simple terms. Checking that g(n, 0) = 0 and ∀k > n; g(n, k) = 0 shows that Equation (38) holds and thus completes the proof.
Proving the expression related to the row sums is more complex as there are two free indices, i and k. Define
Running the Zeilberger algorithm leads to the recurrence
Verifying that SUM(1) = 1 for i=1, and SUM(2) = 1 for i=1 and 2, and checking the recurrence in Equation (44) completes the induction for all n. The proof certificate is
Noting that g(n, k) = r(n, k)f(n, k) takes values g(n, 0) = g(n, n + 3) = 0 for the bounds, and confirming
completes the proof. The supplementary material contains the proofs for the properties related to H.
The lifting line model proves to have a hidden combinatorial structure involving the triangular number, with the structure giving a clean form of model convergence on the number of segments n. The combinatorial expressions related to the lifting line and 2D vortex lattice theory can be simplified in presentation, rewriting in terms of central binomial coefficients that also allows for simple approximation. The matrix Q also serves as an excellent real world pedagogical case study (not too simple – not too complex) for more recent developments in applied math such as automated theorem proving(Reference Koepf20–Reference Harrison23), properties of M-Matrices and inverse M-Matrices(Reference Poole and Boullion14, Reference Johnson24, Reference Johnson and Smith25), along with ongoing research in the eigenstructure of infinite Toeplitz matrices(Reference Bogoya, Böttcher, Grudsky and Maximenko12, Reference Böttcher, Bogoya, Grudsky and Maximenko13). The treatment shown here complements the traditional approach using Fourier analysis in demonstrating the special properties of the elliptical wing. The rate of convergence of 1/n is a recurring theme throughout experiments with the lifting line models and suggests methods to increase the accuracy of modelling with minimal increase in computational effort.
The author acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) under NSF Grant CMMI-1455444. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. This material is also supported by the U.S. Department of Defense through the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) under Contract H98230-08-D-0171. SERC is a federally funded University Affiliated Research Center managed by the Stevens Institute of Technology. Special thanks to Dr Ludmil Zikatanov, professor of mathematics at Penn State and fellow ski patroller, for invaluable discussions and suggestions on this work, and to Alexandra Yukish for her careful scrutiny of grammar and punctuation.
To view supplementary material for this article, please visit