- A
lasing gas
- a
constant in gain equation
- B
gas stores the vibrational energy
- b
constant in gain equation
- C
catalyst gas
- c
mass fraction
- e
specific internal energy
- evib
specific vibrational energy
- h
- h
Planck's constant
- k
Boltzmann constant
- N
- p
- R
gas constant
- T
- t
- u
axial velocity
- v
lateral velocity
- X
mole fraction
- x
axial coordinate
- y
lateral coordinate
- λ
- ρ
- τ I, II
characteristic relaxation time of vibrational modes
- τ12
radiative lifetime
- v 1, 2, 3
vibrational mode's frequency of gas A
- vc
collision frequency
- I, II
vibrational modes
- vib
- eq
The usefulness of lasers in human life is undeniable. Laser technology is used in many research, medical, industrial, military, and commercial applications. There are different types of lasers with a wide range of wavelengths and powers, such as solid-state lasers or semiconductor lasers. Gas lasers are one of the most useful types and can be divided into three categories: electric discharge, chemical and gas dynamic lasers.
The invention of Gas Dynamic Lasers (GDLs) dates back about 50 years. The population inversions in molecular systems could be created by rapid heating or cooling of the system. Therefore, such inversions could be obtained in the rapid nonequilibrium expansion of an initially hot gas through a supersonic nozzle. During such expansions, the gas is turned into a supersonic laser medium and passes into the optical cavity, where using the mirrors may extract a beam of laser perpendicular to the flow. The revolutionary aspect of GDLs is that they can be scaled to large sizes without major physical complications. GDLs can produce maximum continuous wave powers up to hundreds of kilowatts(Reference Endo and Walter1).
Hurle and Hertzberg(Reference Hurle and Hertzberg2) proposed the practical idea of the GDL but were unsuccessful in their experiment. Kantrowitz et al(Reference Gerry3) operated the first gas dynamic laser at the Avco Everett Research Laboratory in 1966. Several studies have been done on the GDLs in the past decades, which are summarized here.
Anderson(Reference Anderson4) has numerically analysed the nonequilibrium flow in the GDL using a quasi-1D assumption and studied the temporal variation of the vibrational temperature along the nozzle. He also predicted the population inversion using this procedure(Reference Anderson5). Anderson et al(Reference Anderson, Humphrey, Vamos, Plummer and Jensen6) experimentally measured the laser gain and compared those data with their aforementioned numerical predictions. Christiansen and Tsongas(Reference Christiansen and Tsongas7) and Biriukov et al(Reference Biriukov, Dronov, Koudriavtsev and Sobolev8) experimentally investigated the effect of gas composition and chamber pressure on the gain parameter. McLeary(Reference McLeary9) numerically studied the effect of stagnation temperature on the performance of the gas dynamic laser using quasi-1D simulation. Reddy(Reference Reddy10,Reference Reddy and Reddy11) has also computed the effect of gas composition and nozzle area ratio on the gain parameter of GDL. He also used the same quasi-1D simulations.
The theoretical analysis of the gas dynamic laser is based on the consecutive computation of the vibrational temperatures, population inversions, gain and power extraction. Such calculations generally provide results on the raw power output available from the optical cavity, but the total picture of power extraction is more than that(Reference Anderson12). One reason for this difference is the density inhomogeneities of the flowing gas in the cavity that cause phase distortions in the laser beam. Such inhomogeneities are due to the diamond pattern of supersonic field due to the flow geometry interactions.
Investigating these 2D phenomena cannot be performed by quick 1D simulations. Some multi-dimensional simulations have been done on chemical gas lasers(Reference Hu, Jiang, Myong and Cho13-Reference Park and Baek15) and mixing layer gas dynamic lasers(Reference Chakravarty, Reddy and Reddy16), but there is no concentrated study of the diamond pattern effects on the performance of the conventional GDLs. In the present work, the variation of the gas dynamic laser's gain along the optical cavity is numerically investigated using 2D calculations to analyse the effects of the flow field's diamond pattern.
In the present study, the laser mixture contains the A–B–C gas mixture in which A is the active lasing molecule, B stores the vibrational energy and C has the role of catalyst for augmentation of the population inversions. The 2D compressible equations governing the continuum inviscid flow representing the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy are used as the basic equations of the flow field. These equations are written in the following conservation form(Reference Kuo17).
The laser media under consideration has two modes of vibrational energy, so:
The rate equations representing the relaxation of vibrational energies of these modes are:
For the CO2–N2–H2O or the N2O–N2–He mixtures as A–B–C system, the vibrational energies are defined as:
The populations of two energy levels of the lasing molecule are:
Finally, these populations are used to compute the small signal gain using the relation:
The parameters in these equations are defined in the nomenclature. Here, the cell-centred finite volume method used to discretise the six governing equations is defined. All equations are coupled and are discretized on structured grids. The time integration is accomplished by an explicit time stepping scheme(Reference Hirsch18). The flux terms are treated using an AUSM+ method (Advection Upstream Splitting Method) at cell faces(Reference Liou19). The local time steps are used to speed up the computations and obtain the final steady state results.
The developed numerical procedure has been validated and used in different flow fields(Reference Tahsini20-Reference Tahsini22). In addition, to show the validity of this code for the considered problem, two different GDLs are considered. At first, the CO2–N2–H2O flow of Reference AndersonRef. 5 is solved in convergent-divergent nozzle geometry to compare the distribution of the vibrational temperature as shown in Fig. 1. Then, the N2O–N2–He gas dynamic laser(Reference Reddy10) is calculated to compare the small signal gain distribution as illustrated in Fig. 2. The results show the accuracy of the present numerical simulation program.
Figure 1. Vibrational and translational temperature distribution.
Figure 2. Small signal gain distribution.
Since the results of the mentioned references have been calculated using quasi-1D method, for comparison, the present 2D code is reduced and converted to 1D form. To do this, the lateral momentum equation is omitted and the effect of area change is entered as a source term in an axial momentum equation(Reference Tahsini23).
The gas dynamic laser is the converging-diverging nozzle which is continued by the constant area chamber as an optical cavity (laser resonator). The gas dynamics of such supersonic flow field in this cavity may contain some expansion and compression waves, which make the diamond pattern there. This pattern causes the flow's inhomogeneities, which are improper for the laser beam. The presence of the diamond pattern and its influence must be studied using 2D simulations. The GDL considered here is N2O–N2–He laser with geometry (not scale) and flow properties as shown schematically in Fig. 3. The inlet condition is To = 1,200K, po = 7 bar, XN2O = 0.25, XN2 = 0.45 and XHe = 0.3. The outlet flow is supersonic and the outlet boundary condition is extrapolated from the inside. The divergent part has three different geometries: linear, quarter of cosine function, and half of cosine-function. The grid resolution of 150 × 50 is chosen here after the grid independency studies. The 2D simulations last about 2 hours on the core-i7 2.8 GHz CPU PC.
Figure 3. Geometry and flow properties of the considered GDL.
The results of the flow field simulation (without considering the vibrational energies) are shown in Fig. 4, which illustrates the diamond pattern in the supersonic region. The geometry of the divergent nozzle has some impacts on flow field but apart from that, there are many differences between the 2D and quasi-1D simulations as shown in Figs 5 and 6. Temperature and Mach number distributions along the cavity's centreline (in a straight channel after divergent nozzle) indicate the effect of the diamond pattern as about 50% deviation in Mach number and 140% deviation in temperature at some places in the optical cavity. Such 2D phenomena alter the performance of the GDL, as will be illustrated.
Figure 4. Lateral velocity contours for different geometries of divergent nozzle.
Figure 5. Mach number distribution along the cavity's centreline.
Figure 6. Temperature distribution along the cavity's centreline.
Taking into account the equations for vibrational energy modes helps to compute the population inversions and small signal gain of the GDL. The distribution of the population inversion is shown in Fig. 7 using the quasi-1D simulation, which indicates that the maximum inversion occurs at the initial sections of the cavity and is about 0.011. The 2D result for the first configuration is shown in Fig. 8. The maximum inversion decreases slightly due to the 2D effects and occurs at a position downstream of the 1D simulation.
Figure 7. Distribution of population inversion from quasi 1D simulation.
Figure 8. Population inversion contours for the first geometry.
The small signal gain and the second mode's vibrational temperature are also compared in Figs 9 and 10, respectively. The results indicate that the maximum gain depends to the geometry of the divergent nozzle, and its position is downstream of the results of the 1D computation. The maximum gain growth is about 40% between different geometries. The diamond pattern drastically decreases the population inversions and the small signal gain along the cavity. Compression waves (oblique shock waves) slow down the supersonic flow in the cavity and increase the resident time, so the nonequilibrium effects are weakened.
Figure 9. Distribution of small signal gain along the centreline.
Figure 10. Distribution of the second mode's vibrational temperature along the centreline.
Numerical study of the gas dynamic laser is performed here by quasi-1D and 2D simulations. The results show the influences of the 2D pattern of the supersonic flow field in an optical cavity on the laser's performance. Such behaviour cannot be analysed using 1D computation. The maximum small signal gain occurs in the centreline and at the position downstream of the 1D result, and the compression waves collision decreases drastically the small signal gain. The existence of a diamond pattern in the optical cavity may increase the resident time and attenuate the nonequilibrium effects at the cavity's downstream. The geometry of the divergent nozzle has an important effect on the maximum gain due to the alteration of the diamond pattern. Here, the maximum gain variation is about 40% due to the geometry. The results indicate that the 2D simulations must be used for design and optimization of gas dynamic lasers.