1. Introduction
To model non-stationary time series that locally behave in a stationary manner, Dahlhaus and others, starting with the seminal paper [Reference Dahlhaus11], developed a comprehensive theory and powerful estimation procedures, using a parameterized sequence of processes for the definition of local stationarity (see e.g. [Reference Dahlhaus12, Reference Dahlhaus13, Reference Dahlhaus and Polonik15], or [Reference Dahlhaus14] for an overview). Noticeable examples include, for instance, ARMA processes with continuous coefficient functions (see [Reference Dahlhaus11]). Also, more recently, non-parametric approaches that allow for linear and non-linear locally stationary models have been introduced and investigated in [Reference Bardet, Doukhan and Wintenberger3, Reference Dahlhaus, Richter and Wu16, Reference Dahlhaus and Subba Rao17, Reference Vogt44, Reference Vogt and Dette45].
Despite this success, the above approaches have mainly been carried out for models defined on
, i.e. in a discrete-time framework. Surprisingly, there is so far no general theory available for locally stationary models defined on
, i.e. in a continuous-time framework, following the original approach of Dahlhaus.
In this paper, we define local stationarity for continuous-time models in the spirit of [Reference Dahlhaus11, Reference Dahlhaus12]. More precisely, we establish a definition motivated by [Reference Dahlhaus11, Reference Dahlhaus12] in the frequency and time domains, and because we consistently use
-integration theory (see e.g. [Reference Applebaum1] for an introduction), we readily obtain that both definitions are equivalent. Based on the definition in the frequency domain, we define a time-varying spectral density and show that it can be uniquely determined by a sequence of locally stationary processes, using the Wigner–Ville spectrum (see also [Reference Dahlhaus11]). This uniqueness is a powerful property, as it is known to pave the way for a likelihood approximation (comparable to the Whittle likelihood for stationary processes), leading to powerful estimation methods (see [Reference Dahlhaus13]).
As an example, we consider time-varying Lévy-driven state space processes, which include the continuous-time analogue of time-varying ARMA (time-varying CARMA) processes. Lévy-driven CARMA processes are known to provide a flexible yet analytically tractable class of processes that have been applied to model a variety of phenomena from different areas [Reference Benth, Klüppelberg, Müller and Vos4, Reference Larsson and Mossberg25, Reference Marquardt and Stelzer28].
In the time-invariant setting, it is known from [Reference Schlemm and Stelzer41] that the class of CARMA processes is equivalent to the class of Lévy-driven state space processes. While it is easy to see that every time-varying CARMA process is also a time-varying Lévy-driven state space process, we show that the inverse inclusion fails to hold, at least for non-continuous coefficient functions. This motivates us to look at the class of time-varying Lévy-driven state space models.
As for previous appearances of continuous-time local stationarity in the literature, there are some noteworthy works on locally stationary Hawkes processes [Reference Mammen27, Reference Roueff and von Sachs34, Reference Roueff, von Sachs and Sansonnet35]. The approach in these works, as well as the nature of Hawkes processes, deviates significantly from our approach and the models we investigate, since for Hawkes processes the focus is on time-varying immigrant intensities and fertility functions. The paper [Reference Koo and Linton21] considers certain locally stationary diffusion models and their semiparametric estimation. The paper [Reference Matsuada and Yajima30] employs spatio-temporal random fields, especially of CARMA type, which are stationary in time and locally stationary in space. The definition of local stationarity in [Reference Matsuada and Yajima30] requires the moments of all orders to exist. The most recently published concurrent paper [Reference Kurisu24] defines locally stationary fields in the spirit of [Reference Vogt44] (see also [Reference Dahlhaus and Subba Rao17]) using a definition of local stationarity involving an almost sure condition. The jump parts of the Lévy-driven CARMA fields investigated there are restricted to the case of finite variation, and absolute continuity of the Lévy measure is assumed. Furthermore, the focus of that paper is on a non-parametric regression problem. In contrast to these works, we consistently work in an
setting throughout, and we aim to establish a concise probabilistic theory of local stationarity in continuous time and locally stationary state space models.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we first review the definition of local stationarity in the discrete-time framework. Then in Section 2.2, we summarize basic facts about Lévy processes and orthogonal random measures, including integration with respect to them.
The novel definition of local stationarity for continuous-time models in both the frequency and time domains is given in Section 3. Moreover, we investigate asymptotic distributional properties of such models and show that the autocovariance function evaluated at distinct points tends to zero.
In Section 4, we investigate time-varying state space processes in the context of local stationarity. We start with a simple example in Section 4.1, where we consider a sequence of time-varying CAR(1) processes and give sufficient conditions on the coefficient function for the sequence to be locally stationary according to the given definition. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 are dedicated to general time-varying state space processes. First, in Section 4.2, the connection between the class of time-varying CARMA processes and time-varying state space processes is examined. Then we give sufficient conditions for a sequence of time-varying state space processes to be locally stationary.
Finally, in Section 5 we investigate the time-varying spectral density and the Wigner–Ville spectrum of locally stationary processes.
2. Preliminaries
Throughout this paper, we denote the set of positive integers by
, the set of non-negative real numbers by
, and the set of
$m\times n$
matrices over a ring R by
$M_{m\times n}(R)$
stands for the
$n\times n$
identity matrix. Given a complex number z, we denote the complex conjugate of z by
. For square matrices
$A,B\in M_{n\times n}(R)$
denotes the commutator of A and B, Rank(A) the rank of A, and
the spectrum of B. We write the transpose of a matrix
$A \in M_{m\times n}(\mathbb{R})$
as A’ and the adjoint of a matrix
$B \in M_{m\times n}(\mathbb{C})$
. Norms of matrices and vectors are denoted by
$\big\lVert \cdot \big\rVert$
. If the norm is not further specified, we take the Euclidean norm or its induced operator norm, respectively. For a complex number
, the real part of z is denoted by
. The Borel
-algebras are denoted by
stands for the Lebesgue measure, at least in the context of measures. In the following, we will assume all stochastic processes and random variables to be defined on a common complete probability space
equipped with an appropriate filtration if necessary. We simply write
to denote the space
to denote the space
for some set
with corresponding norms
$\big\lVert \cdot \big\rVert_{L^p}$
. The ring of continuous functions in t from
is denoted by
2.1. Locally stationary time series in discrete time
We follow the concept of local stationarity as established in [Reference Dahlhaus14] for discrete-time locally stationary time series models. In [Reference Dahlhaus14], the authors consider a parametric representation of a sequence of non-stationary time-varying processes in either the time domain or the frequency domain, which has to satisfy certain regularity conditions.
In the following we briefly review the mathematical details of the aforementioned concepts, as well as the most important results. To this end, we define the total variation of a function g on [0, 1], denoted by V(g), as
and for
we define
for all
. For further details on the following two definitions we refer to [Reference Dahlhaus14].
Definition 1. ([Reference Dahlhaus14, Assumption 1].) Let
$\{X_{t,T}, t=1,\ldots,T\}_{T\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a sequence of stochastic processes. Then
is called locally stationary in the time domain if there exists a representation
$\{\varepsilon_t,t\in\mathbb{Z}\}$ is an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) sequence with
$\mathbb{E}[\varepsilon_t]=0$ and
$Var(\varepsilon_t)=1$ ,
(b) for all
$j\in\mathbb{Z}$ it holds that
\begin{align*}\sup_{\substack{t=1,\ldots,T\\ T\in\mathbb{N}}}|a_{t,T,j}| \leq \frac{K}{\ell_\kappa(j)},\end{align*}
$\kappa,K>0$ are constants, and
(c) there exist functions
$a_j(\!\cdot\!)\;:\;(0,1]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ ,
$j\in\mathbb{Z}$ , satisfying
(1)for some constant K.\begin{align}\sup_{u\in(0,1]}|a_j(u)|\leq \frac{K}{\ell_\kappa(j)}, \qquad\sup_{j\in\mathbb{Z}}\sum_{t=1}^T \bigg|a_{t,T,j}-a_j\bigg(\frac{t}{T}\bigg)\bigg| \leq K , \quad \text{ and }\ V(a_j(\!\cdot\!)) \leq \frac{K}{\ell_\kappa(j)}\end{align}
Definition 2. ([Reference Dahlhaus14, p. 382].) Let
$\{X_{t,T}\;:\; t=1,\ldots,T\}_{T\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a sequence of stochastic processes. Then
is called locally stationary in the frequency domain with transfer functions
, if it has the representation
(with the integrals existing in
), where
$\xi(\lambda)$ is a stochastic process on
$[\!-\!\pi,\pi]$ with mean zero and orthogonal increments,
(b) there exist a constant K and a function
$A\;:\;[0,1]\times[\!-\!\pi,\pi]\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ which is continuous in the first component, satisfying
$\overline{A(u,\lambda)}=A(u,-\lambda)$ and
(2)\begin{align}\sup_{\substack{t=1,\ldots,T, \\ \lambda\in[\!-\!\pi,\pi]}}\bigg|A_{t,T}^0(\lambda)-A\bigg(\frac{t}{T},\lambda\bigg)\bigg| \leq \frac{K}{T}, \qquad T\in\mathbb{N}.\end{align}
Remark 1. (a) Thanks to the smoothness conditions on the coefficient functions
and the transfer function
, the sequence
shows locally stationary behavior (see e.g. [Reference Dahlhaus12, Definition 2.1]).
(b) For a comprehensive introduction to orthogonal increment processes, orthogonal random measures, and the related
$L^2$ -integration theory, we refer to [Reference Brockwell and Davis8].
(c) We note that the given definitions of local stationarity in the time and frequency domains are not equivalent.
However, using the spectral representation of the noise
$\varepsilon_t = \int_{(-\pi,\pi]} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{i\lambda t} \xi(d\lambda)$ (see [Reference Brockwell and Davis8]), the Fourier transform allows for the following connections (see [Reference Dahlhaus13, Remark 2.2]) between the two concepts. It holds that
\begin{align*}A_{t,T}^0(\lambda) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \sum_{j=-\infty}^{\infty} a_{t,T,j} e^{-i\lambda j}, \quad & \quad A(u,\lambda) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \sum_{j=-\infty}^{\infty} a_j(u) e^{-i\lambda j}, \\[5pt] a_{t,T,j} &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi} A_{t,T}^0(\lambda) e^{i\lambda j} d\lambda, \quad \text{ and} \quad & \quad a_j(u) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi} A(u,\lambda) e^{i\lambda j} d\lambda,\end{align*}
$A_{t,T}^0(\!\cdot\!)\in L^2([\!-\!\pi,\pi],\mathbb{C})$ and
$a_{t,T,j}\in\ell^2$ .
Necessary conditions for Definitions 1 and 2 to be equivalent can be found in [Reference Dahlhaus and Polonik15, Remark 2.2]. In particular, this includes additional smoothness assumptions on
$A(u,\lambda)$ and a stronger version of the second condition in (1).
The following two propositions give further insight into Definition 2 and the notion of local stationarity.
Proposition 1.
be a locally stationary process in the frequency domain and
an increasing sequence. If
for some fixed
and all
, then it holds that
Proof. This follows directly from (2).
For instance, the choice
for some
suits the conditions of Proposition 1.
Proposition 2.
be a locally stationary process in the frequency domain with associated orthogonal increment process
such that the sequence
$\varepsilon_t = \int_{(-\pi,\pi]} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{i\lambda t} \xi(d\lambda)$
is i.i.d., and let
be an increasing sequence. If
for some fixed
and all
, then it holds that
Proof. First observe that every time series of the form
$\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} e^{i\lambda t} A(\lambda) \xi(d\lambda)$
, where
is an orthogonal increment process coming from an i.i.d. noise, is strictly stationary. Thus,
for all
. In particular, for
, where
is such that
, and
, we obtain
The remainder follows from Proposition 1 and the continuity of the stochastic integral in mean square and thus in distribution with respect to the integrand.
Remark 2. A notable class of processes that are locally stationary in the time and frequency domains is that of time-varying AR(p) processes with continuous coefficient functions. For the mathematical details of this result we refer to [Reference Dahlhaus11, p. 147].
Among the variety of different concepts for local stationarity in the literature, we mention the results of [Reference Dahlhaus, Richter and Wu16, Reference Vogt44]. In [Reference Vogt44], the author considers a triangular array
, to be locally stationary if for each
there exists a strictly stationary process
$\{X_t(u), t=1,\ldots,T\}$
such that almost surely
are positive random variables satisfying
for some
uniformly in u, t, and T. Time-varying AR(p) processes with continuous coefficient functions can also be embedded in this framework using arguments similar to those of [Reference Dahlhaus and Subba Rao17].
More recently, the authors of [Reference Dahlhaus, Richter and Wu16] developed a general theory for locally stationary processes based on stationary approximations. Similarly to [Reference Dahlhaus, Richter and Wu16, Reference Vogt44] assumes that there exists a strictly stationary process
such that for some
uniformly in
. Based on these approximations, the authors establish asymptotic results as a law of large numbers and a central limit theorem, which in turn are used to derive asymptotic results for a maximum likelihood estimator (see [Reference Dahlhaus, Richter and Wu16, Section 5]). Again, time-varying AR(p) processes with continuous coefficient functions can be embedded in this framework. Recently, in [Reference Bardet, Doukhan and Wintenberger3], this work has been extended to models with infinite memory.
In view of the statistical results obtained from the approximations (3), a possible characterization of local stationarity in terms of similar approximations for continuous-time models will be the topic of future work.
2.2. Lévy processes and orthogonal random measures
In this section we lay the foundation for the definition of continuous-time locally stationary processes and briefly review Lévy processes and orthogonal random measures. We also cover basic results, including stochastic integration with respect to Lévy processes and orthogonal random measures. For further insight we refer to [Reference Applebaum1, Reference Sato39].
Definition 3. A real-valued stochastic process
$L=\{L(t),t\in \mathbb{R}_0^+\}$
is called a Lévy process if
$L(0)=0$ almost surely,
(b) for any
$n\in\mathbb{N}$ and
$t_0<t_1<t_2<\dots<t_n$ , the random variables
$(L(t_0),L(t_1)-L(t_0),\dots,L(t_n)-L(t_{n-1}))$ are independent,
(c) for all
$s,t \geq 0$ , the distribution of
$L(s+t)-L(s)$ does not depend on s, and
(d) L is stochastically continuous.
Theorem 1.
be a real-valued Lévy process. Then L(1) is an infinitely divisible real-valued random variable with characteristic triplet
, where
$\gamma \in \mathbb{R}$
, and
is a Lévy measure on
, i.e.
$\int_{\mathbb{R}}(1\wedge\big| x \big|^2)\nu(dx)<\infty$
. The characteristic function of L(t) is given by
$z \in \mathbb{R}$
$Z=\{x \in \mathbb{R}, \big| x \big|\leq 1\}$
In the remainder we work with a two-sided Lévy process, i.e.
$L(t)=L_1(t)\mathbb{1}_{\{t\geq0\}} - L_2(\!-\!t)\mathbb{1}_{\{t<0\}}$
, where
are independent copies of a one-sided Lévy process. Throughout this paper, it will be assumed that
Thus, the above assumptions on the Lévy process imply that
$\int_\mathbb{R} x^2 \nu(dx)<\infty$
. Occasionally, we will write
$\Sigma_L\;:\!=\;Var(L(1))=\Sigma+\int_{x\in\mathbb{R}} x^2 \nu(dx)$
If the Lévy process satisfies (5) and
$f\;:\;\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$
is a
$\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}) - \mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R})$
-measurable function satisfying
$f(t,\cdot)\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
, then the integral
$X(t)=\int_{\mathbb{R}} f(t,s) L(ds)$
, exists in
(see e.g. [Reference Marquardt and Stelzer28]).
Definition 4. ([Reference Krylov22, Definition 2.3.5].) A family
-valued random variables is called an orthogonal random measure (ORM) if
$\xi(\Delta)\in L^2(\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}),\mathbb{C})$ for all bounded
$\Delta\in\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R})$ ,
$\xi(\emptyset)=0$ ,
$\xi(\Delta_1\cup\Delta_2)=\xi(\Delta_1)+\xi(\Delta_2)$ almost surely whenever
$\Delta_1\cap\Delta_2=\emptyset$ , and
$F\;:\;\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R})\rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ such that
$F(\Delta)=\mathbb{E}[\xi(\Delta)\overline{\xi(\Delta)}]$ defines a
$\sigma$ -additive positive definite measure, and it holds that
$\mathbb{E}[\xi(\Delta_1)\overline{\xi(\Delta_2)}]=F(\Delta_1\cap\Delta_2)$ for all
$\Delta_1,\Delta_2\in\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R})$ .
F is referred to as the spectral measure of
Theorem 2. ([Reference Marquardt and Stelzer28, Theorem 3.5].) Let L be a two-sided Lévy process satisfying (5). Then there exists an ORM
with spectral measure
such that
$\mathbb{E}[\Phi_L(\Delta)]=0$ for any bounded
$\Delta\in\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R})$ ,
$F_L(dt)=\frac{\Sigma_L}{2\pi}$ dt, and
$\Phi_L$ is uniquely determined by
$\Phi_L([a,b))\;:\!=\;\int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{e^{-i\mu a}-e^{-i\mu b}}{2\pi i\mu} L(d\mu)$ .
In the proof of the above theorem, the standard theory of Fourier transforms on
(see e.g. [Reference Chandrasekharan10, Chapter 2] for an introduction) is used to show that
for any complex function
$\varphi\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
and its Fourier transform
, where
Note that the above definition of the integral refers to the Plancherel extension theorem for the Fourier transform on
$L^1(\mathbb{R})\cap L^2(\mathbb{R})$
. Hence, the corresponding integral is understood symbolically as the corresponding limit in
. Similarly, we define the inverse Fourier transform g of a function
$\widehat{g}\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
symbolically as
We also recall that for two complex functions
$f,g\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
and their Fourier transforms
$\widehat{f}, \widehat{g}$
, it follows that
$\hat{f}, \hat{g}\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
and, by [Reference Rudin37, p. 189],
3. Locally stationary processes in continuous time
Analogously to Section 2.1, one can define a (stationary) stochastic process
via the representation as a linear process or the spectral representation, i.e.
where g and A are square-integrable functions and L is a two-sided Lévy process with corresponding ORM
. As we consistently use
-integrals to define the process in both the time and the frequency domain, and the Fourier transform is an isometry on
, the two definitions are equivalent. Hence, from (6) it follows that the transfer function A and the kernel g satisfy
Now, we allow the kernel function and the transfer function to be time-dependent, leading to
As we are interested in real-valued processes, we require that g be real-valued, or equivalently that
$\overline {A(\mu)}=A(\!-\!\mu)$
for all
To be able to define local stationarity analogously to Section 2.1, we need not only a time-varying representation, but also a sequence of stochastic processes. The intuitive idea is to take a limiting kernel g and a sequence of kernels
defining the processes in the time domain, such that
However, for the limiting (stationary) process we prefer to fix a time
rather than dealing with fractions
. Replacing t by Nt leads to the following definition.
Definition 5. A sequence of stochastic processes
is said to be locally stationary in the time domain if it can be represented as
where L is a two-sided Lévy process and the kernel functions
satisfy the following:
$g_N^0(t,\cdot)\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$ for all
$t\in\mathbb{R}$ ,
$N\in\mathbb{N}$ , and
(b) there exists a (local/limiting kernel) function
$g\;:\;\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ such that the mapping
$\mathbb{R}\rightarrow L^2(\mathbb{R})$ ,
$t\mapsto g(t,\cdot)$ is continuous and
\begin{align*}g_N^0(Nt,\cdot) \underset{N\rightarrow\infty}{\overset{L^2}{\longrightarrow}} g(t,\cdot) \quad \text{for all } t\in\mathbb{R}.\end{align*}
Definition 6. A sequence of stochastic processes
is said to be locally stationary in the frequency domain if it can be represented as
is the ORM of a two-sided Lévy process L, and the transfer functions
satisfy the following:
$A_N^0(t,\cdot)\in L^2$ for all
$t\in\mathbb{R}$ ,
$N\in\mathbb{N}$ ,
$\overline{A_N^0(\cdot,\cdot)}=A_N^0(\cdot,-\!\cdot\!)$ , and
(c) there exists a (local/limiting transfer) function
$A\;:\;\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ with
$\overline{A(\cdot,\cdot)}=A(\cdot,-\!\cdot\!)$ such that the mapping
$\mathbb{R} \mapsto L^2(\mathbb{R})$ ,
$t\mapsto A(t,\cdot)$ is continuous and
\begin{align*}A_N^0(Nt,\cdot) \underset{N\rightarrow\infty}{\overset{L^2}{\longrightarrow}} A(t,\cdot),\quad \text{for all } t\in\mathbb{R}.\end{align*}
In contrast to the discrete-time case, it is now irrelevant whether we use the definition in the time or the frequency domain. Therefore, we will just use the term ‘locally stationary’ in both cases.
Proposition 3. Definitions 5 and 6 are equivalent. Moreover, the relationship between the (limiting) transfer function and the (limiting) kernel, using their Fourier transforms, is given by
The following lemma provides sufficient conditions for the continuity conditions on the mappings
$t\mapsto A(t,\cdot)$
$t\mapsto g(t,\cdot)$
from Definitions 5 and 6.
Lemma 1. Let
be a function which is continuous in the first argument, such that for all
there exist an
and a real function
$f_t\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
such that
$\big| A(s,\cdot) \big|\leq f_t(\!\cdot\!)$
for all
. Then the mapping
$\mathbb{R} \to L^2(\mathbb{R})$
$t\mapsto A(t,\cdot)$
is continuous.
Proof. This is a straightforward application of the dominated convergence theorem.
In principle it is possible to replace the Lévy process by a process with weakly stationary uncorrelated increments and the ORM induced by the Lévy process by an arbitrary ORM. The resulting processes would be (locally) weakly stationary. However, at the moment it does not seem worthwhile to us to pursue this any further, for the following reason. To derive a continuous-time analogue of Proposition 2, the stationary and independent increments of the driving Lévy process L are essential. Therefore, the ORM in Definition 6 also has to be generated by a stochastic process on
with independent and stationary increments, i.e. by a Lévy process.
We note that this also ensures for all
that the limiting process
$Y_{\tilde{t}}(t)=\int_\mathbb{R} g(\tilde{t}, t-u) L(du)$
is strictly stationary. The next proposition provides the aforementioned continuous-time analogue of Proposition 2.
Proposition 4.
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a locally stationary process. Then, for fixed
Proof. For
we obtain, using a stationarity argument,
The remainder follows from the continuity of the stochastic integral in mean square and thus in distribution with respect to the integrand.
Proposition 5.
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a locally stationary sequence and
such that
$t_1\neq t_2$
. Then
are asymptotically uncorrelated, i.e.
The intuition behind this proposition is that the kernel functions
are square-integrable and therefore roughly vanish if the second argument tends to infinity. For
$t_1\neq t_2$
, the difference between
increases for
. Therefore, for large N, the bulks of the kernels for
rest on far-apart segments of the Lévy process, which has independent increments.
Proof. Let
$Y_N(t) = \int_{\mathbb{R}} g_N^0(Nt,Nt-u) L(du)$
be a sequence of locally stationary processes. Without loss of generality we assume that
and set
. It is sufficient to show that for all
there exists an
such that for all
, and define
as the set of all elementary real functions in
, i.e.
Then for all
there exist
and elementary functions
such that for all
using [Reference Royden36, Proposition 6.8]. For the remainder of the proof, it will be assumed that
. Thus,
We define the constant
$K= \eta+\max\big\{\big\lVert g(t_2,\cdot) \big\rVert_{L^2} , \big\lVert g(t_2+h,\cdot) \big\rVert_{L^2} \big\}<\infty$
. Then, using the triangle inequality and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality shows that
where the last integral tends to zero for
, by the dominated convergence theorem and the fact that the elementary functions
have bounded support.
4. Classes of locally stationary processes in continuous time
In this section, we consider sequences of time-varying CARMA processes, for which we derive sufficient conditions for local stationarity.
4.1. Locally stationary CAR(1) processes
The simplest Lévy-driven CARMA process is the Lévy-driven CAR(1) or Ornstein–Uhlenbeck-type process.
For a constant coefficient
, a CAR(1) process is the stationary solution to the stochastic differential equation
, which can be expressed as
We replace the constant a by a time-varying function a(t) and arrive at a so-called time-varying CAR(1) process, which is given by
Additional rescaling results in a sequence of time-varying CAR(1) processes that could be locally stationary. We consider the sequence of stochastic processes
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
defined by
is a continuous coefficient function such that
is square-integrable for all
, and L is a two-sided Lévy process. Recall that the Lévy process satisfies (5). In view of Definition 3, we obtain from (8) that
Proposition 6.
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a sequence of time-varying CAR(1) processes as defined in (8). If
$a(\!\cdot\!)$ is continuous and
(C2) for every
$T\in\mathbb{R}^+$ there exists
$\varepsilon_T>0$ such that
$a(s)\geq \varepsilon_T$ for all
$s\leq T$ ,
is well-defined and locally stationary, with the limiting kernel g and limiting transfer function given by
Proof. From (C2) we readily obtain that
is well-defined. For all
it holds that
using the dominated convergence theorem. For the inner integral, the continuity of a on a compact set is sufficient for an application of the dominated convergence theorem. As majorant for the outer integral we consider
$u\mapsto4\mathbb{1}_{\{u\leq 0\}} e^{2\varepsilon_t u}\in L^2$
. The required
-continuity of the limiting kernel g can be obtained similarly, using Lemma 1.
Remark 3. The condition (C1) is intrinsically related to the continuity of the limiting kernel demanded in the definition of local stationarity. The condition (C2) is obviously satisfied if
is bounded away from zero. However, as time goes to infinity,
may go to zero arbitrarily fast. The latter is clearly connected to the fact that our time-varying CAR processes are causal by definition. It may be possible to weaken (C2) and allow
also to approach 0 as time goes to minus infinity. Then the convergence to zero must be slow enough for all integrals to exist in
. Carrying this out in detail appears rather intricate and not of relevance for the applications of locally stationary CAR(1) processes.
4.2. Time-varying CARMA(p, q) processes and time-varying state space models
, where
. The formal differential equation for a time-varying Lévy-driven CARMA(p, q) process is given by
$p(t,D)Y(t) = q(t,D)DL(t)$
, i.e.
where D denotes the differential operator with respect to time and L(t) is a two-sided Lévy process satisfying (5). For continuous functions
, where
for all
, the polynomials
are called autoregressive (AR) and moving average (MA) polynomials. For a rigorous definition we interpret the differential equations to be equivalent to the state space representation
denotes the ring of continuous functions in t from
It is obvious that (11) has a unique solution when one fixes the value
at some point
. For a Brownian motion as driving noise, such equations were investigated in [Reference Surulescu43, Section 2.1.1].
Provided the integrals exist in
, it can be shown that a solution is given by
is the unique matrix solution of the homogeneous initial value problem (IVP)
, where
for all
(see [Reference Brockett7, Sections 3 and 4]). The transition matrix
for all
(see [Reference Brockett7, Section 4, Theorem 2]). In particular, the integrals in (12) are well-defined (see Section 2.2) if there exist
such that
This condition corresponds to uniform exponential stability of the state space model in (11) and will be explained in more detail in Section 4.3.
The usual integral representation of stationary causal CARMA processes motivates the following definition.
Definition 7. A solution
of the observation and state equations (11) in the form (12) is called a time-varying Lévy-driven CARMA(p, q) process (tvCARMA(p, q)).
For some initial time
the process satisfies the following relation (see [Reference Surulescu43, Section 2.1.1]):
From [Reference Baake and Schlägel2, Remark 2] it follows that if for all
$\Psi(t,t_0)=e^{\int_{t_0}^t \mathcal{A}(s)ds}$
If the commutativity assumption (14) holds, the equations (12) and (13) simplify to
, where
If the assumption (14) does not hold,
can be expressed by the Peano–Baker series (see [Reference Baake and Schlägel2, Section 2])
$\mathcal{I}_0(t)= \textbf{1}_p$
$\mathcal{I}_n(t)= \int_{t_0}^t \mathcal{A}(\tau_1) \int_{t_0}^{\tau_1} \mathcal{A}(\tau_2) \cdots \int_{t_0}^{\tau_{n-1}} \mathcal{A}(\tau_n) d\tau_n \ldots d\tau_2 d\tau_1$
Remark 4. If
commute, i.e.
for all
, then the commutativity assumption (14) holds. However, the matrices
, are in companion form and are not in general commutative (see also Proposition 12. For further insight into the commutativity of some matrices
$\int_{t_0}^t \mathcal{A}(s)ds$
as well as
, we refer to [Reference Rugh38, Exercise 4.8] and [Reference Wu and Sherif47].
The previous remark shows that, when considering time-varying CARMA(p, q) processes, it is in general not possible to describe the solution of the state space equations explicitly in the form of a matrix exponential. Instead one has to use the Peano–Baker series.
In [Reference Schlemm and Stelzer41, Corollary 3.4] it is proved that in the time-invariant case, the class of CARMA processes is equivalent to the class of continuous-time state space models. This motivates us to look at time-varying state space processes. We consider the observation and state equations
$A(t)\in M_{p\times p}(\mathcal{R}[t])$
$B(t),C(t)\in M_{p\times1}(\mathcal{R}[t])$
are arbitrary continuous coefficient functions, and L is a two-sided Lévy process satisfying (5).
Now, the representation of a time-varying CARMA process as given in (12) can be adapted to (general) state space processes. Provided the integrals exist in
, it can be shown that a solution of (15) is given by
is the unique matrix solution of the IVP
, for
. In particular, in the representation of (16), the integrals are well-defined if
$C(\!\cdot\!)\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
and there exist
such that
For some initial time
, the process satisfies the relation
Finally, we make the following definition.
Definition 8. A solution
of the observation and state equations (15) in the form (16) is called a time-varying Lévy-driven state space process.
The natural question arises of whether all time-varying state space processes are tvCARMA processes, as in the time-invariant case. A comprehensive investigation of this question seems to be beyond the scope of this work. Below we present a result indicating that this is probably not the case in general (and definitely not if we allow the coefficient functions to have a discontinuity). Moreover, we give sufficient conditions for a positive answer.
Proposition 7. The classes of time-varying Lévy-driven CARMA models (11) and time-varying Lévy-driven state space models (15) with not necessarily continuous coefficient functions do not coincide in general.
Proof. Consider a two-dimensional time-varying state space model as defined in (15) with a structural break at
. As coefficient functions we consider the step functions
which satisfy the uniform exponential stability assumption for the solution of (15).
We assume that the system is in the form of a CARMA process for
and assume (for contradiction) that there exists an equivalent CARMA model as defined in (11) for all
. Then the CARMA model shows the same structural resemblance as the corresponding state space model. In the following we denote the coefficients of the CARMA model by
, and
. Using the same notation as in (18), we obtain
Since the structural break divides the model into two separate linear models, the CARMA representations
are unique. From the proof of [Reference Schlemm and Stelzer41, Theorem 3.3] we obtain that
$\mathcal{B}_2 e^{\mathcal{A}_2 (t-u)} \mathcal{C}_2 = B_2 e^{A_2 (t-u)} C_2$
for all
On the one hand, we have
denotes the solution of the aforementioned IVP with respect to A. On the other hand, Y(t) can be written as
From (19) it follows that
Thus, combining (20) and (21), using (19) and the independent increments of the Lévy process, the equality
${B}'_{\!\!2} e^{A_2(t-1)} X(1)=\mathcal{B}'_{\!\!2} e^{\mathcal{A}_2(t-1)} X(1)$
has to hold almost surely for all
. Therefore, for almost all x in the support of X(1) we obtain
In the sequel we give a particular Lévy process and coefficient functions that lead to a contradiction in (22).
Assume that the Lévy process is a Brownian motion. Thus, it has the triplet
for some
. From [Reference Sato40] it follows that X(t) is a Lévy process with triplet
, where
The regularity of
can be shown by investigating
, where
$Im(D)=\{Dx\;:\; x\in\mathbb{R}^d\}$
denotes the image of a matrix
$D\in M_{d\times d}(\mathbb{R})$
. Using [Reference Bernstein6, Lemma 12.6.2] (see also [Reference Schlemm and Stelzer41, p. 54]), we obtain
Therefore, in our setting, it is sufficient to find
such that
$[C_1 \ A_1 C_1]$
is regular, which also implies that
is positive definite. Then X(1) has characteristic function
which corresponds to a two-dimensional
-distributed random variable having positive density for all values
. To contradict (22), it is enough to show that for some
We define
From this we obtain that the CARMA model has the same transfer function as the state space model, since
is regular. Given a vector
$x=(x_1, x_2)'$
, it remains to investigate
$\mathcal{B}'_{\!\!2} e^{\mathcal{A}_2(t-1)} x - {B}'_{\!\!2} e^{A_2(t-1)} x$
. For a matrix
$D\in\mathbb{C}^{2\times 2}$
with eigenvalues
, [Reference Bernstein6, Proposition 11.3.2] gives that
, we obtain
for all
$x\in I=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^2 \;:\; x_1>0,x_2>0\}$
Under more rigorous conditions on the coefficient functions, the concept of controllability from linear system theory allows for a characterization for special canonical forms, which occur in the state space representation of CARMA processes (
is in companion matrix form). The following results summarize the key aspects of this characterization, which is based mainly on [Reference Silverman42], but also on [Reference Benmahammed5, Reference Ramar and Ramaswami32, Reference Ramaswami and Ramar33].
Definition 9. ([Reference Rugh38, Chapters 9 and 10].) Let Y(t) be a state space model as defined in (15), where A(t) is
times continuously differentiable and C(t) is p times continuously differentiable. We define the controllability matrix
Then the state space process X(t) is called
(a) controllable on
$[t_0,t_1]$ ,
$t_0<t_1$ , if there exists
$t\in[t_0,t_1]$ with
$Rank(W_p(t))=p$ , and
(b) instantaneously controllable if
$Rank(W_p(t))=p$ for all
$t\in\mathbb{R}$ .
Proposition 8. ([Reference Silverman42, Theorem 1.].) Consider a state space process satisfying (15) such that A is
times continuously differentiable and C is p times continuously differentiable. Then it is equivalent to a CARMA process satisfying (11) if and only if it is instantaneously controllable. Equivalence means that there exists a regular matrix
$T(t)\in M_{n\times n}(\mathcal{R}[t])$
which is continuously differentiable and satisfies
almost surely. The relationship between the two systems is given by
$T(t) = \mathcal{W}_p(t) W_p(t)^{-1}$
$\mathcal{A}(t) = \Big( T(t) A(t) + \frac{d}{dt}T(t) \Big) T(t)^{-1}$
, and
$\mathcal{C} = T(t) C(t)$
, where
are the controllability matrices of the state space model and the CARMA process.
Corollary 1. The class of time-varying Lévy-driven state space models as defined in (15) with
times continuously differentiable coefficient functions A, p times continuously differentiable coefficient functions C, and controllability matrices
that have rank p everywhere is equivalent to the class of time-varying CARMA(p, q) processes as defined in (11) with
times continuously differentiable coefficient functions
and controllability matrices
that have rank p everywhere.
Proof. Any time-varying CARMA(p, q) process is obviously also a time-varying state space process. For the converse, let Y(t) be a time-varying state space process defined by (15) which is instantaneously controllable with controllability matrix
. Then, by Proposition 8, the state system
$dX(t) = A(t)X(t)dt + C(t) L(dt)$
is equivalent to the CARMA system
$d\mathcal{X}(t) = \mathcal{A}(t)\mathcal{X}(t)dt+\mathcal{C} L(dt)$
$T(t) = \mathcal{W}_p(t) W_p(t)^{-1}$
is regular. Thus,
which is a representation for Y(t) as a time-varying CARMA(p, q) process in (11).
4.3. Locally stationary linear state space models—Peano–Baker series
We investigate sufficient conditions for sequences of time-varying state space processes, which obviously also include sequences of time-varying CARMA processes, to be locally stationary.
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a sequence of time-varying linear state space processes defined by
is the solution of the matrix differential equation
which can be expressed as follows (see [Reference Baake and Schlägel2, Section 2]):
The substitution
$s\mapsto s+Nt$
in (9) is necessary to achieve a dependence of the kernel function
. Therefore, we define
for a fixed point
as the solution of the matrix differential equation
which can again be expressed as
From [Reference Brockett7, Theorem 4.2] we obtain
we neglect the superscript tilde and define a sequence of time-varying linear state space processes as follows.
Definition 10. A sequence of time-varying linear state space processes
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
is defined as
with (limiting) kernel function (in view of Definition 5) given by
are the solutions of the matrix differential equations
Using the Peano–Baker series, if necessary, the solutions of the above matrix differential equations are given by
Proposition 9.
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a sequence of time-varying state space processes as in Definition 10. If
(C1) the coefficient functions
$A(\!\cdot\!)$ ,
$B(\!\cdot\!)$ , and
$C(\!\cdot\!)$ are continuous,
$\left\lVert B(s) \right\rVert<\infty$ for all
$s\in\mathbb{R}$ ,
$\sup_{s\in\mathbb{R}}\|C(s)\|<\infty$ , and
$\left\lVert \Psi_{N,t}^0(0,u) \right\rVert \leq F_t(u)$ for some real function
$F_t\in L^2((\!-\!\infty,0])$ for all
$N\in\mathbb{N}$ and
$t\in\mathbb{R}$ ,
is locally stationary.
Proof. Consider
, g,
, and
as defined above. For fixed
it holds that
is continuous, we immediately obtain
. In view of
, it is sufficient to show that for all
and sufficiently large N,
Thanks to the equivalence of all norms on
$M_{p\times p}(\mathbb{R})$
, it is sufficient to prove (25) for the norm of each column. By
we denote the jth column,
, of
. Then, for functions
, we obtain
denotes the jth unit vector. Note that
are Lipschitz continuous in the second argument, with Lipschitz constant
$\left\lVert A(\frac{s}{N}+t)-A(t) \right\rVert<\delta$
for any
for sufficiently large N, and
is continuous and thus bounded on [u,0]. An application of [Reference Walter46, Section 12.V] gives (25). Finally, by using the dominated convergence theorem with majorant
for some constant
, where the last inequality follows from (C1) and (C2), we can deduce that
$\Big\lVert g_N^0(Nt,\cdot)-g(t,\cdot) \Big\rVert_{L^2}\rightarrow0$
In fact, the assumption (C3) in Proposition 9 is an immediate consequence if the state space system is uniformly exponentially stable.
Definition 11. ([Reference Rugh38, Chapter 6, Definition 6.5 and Theorem 6.7].) A sequence of linear state space models as in Definition 10 is called uniformly exponentially stable if there exist
such that
for all
, where
, and
If a linear state space model as in Definition 10 is uniformly exponentially stable, then the condition (C3) from Proposition 9 is satisfied for
$F_t(u)\;:\!=\;\gamma e^{\lambda u}$
and some
Proposition 10.
Each of the following two conditions is sufficient for a state space model
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
as in Definition 10 to be uniformly exponentially stable:
(a) Let
$\lambda_{max}(t)$ ,
$t\in\mathbb{R}$ , denote the largest eigenvalue of
$A(t)+A(t)'$ . If there exist positive constants
$\gamma$ and
$\lambda$ such that
\begin{align*}\int_{s_0}^s \lambda_{max}\bigg(\frac{\nu}{N}+t\bigg) d\nu \leq -\lambda(s-s_0) + \gamma\end{align*}
$s_0$ , t, and N with
$s\geq s_0$ , then by [Reference Rugh38, Corollary 8.4],
$Y_N(t)$ is uniformly exponentially stable.
(b) Suppose A(t) is continuously differentiable and there exist positive constants
$\alpha$ ,
$\mu$ , and
$\beta$ such that
$\lVert A(t) \rVert \leq\alpha$ ,
$\Big\lVert \frac{d}{dt}A(t) \Big\rVert \leq\beta$ , and the eigenvalues
$\lambda_j(t)$ of A(t) for
$j=1,\ldots,p$ satisfy
$\mathfrak{Re}(\lambda_j(t))\leq-\mu$ for all t. Then by [Reference Rugh38, Theorem 8.7],
$Y_N(t)$ is uniformly exponentially stable.
Remark 5. Part (b) of Proposition 10 corresponds to the condition (C2) in Proposition 6 for sequences of tvCAR(1) processes.
Remark 6. There is a strong structural resemblance between the above results and known results from the theory on locally stationary processes in discrete time. Indeed, let us consider a sequence of time-varying AR(p) processes given by
, where
is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables such that
is a family of arbitrary coefficient functions, and
is an arbitrary function. For a comprehensive discussion on the sequence of processes
we refer to [Reference Dahlhaus11]. In the following we consider the matrix function
In this setting, the authors of [Reference Dahlhaus11, Reference Künsch23] show that
is locally stationary if
is continuous for all
and the eigenvalues
, of A(u) satisfy
for some
. Moreover, in [Reference Dahlhaus11, Theorem 2.3(ii)], the authors consider the
to be parameterized and derive suitable properties for the treatment of maximum likelihood estimates under the additional assumption that the
as well as their derivatives are uniformly bounded.
If the commutativity assumption (14) holds, the transition matrix is given by
simplifies to
Proposition 11.
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a sequence of time-varying state space processes as in Definition 10. If (C1) and (C2) from Proposition 9 hold,
is mutually commutative, the eigenvalues
of A(t) for
for all
and some
, and either
(D1) A(t) is diagonalizable for all
$t\in\mathbb{R}$ or
(D2) there exists
$\tau>0$ such that
\begin{align*} \sup_{\tau\leq x<\infty}\Bigg\lVert \frac{1}{x}\int_\tau^xA\bigg(\frac{s}{N}+t\bigg) \Bigg\rVert<C\end{align*}
$C>0$ ,
is locally stationary.
Proof. It is sufficient to check (C3) from Proposition 9. We start by assuming that (D1) holds. Then, by [Reference Horn and Johnson19, Theorem 1.3.12],
is simultaneously diagonalizable. Thus, there exists a non-singular matrix S such that
$S^{-1}A(\frac{s}{N}+t)S=diag(\lambda_1(\frac{s}{N}+t),\ldots,\lambda_p(\frac{s}{N}+t))\;=\!: D(\frac{s}{N}+t)$
. Considering the spectral norm, we obtain for all
for some constant
In the case where (D2) holds, we have
where we used that the integrals
commute. Therefore, it is sufficient to bound
In the following we use [Reference Lukes26, Theorem 7.7.1]. Since the family
is mutually commutative, the family can be reduced simultaneously to an upper triangular form by a single unitary transformation, i.e. there exists a unitary matrix
$U\in M_{p\times p}(\mathbb{C})$
such that
is an upper triangular matrix for all
(see [Reference Horn and Johnson19, Theorem 2.3.3]). For each
, the diagonal entries (and hence also the eigenvalues) of
$\frac{1}{x}\int_\tau^xT\left( \frac{s}{N}+t \right)ds$
$\frac{1}{x}\int_\tau^x \lambda_1\left(\frac{s}{N}+t\right)ds,\ldots,\frac{1}{x}\int_\tau^x \lambda_p\left(\frac{s}{N}+t\right)ds$
. Moreover, these are also the eigenvalues of
$\frac{1}{x}\int_\tau^x A\left( \frac{s}{N}+t \right)ds$
, since
For the real part of the eigenvalues we obtain
for all
, and
. Hence
for all
, where
denotes the collection of all distinct eigenvalues of the matrix B and
the spectrum of B. Finally, an application of [Reference Lukes26, Theorem 7.7.1] gives
for some constant
Sequences of time-varying CARMA processes, i.e. where the family
forms a family of companion matrices, cannot be covered by Proposition 11, since companion matrices are in general not commutative. The following proposition brings further insight when a family of companion matrices is mutually commutative.
Proposition 12.
be a family of companion matrices and
fixed. For any
, the matrix
commutes with
if and only if it is a polynomial of
Proof. It is clear that any polynomial of
commutes with
. For the other direction we refer to [Reference Horn and Johnson19, Exercise 3.3P17].
If, for a sequence of time-varying CARMA processes, the family
is not mutually commutative, Proposition 9 provides sufficient conditions for local stationarity, where the condition (C3) can be derived from Proposition 10.
5. Time-varying spectrum
For a stationary process
, the autocovariance function
$\gamma_Y(h)\;:\!=\;Cov(Y(t+h), Y(t))$
is related to the spectral density
To describe the time-varying spectrum of a discrete-time locally stationary time series, [Reference Dahlhaus11] uses the Wigner–Ville spectrum (see also [Reference Bruscato and Toloi9, Reference Flandrin and Martin18, Reference Martin and Flandrin29]). A comparable approach is presented in [Reference Priestley31, Section 11.2], where the author uses the evolutionary spectrum. However, in contrast to this approach, the Wigner–Ville spectrum has the important consequence of a unique spectral representation as discussed in [Reference Bruscato and Toloi9, p. 74] and [Reference Dahlhaus11, p. 143]. In view of this property, we follow the approach of [Reference Dahlhaus11] and define the Wigner–Ville spectrum and time-varying spectral density for a continuous-time locally stationary process as follows.
Definition 12. Let
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a sequence of locally stationary processes. For
we define the Wigner–Ville spectrum as
and the (time-varying) spectral density of the process
denotes the limiting transfer function from Definition 6.
The following theorem is a continuous-time analogue to [Reference Dahlhaus11, Theorem 2.2].
Theorem 3.
$\{Y_N(t), t\in\mathbb{R}\}_{N\in\mathbb{N}}$
be a sequence of locally stationary processes in the form (7). If
$\Big\lVert A_N^0\Big(N\Big(t\pm\frac{s}{2N}\Big),\cdot\Big)-A(t,\cdot) \Big\rVert_{L^2}\underset{N\rightarrow\infty}{\longrightarrow}0$ for all
$s,t\in\mathbb{R}$ ,
$A_N^0$ and A are uniformly bounded in
$L^2$ , i.e
$\Big\lVert A_N^0(Nt,\cdot) \Big\rVert_{L^2}\leq K$ and
$\left\lVert A(t,\cdot) \right\rVert_{L^2}\leq K$ for all
$t\in\mathbb{R}$ ,
$N\in\mathbb{N}$ and a constant
$K>0$ , and
$A_N^0(Nt,\cdot)$ and
$A(t,\cdot)$ are differentiable for all
$t\in\mathbb{R}$ ,
$N\in\mathbb{N}$ , and the derivatives
$\frac{d}{d\mu}A_N^0(Nt,\mu)$ ,
$\frac{d}{d\mu}A(t,\mu)$ are uniformly bounded in
$L^2$ , i.e.
\begin{align*} \Bigg\lVert \frac{d}{d\mu}A_N^0(Nt,\cdot) \Bigg\rVert_{L^2}\leq K \quad \textit{and} \quad \Bigg\lVert \frac{d}{d\mu}A(t,\cdot) \Bigg\rVert_{L^2}\leq K,\end{align*}
$K>0$ ,
then the Wigner–Ville spectrum tends pointwise for each
in mean square to the time-varying spectral density, i.e.
Remark 7. Since
and A are defined as Fourier transforms of
and g in
, they exist as elements in
, i.e. as representatives of equivalence classes. As usual, this does not allow for taking derivatives in the usual sense, but would lead to the concept of weak derivatives.
However, for a function
$f\in L^1$
such that
$uf(u)\in L^1$
, the derivative of the Fourier transform
can be expressed as
$\frac{d}{d\mu}\widehat{f}(\mu) = \widehat{(\!-\!iuf(u))}(\mu)$
, by [Reference Katznelson20, Theorem 1.6, Chapter VI]. An application of this theorem to the Fourier transform pairs
, as well as A and g, ensures the existence of the pointwise derivatives in (c). The conditions on the kernel functions can be readily obtained, for instance, if the sequence of locally stationary state space models considered is uniformly exponentially stable, since then the kernel functions are of exponential decay.
Lemma 2.
be differentiable, such that either
$f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$
$f'\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$
, or
$f\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
$f'\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
. Then
$f\in L^p(\mathbb{R})$
for all
Proof. We first consider the case
$f\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
$f'\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
. Let
. Then, as
$f\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
$f'\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
, there exist
such that for any measurable sets
it holds that
denotes the Lebesgue measure. Let
$\left| x-y \right|<\delta\;:\!=\;\min(\delta_1,\delta_2)$
. Without loss of generality we assume
and use Hölder’s inequality to obtain
In fact, we showed that
is uniformly continuous. Suppose now that
does not hold. Then there exist some
and an increasing sequence
such that
$x_n\rightarrow\infty $
$\left| f(x_n)^2 \right|>\varepsilon$
for all
. By passing to a subsequence we can additionally assume that
for all
. Using (26) we find some
such that
$\left| x-y \right|<\delta$
ensures that
$\left| f(x)^2-f(y)^2 \right|<\frac{\varepsilon}{2}$
. Now, define
and let
$x\in I_n$
. Then
is a contradiction to
$f\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
, and we conclude that
. Considering
instead of f(x), we also obtain
$f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$
$f'\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$
, similar yet slightly easier arguments also ensure that
Finally, define the set
$J=\{x, \left| f(x) \right|\geq1 \}$
. Since
, J is a compact set. Thus, there exists a constant C such that
$\left| f(x) \right|\leq C$
for all
$x\in J$
. Eventually,
Proof of Theorem
. In the following, K denotes the constant from the conditions (b) and (c). First, we note that the covariance of
is given by
Then we obtain for the Wigner–Ville spectrum and the (time-varying) spectral density
We note that, because of the differentiability condition (c), the function
is differentiable,
$A(t,\cdot)\in L^2$
, and
$\frac{d}{d\mu}A(t,\cdot)\in L^2$
. Then an application of Lemma 2 gives
$A(t,\cdot)\in L^4$
, which implies
$f(t,\cdot)\in L^2$
. Moreover, for all
, we obtain from Plancherel’s theorem, the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, and the integration-by-parts formula, for some
where Lemma 2 implies
, since
$A_N^0(t,\cdot)\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
$\frac{d}{d\mu}A_N^0(t,\cdot)\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
for all
. Finally, the integral
$\int_\mathbb{R} |f_N(t,\lambda)-f(t,\lambda)|^2 d\lambda$
is well-defined, since
are both in
for all
. From Plancherel’s theorem we obtain
$\widehat{a}_N(\frac{s}{2N}) = \int_{\mathbb{R}} e^{i\mu s} a_N(\frac{s}{2N},\mu) d\mu$
. It remains to show that
The proof of (27) consists of several steps. We start by showing that
$\widehat{a}_N(\frac{s}{2N}) \underset{N\rightarrow\infty}{\longrightarrow}0$
. Indeed, for fixed
we obtain
Now, by the condition (a), it holds that
. Moreover, using the conditions (b) and (c), there exists a constant D, which may depend on s and t, such that
for sufficiently large N. Thus
Next, we show that
, for all
, sufficiently large
, and some constant
, which may depend on t. On the one hand, we have
where the last inequality follows from (b) and (c). On the other hand, the integration-by-parts formula gives
In order to evaluate the limits in the first summand, we first note that (29) implies that
$\frac{d}{d\mu}a_N(\frac{s}{2N},\cdot)\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$
. In addition, it holds that
$a_N(\frac{s}{2N},\cdot)\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$
, since
$A_N^0(t,\cdot),A(t,\cdot)\in L^2(\mathbb{R})$
. Hence, using Lemma 2 we obtain
. Overall,
Combining (29) and (30) we obtain
Finally, for
The second term converges to zero by the dominated convergence theorem, where pointwise convergence follows from (28) and a convergent majorant can be obtained from the boundedness conditions in (b) and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, noting that the support of the integral is compact. Therefore, for all
and sufficiently large
and N, it holds that
which concludes the proof.
Corollary 2.
be a sequence of time-varying linear state space processes as in Definition 10, such that both IVPs in (24) are uniformly exponentially stable, the conditions (C1)–(C3) from Proposition 9 hold, and
$\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert B(t) \right\rVert<\infty$
. Then the sequence of Wigner–Ville spectra tends in mean square to the time-varying spectral density.
Proof. It is sufficient to check the conditions (a), (b), and (c) from Theorem 3.
(a) For
$s,t\in\mathbb{R}$ we obtain from Plancherel’s theorem
\begin{align*}&\bigg\lVert A_N^0\bigg(N\bigg(t\pm\frac{s}{2N}\bigg),\cdot\bigg)-A(t,\cdot) \bigg\rVert_{L^2}^2 = 4\pi^2 \bigg\lVert g_N^0\bigg(N\bigg(t\pm\frac{s}{2N}\bigg),\cdot\bigg)-g(t,\cdot) \bigg\rVert_{L^2}^2 \\[5pt] &= 4\pi^2 \int_\mathbb{R} \mathbb{1}_{\{u\leq 0\}} \bigg| B\bigg(t\pm\frac{s}{2N}\bigg)^{\prime} \Psi_{N,t\pm\frac{s}{2N}}^0(0,u) C\bigg(\frac{u}{N}+t\pm\frac{s}{2N}\bigg)\\[5pt] &\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad- B(t)' \Psi_{t}(0,u) C(t) \bigg|^2 du,\end{align*}
$N\rightarrow\infty$ by the dominated convergence theorem. Pointwise convergence is secured by the continuity of A, B, and C in (C1) and the continuity of the solution of an IVP on the input (see the proof of Proposition 9). Since the sequence
$Y_N(t)$ is uniformly exponentially stable, we have
$\left\lVert \Psi_{N,t}^0(s_1,s_0) \right\rVert \leq \gamma e^{-\lambda(s_1-s_0)}$ for some
$\gamma, \lambda >0$ and all
$s_1>s_0$ . Therefore, a convergent majorant can be obtained by noting that
\begin{align*}&\mathbb{1}_{\{u\leq 0\}} \bigg| B\bigg(t\pm\frac{s}{2N}\bigg)' \Psi_{t\pm\frac{s}{2N}}(0,u) C\bigg(\frac{u}{N}+t\pm\frac{s}{2N}\bigg) \bigg|\\[5pt] &\leq \mathbb{1}_{\{u\leq 0\}} \Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\|B(t)\|\Bigg) \gamma e^{\lambda u} \Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert C(t) \right\rVert\Bigg).\end{align*}
(b) For
$t\in\mathbb{R}$ and
$N\in\mathbb{N}$ it holds that
$\left\lVert \Psi_{N,t}^0(s_1,s_0) \right\rVert \leq \gamma e^{-\lambda(s_1-s_0)}$ and
$\left\lVert \Psi_t(s_1,s_0) \right\rVert \leq \gamma e^{-\lambda(s_1-s_0)}$ for some
$\gamma, \lambda >0$ and all
$s_1>s_0$ . Thus
\begin{align*}\Big\lVert A_N^0(Nt,\cdot) \Big\rVert_{L^2}^2 &= 4\pi^2 \Big\lVert g_N^0(Nt,\cdot) \Big\rVert_{L^2}^2\\[5pt] & = 4\pi^2 \int_\mathbb{R} \mathbb{1}_{\{u\leq 0\}} \bigg| B(t)' \Psi_{N,t}^0(0,u) C\bigg(\frac{u}{N}+t\bigg) \bigg|^2 du \\[5pt] &\leq\frac{2\pi^2\gamma^2}{\lambda} \Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\|B(t)\|\Bigg)^2 \Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\|C(t)\|\Bigg)^2 <\infty \quad \text{ and}{}\\[5pt] \left\lVert A(t,\cdot) \right\rVert_{L^2}^2&= 4\pi^2 \left\lVert g(t,\cdot) \right\rVert_{L^2}^2 = 4\pi^2 \int_\mathbb{R} \mathbb{1}_{\{u\leq 0\}} \left\lVert B(t)' \Psi_t(0,u) C(u) \right\rVert^2 du \\[5pt] &\leq\frac{2\pi^2\gamma^2}{\lambda} \Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert B(t) \right\rVert\Bigg)^2\Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert C(t) \right\rVert\Bigg)^2 <\infty.\end{align*}
(c) Since
$Y_N(t)$ is uniformly exponentially stable, [Reference Katznelson20, Theorem 1.6] implies that
\begin{align*}\frac{d}{d\mu} A_N^0(Nt,\mu) &= \int_\mathbb{R} e^{-i\mu u} (\!-\!iu) g_N^0(t,u) du \text{ and} \\[5pt] \frac{d}{d\mu} A(t,\mu) &= \int_\mathbb{R} e^{-i\mu u} (\!-\!iu) g(t,u) du,\end{align*}
$L^2(\mathbb{R})$ , since
\begin{align*}\bigg\lVert \frac{d}{d\mu} A_N^0(Nt,\cdot) \bigg\rVert_{L^2}^2&= 4\pi^2 \Big\lVert (\!-\!i\cdot) g_N^0(Nt,\cdot) \Big\rVert_{L^2}^2 \\[5pt] &= 4\pi^2 \int_\mathbb{R} \mathbb{1}_{\{u\leq 0\}} \bigg| (\!-\!iu) B(t)' \Psi_{N,t}^0(0,u) C\bigg(\frac{u}{N}+t\bigg) \bigg|^2 du \\[5pt] &\leq 4\pi^2 \Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert B(t) \right\rVert\Bigg)^2 \Bigg(\gamma^2 \int_{-\infty}^0 u^2 e^{2\lambda u} du\Bigg) \Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert C(t) \right\rVert\Bigg)^2 \\[5pt] &= \frac{\gamma^2\pi^2}{\lambda^3} \Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert B(t) \right\rVert\Bigg)^2\Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert C(t) \right\rVert\Bigg)^2<\infty\text{ and analogously} \\[5pt] \bigg\lVert \frac{d}{d\mu} A(t,\cdot) \bigg\rVert_{L^2}^2&\leq \frac{\gamma^2\pi^2}{\lambda^3} \Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert B(t) \right\rVert\Bigg)^2\Bigg(\sup_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\left\lVert C(t) \right\rVert\Bigg)^2<\infty.\end{align*}
The third author was supported by the scholarship program of the Hanns-Seidel Foundation, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Funding information
There are no funding bodies to thank in relation to the creation of this article.
Competing interests
There were no competing interests to declare which arose during the preparation or publication process of this article.