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The virtue approach to business ethics is a topic of increasing importance within the business world. Focusing on Aristotle's theory that the virtues of character, rather than actions, are central to ethics, Edwin M. Hartman introduces readers of this book to the value of applying Aristotle's virtue approach to business. Using numerous real-world examples, he argues that business leaders have good reason to take character seriously when explaining and evaluating individuals in organisations. He demonstrates how the virtue approach can deepen our understanding of business ethics, and how it can contribute to contemporary discussions of character, rationality, corporate culture, ethics education and global ethics. Written by one of the foremost Aristotelian scholars working in the field today, this authoritative introduction to the role of virtue ethics in business is a valuable primer for graduate students and academic researchers in business ethics, applied ethics and philosophy.


‘The ethics of the great ethical theorists should apply to the world today, including the world of business. In a comprehensive and clear explanation of Aristotle’s ethical theory, Hartman shows without a doubt the relevance of Aristotle’s ethical theory to business.’

Norman E. Bowie - Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota

‘A tightly argued book filled with real life examples showing that good character can matter in business and ought to do so. Hartman has hit the golden mean between theory and practice.’

Daryl Koehn - University of St Thomas, Houston

‘What are the implications of Aristotle’s virtue ethics for modern business? This excellent book fills the need for a book-length treatment of this controversial topic by an expert in management theory and business ethics who is also an accomplished Aristotle scholar. Hartman argues persuasively that although Aristotle criticized the businesspeople of his own day, the virtues of character that Aristotle advocated are supportive of modern business organizations and can provide a way of dealing with moral issues in the modern global economy. Hartman also shows how Aristotle’s dialectical method for dealing with ethical issues can still play a valuable role in the teaching of business ethics.’

Fred D. Miller, Jr - Bowling Green State University, Ohio

‘Hartman has provided us with a very accessible primer to Aristotelian virtue ethics. The application to business, both at the individual and organizational levels, offers a critical but productive approach to business and business ethics. This is a book that will repay careful study for student and practitioner alike.’

Geoff Moore - University of Durham

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