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Cambridge University Press
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December 2013
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This comprehensive summary of the state of the art in Ultra Wideband (UWB) system engineering takes you through all aspects of UWB design, from components through the propagation channel to system engineering aspects. Mathematical tools and basics are covered, allowing for a complete characterisation and description of the UWB scenario, in both the time and the frequency domains. UWB MMICs, antennas, antenna arrays, and filters are described, as well as quality measurement parameters and design methods for specific applications. The UWB propagation channel is discussed, including a complete mathematical description together with modeling tools. A system analysis is offered, addressing both radio and radar systems, and techniques for optimization and calibration. Finally, an overview of future applications of UWB technology is presented. Ideal for scientists as well as RF system and component engineers working in short range wireless technologies.


'This book represents much of the progress that has been made in the past 20 years, enabled by great advances in hardware technology as well as techniques … The many references open doors to much more information. This UWB topic deserves close attention by researchers and entrepreneurs in our field in the years to come. There will undoubtedly be numerous practical applications for this not-so-new technology.'

Tom Perkins Source: High Frequency Electronics

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