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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
September 2009
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  • 41.99 (USD)
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This is a comprehensive attempt to assemble all that is known of theatre at the time of America's political birth. Because many plays performed during the Revolution were overrun with partisan politics, they were not always aesthetically enticing; yet this was one of the only historical eras in which the theatre was used by both sides to help achieve military and political objectives. Whether moralistic or satirical, the plays of the revolution offer unique insights into the sympathies and fears of both loyal and dissident parties, and so serve as a telling document of a socially turbulent age. Brown's extensive research coheres into an invaluable theatrical and historical chronicle which should prove a useful resource for those working in the field.


"This work serves well to introduce readers to many aspects to Latin America, and is recommended for all libraries with an interest in that important region, in ethnic studies, and in related fields." Ann Hartness, American Reference Books Annuals

"Unquestionably the best single-volume introduction to Latin America....An extraordinary resource for students, casual readers, travelers, and even specialists. It is the first book on Latin America that every library should have." MultiCultural Review

"The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Latin America and the Caribbean is an impressive achievement. It is an admirably broad but detailed presentation of the region's evolution and current profile, an attractive and informative book of considerable value to the interested general reader." Times Literary Supplement

"Comprehensive, authoritative, and accessible, this one-volume encyclopedia should become the standard reference for a broad overview of the region." Library Journal

"It is, quite simply, full of all those things you always wanted to know about Latin America and the Caribbean but were afraid to ask." The Virginia Pilot and Ledger-Star

"The presentation is excellent, the photography & illustrations are good. On the whole, the book is well constructed." Walther L. Bernecker, Notas (original in Spanish)

"Mr. Brown leaves his reader with a clearer picture of the American Revolution and its theatre, as well as the desire to learn more about these subjects." Andrew D. Ryder, Theatre Studies

" a chronology of Revolutionary War era theatre events and a compilation of useful data on theatre company finances during that period, Brown's study, The Theatre in American during the Revolution is very serviceable." Richard Wattenberg, Essays in Theatre

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