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Cambridge University Press
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Nonlinear waves are pervasive in nature, but are often elusive when they are modelled and analysed. This book develops a natural approach to the problem based on phase modulation. It is both an elaboration of the use of phase modulation for the study of nonlinear waves and a compendium of background results in mathematics, such as Hamiltonian systems, symplectic geometry, conservation laws, Noether theory, Lagrangian field theory and analysis, all of which combine to generate the new theory of phase modulation. While the build-up of theory can be intensive, the resulting emergent partial differential equations are relatively simple. A key outcome of the theory is that the coefficients in the emergent modulation equations are universal and easy to calculate. This book gives several examples of the implications in the theory of fluid mechanics and points to a wide range of new applications.


'This book has been written by a well-established researcher in the field. His expertise is evidenced by the deft exposition of relatively challenging material. In that regard, one of the very useful functions of this book is its provision of a number of background mathematical techniques in Hamiltonians systems, symplectic geometry, Noether theory and Lagrangian field theory.'

K. Alan Shore Source: Contemporary Physics

‘The book is clearly written, and only the most basic knowledge of Hamiltonian and Lagrangian theories is required.’

Wen-Xiu Ma Source: MathSciNet

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