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Cambridge University Press
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June 2012
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The Sound Structure of English provides a clear introduction to English phonetics and phonology. Tailored to suit the needs of individual, one-term course modules, it assumes no prior knowledge of the subject, and presents the basic facts in a straightforward manner, making it the ideal text for beginners. Students are guided step-by-step through the main concepts and techniques of phonetic and phonological analysis, aided by concise chapter summaries, suggestions for further reading, and a comprehensive glossary of all the terms introduced. Each chapter is accompanied by an engaging set of exercises and discussion questions, encouraging students to consolidate and develop their learning, and providing essential self-study material. The book is accompanied by a companion website, featuring solutions to the exercises and useful additional resources. Providing the essential knowledge and skills for those embarking on the study of English sounds, it is set to become the leading introduction to the field.


‘This excellent introduction guides us lightly but firmly through the intricacies of English phonology. McCully is the master of metaphor; his refreshingly imaginative style makes learning about the sounds of English and their relation to contemporary phonological theory an exciting journey of discovery.’

Donka Minkova - Professor of Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles

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