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The years between 900 and 1200 saw transformative social change in Europe, including the creation of extensive town-dwelling populations and the proliferation of feudalised elites and bureaucratic monarchies. In England these developments were complicated and accelerated by repeated episodes of invasion, migration and changes of regime. In this book, scholars from disciplines including history, archaeology and literature reflect on the major trends which shaped English society in these years of transition and select key themes which encapsulate the period. The authors explore the landscape of England, its mineral wealth, its towns and rural life, the health, behaviour and obligations of its inhabitants, patterns of spiritual and intellectual life and the polyglot nature of its population and culture. What emerges is an insight into the complexity, diversity and richness of this formative period of English history.


‘This is an imaginatively-conceived volume that cuts across conventional chronological divisions to offer new insights into the English medieval society and culture. No other volume offers so comprehensive an analysis of all aspects of life in Anglo-Saxon and Norman England. It should be an essential purchase for students and scholars working on England in the central Middle Ages.’

Sarah Foot - Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, University of Oxford

‘This is a ground-breaking collection that combines intellectual, political and cultural history with archaeological, literary, ecocritical and environmental scholarship in an unprecedented fashion. The result is innovative and interdisciplinary in the very best way - rich in insights, lucid, learned, and original.’

Paul J. E. Kershaw - University of Virginia

‘This fresh and interesting volume has broadened the normal range of selection for a social history to include such excellent literary scholars as Andy Orchard and Elaine Treharne, matching them with archaeologists and the incomparable Oliver Rackham. It will inspire the young to pursue a speciality from one or other of the chapters and one or two readers might even ponder the volume as a whole and go on to transcend specialities and produce a great social history of the complex kind we so singularly lack.’

Paul R. Hyams - Cornell University

‘This collection of thirty essays by field leaders, expertly edited by Julia Crick and Elisabeth van Houts, is … very welcome and has much to offer medieval history. Going far beyond considerations of government, and taking in change alongside continuity, it makes important contributions … excellent surveys and overviews, accessible to students and non-specialists, reinforcing and enlightening to veterans.’

Alex Burghart Source: The Times Literary Supplement

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Further reading
Land use and people
Audouy, M. and Chapman, A., Raunds: The Origins and Growth of a Midland Village ad 450–1500 (Oxford, 2009).
Blair, J., ‘Hall and chamber: English domestic planning 1000–1250’, in Meirion-Jones, G. and Jones, M., eds., Manorial Domestic Buildings in England and Northern France (London, 1993), pp. 1–21.
Booth, P., Dodd, A., Robinson, M. and Smith, A., The Thames through Time: The Archaeology of the Gravel Terraces of the Upper and Middle Thames. The Early Historical Period: ad 1–1000, Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Landscapes Monographs, 27 (Oxford, 2007).
Creighton, O. and Liddiard, R., ‘Fighting yesterday's battle: beyond war or status in castle studies’, Medieval Archaeology, 52 (2008), 161–9.
Cunliffe, B., Excavations at Portchester Castle, vol. ii, Saxon, Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 33 (London, 1976).
Dyer, C., Making a Living in the Middle Ages: The People of Britain 850–1520 (London and New Haven, 2002).
Fairbrother, J. R., Faccombe Netherton: Excavations of a Saxon and Medieval Manorial Complex, 2 vols., British Museum Occasional Papers, 74 (London, 1990).
Faith, R., The English Peasantry and the Growth of Lordship (London, 1997).
Fleming, R., ‘Lords and labour’, in Davies, Wendy, ed., From the Vikings to the Normans. The Short Oxford History of the British Isles, (Oxford, 2003), pp. 107–38.
Fleming, R., ‘The new wealth, the new rich, and the new political style in late Anglo-Saxon England’, Anglo-Norman Studies, 23 (2000 (2001)), 1–22.
Fowler, P., Farming in the First Millennium ad: British Agriculture between Julius Caesar and William the Conqueror (Cambridge, 2002).
Gardiner, M. F., ‘Implements and utensils in Gerefa, and the organization of seigneurial farmsteads in the High Middle Ages’, Medieval Archaeology, 50 (2006), 260–7.
Gardiner, M. F., ‘Late Saxon settlement’, in Hamerow, H., Crawford, S. and Hinton, D., eds., A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology (Oxford University Press, 2011).
Gardiner, M. F., ‘The origins and persistence of manor houses in England’, in Gardiner, M. F. and Rippon, S., eds., Medieval Landscapes (Macclesfield, 2007), pp. 170–82.
Hamerow, H., Early Medieval Settlements: The Archaeology of Rural Communities in North-West Europe 400–900 (Oxford, 2002).
Hardy, A., Charles, B. M. and Williams, R. J., Death and Taxes: The Archaeology of a Middle Saxon Estate Centre at Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire (Oxford, 2007).
Hey, G., Yarnton: Saxon and Medieval Settlement and Landscape, Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph, 20 (2004).
Jones, R. and Page, M., Medieval Villages in an English Landscape: Beginnings and Ends (Macclesfield, 2006).
Lewis, C., Mitchell-Fox, P. and Dyer, C., Village, Hamlet and Field: Changing Medieval Settlements in Central England (Manchester, 1997), pp. 77–118.
Loveluck, C., Rural Settlement, Lifestyles and Social Change in the Later First Millennium ad: Anglo-Saxon Flixborough in Its Wider Context, Excavations at Flixborough, 4 (oxford, 2007).
Oosthuizen, S., ‘New light on the origins of open-field farming’, Medieval Archaeology, 49 (2005), 165–93.
Rippon, S., Beyond the Medieval Village: The Diversification of Landscape Character in Southern Britain (Oxford, 2008), pp. 61–105.
Rippon, S., Fyfe, R. M. and Brown, A. G., ‘Beyond villages and open fields: the origins and development of a historic landscape characterised by dispersed settlement in south-west England’, Medieval Archaeology, 50 (2006), 31–51.
Williams, A., ‘A bell-house and a burh-geat: lordly residences in England before the Norman Conquest’, in Harper-Bill, C. and Harvey, R., eds., Medieval Knighthood, 4 (1992), pp. 221–40.
Williams, P. and Newman, R., Market Lavington, Wiltshire: An Anglo-Saxon Cemetery and Settlement, Wessex Archaeology Reports, 19 (Salisbury, 2006).
Williamson, T., Shaping Medieval Landscapes: Settlement, Society, Environment (Macclesfield, 2003).
Water and land
Barber, L. and Priestley-Bell, G., Medieval Adaptation, Settlement and Economy of a Coastal Wetland. The Evidence from around Lydd, Romney Marsh, Kent (Oxford, 2008).
Blair, J., ed., Waterways and Canal Building in Medieval England (Oxford, 2007).
Clarke, C., Literary Landscapes and the Idea of England, 700–1400 (Woodbridge, 2006).
Crowson, A., T. Lane, K. Penn and Trimble, D., Anglo-Saxon Settlement on the Siltland of Eastern England (Sleaford, 2005).
Gardiner, M., ‘The transformation of marshlands in Anglo-Norman England’, ANS 29 (2006 (2007)), 35–50.
Gardiner, M., ‘The wider context’, in Barber, L. and Priestley-Bell, G., Medieval Adaptation, Settlement and Economy of a Coastal Wetland. The Evidence from around Lydd, Romney Marsh, Kent (Oxford, 2008), pp. 297–304.
Long, A., S. Hipkin, and H. Clarke, , Romney Marsh: Coastal and Landscape Change through the Ages (Oxford, 2002).
Rippon, S., ‘Landscape change during the “long eighth century” in southern England’, in Higham, N. J. and M. J. Ryan, eds., The Landscape Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England (Woodbridge, 2010), pp. 39–64.
Rippon, S., ‘“Making the most of a bad situation”? Glastonbury Abbey, Meare, and the medieval exploitation of wetland resources in the Somerset Levels’, Medieval Archaeology, 48 (2004), 91–130.
Rippon, S., The Transformation of Coastal Wetlands: Exploitation and Management of Marshland Landscapes in North West Europe during the Roman and Medieval Periods (London, 2000).
Forest and upland
Atherden, M., Upland Britain. A Natural History (Manchester, 1992).
Cox, J. C., The Royal Forests of England (London, 1905).
Rackham, O., ‘The Abbey woods’, in Gransden, A., ed. Bury St Edmunds. Medieval Art, Architecture, Archaeology and Economy (London, 1998), pp. 139–60, plates xxxiii–xxxiv.
Rackham, O., Ancient Woodland. Its History, Vegetation and Uses in England, 2nd edn (Dalbeattie, 2003).
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Wager, S. J., Woods, Wolds and Groves. The Woodland of Medieval Warwickshire, British Archaeological Reports, British Series, 269 (Oxford, 1998).
Mineral resources
Hooke, D., The Anglo-Saxon landscape: The Kingdom of the Hwicce (Manchester, 1985).
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Metcalf, D.M., ‘Regions around the North Sea with a monetised economy in the pre-Viking and Viking ages’, in Graham-Campbell, J. and Williams, G., eds., Silver Economy in the Viking Age (Walnut Creek, CA, 2007), pp. 1–11.
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Health and disease
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Rawcliffe, C., Leprosy in Medieval England (Woodbridge, 2006).
Roberts, C. and Cox, M., Health and Disease in Britain from Prehistory to the Present Day (Stroud, 2003), chs. 4–5.
Roberts, C. and Manchester, K., The Archaeology of Disease, 2nd edn (Stroud, 1995).
Authority and community
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Baxter, S., The Earls of Mercia: Lordship and Power in Late Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford, 2007).
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Faith, Rosamond, The English Peasantry and the Growth of Lordship, Studies in the Early History of Britain (London, 1997).
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Fleming, R., Kings and Lords in Conquest England (Cambridge, 1991).
Hadley, D. M., The Northern Danelaw: Its Social Structure, c. 800–1100 (London, 2000).
Helmholz, R. H., The Oxford History of the Laws of England, vol. i, Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction from 597 to the 1640s (Oxford, 2004), chs. 1 and 2.
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Hyams, P., Kings, Lords and Peasants in Medieval England: The Common Law of Villeinage in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (Oxford, 1980).
Hyams, P., Rancor and Reconciliation in Medieval England (Ithaca, NY, 2003).
Keynes, Simon, ‘Crime and punishment in the reign of King Æthelred the Unready’, in Wood, I. N. and Lund, N., eds., People and Places in Northern Europe, 500–1600: Studies Presented to Peter Hayes Sawyer (Woodbridge, 1991), pp. 67–81.
Keynes, Simon, The Diplomas of King Æthelred the ‘Unready’, 978–1016 (Cambridge, 1980).
McCarthy, C., Marriage in Medieval England: Law, Literature and Practice (Woodbridge, 2004).
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Stafford, P., ‘Women and the Norman Conquest’, TRHS 6th ser., 4 (1994), 221–49.
Thomas, H., The English and the Normans: Ethnic Hostility, Assimilation, and Identity, 1066–c. 1220 (Oxford, 2003).
White, G. J., Restoration and Reform, 1153–1165: Recovery from Civil War in England (Cambridge, 2000).
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Wormald, P., ‘Lordship and justice in the early English kingdom: Oswaldslow revisited’, in Davies, W. and Fouracre, P., eds., Property and Power in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 114–36.
Lordship and labour
Aston, T. H., ‘The origins of the manor in England’, TRHS 5th ser., 8 (1958), 59–83; repr. with an important postscript in Aston, T. H., Cross, P. R., Dyer, C. and Thirsk, J., eds., Social Relations and Ideas: Essays in Honour of R. H. Hilton (Cambridge, 1983), pp. 1–43.
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Order and justice
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War and violence
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Family, marriage, kinship
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Poor and powerless
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Towns and their hinterlands
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Commerce and markets
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Urban planning
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Urban populations and associations
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Invasion and migration
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