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The Short Introduction to Strategic Management provides an authoritative yet accessible account of strategic management and its contemporary challenges. It explains the roots and key rationales of the strategy field, discussing common models, tools and practices, to provide a complete overview of conventional analytical techniques in strategic management. Andersen extends the discussion to consider dynamic strategy making and how it can enable organizations to respond effectively to turbulent and unpredictable global business environments. There is a specific focus on multinational corporate strategy issues relevant to organizations operating across multiple international markets. Written in a clear and direct style, it will appeal to students and practising managers and executives alike.


‘The Short Introduction to Strategic Management gives a solid grounding in the strategy field and updates corporate decision makers on how to deal with contemporary challenges in turbulent business environments. This book makes a valuable contribution to the management literature.’

Richard A. Bettis - Ellison Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

‘Andersen provides a whistle stop tour of strategy, more useful to the partially knowledgeable than the complete beginner. The text is readable and authoritative. With more than 300 references, little is left out. A valuable addition to your bookshelf.’

Andrew Campbell - Ashridge Strategic Management Centre

‘This book gives a comprehensive overview of the difficulties and options in defining and implementing successful and resilient business strategies. Organizations differ and conditions change, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach as demonstrated in the book. Yet, it provides strong guidelines as to where to 'look' for relevant solutions and approaches.’

Hans Læssøe - The LEGO Group

‘The integrative strategy approach where autonomous entrepreneurial initiatives interact with central strategy making processes to form a dynamic system is interesting … it provides a useful framework for thinking about how to set up a responsive organization.’

Robert A. Burgelman - Edmund W. Littlefield Professor of Management, Stanford University

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