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Separation of Molecules, Macromolecules and Particles Principles, Phenomena and Processes


, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Published 2014


Providing chemical engineering undergraduate and graduate students with a basic understanding of how separation of a mixture of molecules, macromolecules or particles is achieved, this textbook is a comprehensive introduction to the engineering science of separation.Students learn how to apply their knowledge to determine the separation achieved in a given device or processReal-world examples are taken from biotechnology, chemical, food, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and pollution control industriesWorked examples, elementary separator designs and chapter-end problems are provided, giving students a practical understanding…

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Key features

  • Presents a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of separation of molecules, macromolecules and particles
  • Provides systematic development of separation processes, from the forces acting on molecules/particles to bulk flow pattern, making it easy to understand how separation takes place and how to improve it
  • Treats phase equilibrium-based separations, membrane-based separations and external force-based separations

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