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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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Book description

A Reference Grammar of French is a lively, wide-ranging and original handbook on the structure of the French language. It includes new information on register, pronunciation, gender, number, foreign words (Latin, Arabic, English, Spanish, Italian), adjectives and past participles used as nouns, texting, word order, frequency of occurrence of words, and usage with all geographical names. Examples come not only from France, but also from Quebec, Belgium and Switzerland. Readers will appreciate the initial passages illustrating the grammatical features of a given chapter. Also included is a user-friendly introduction to the French language, from its Latin origins to modern times. A full glossary explains any terms that might confuse the less experienced reader, and the index leads the student through the detailed labyrinth of grammatical features. This handbook will be an invaluable resource for students and teachers who want to perfect their knowledge of all aspects of French grammar.


'All serious students of French will welcome this reference grammar. It is comprehensive and clear and a lively extract from creative writing at the beginning of each chapter illustrates current usage. The authors emphasise standard language, but they also show awareness of different registers and the variety of use within francophonie. The work will prove very useful to students and teachers for many years.'

Walter Grauberg - Director of the University Language Centre and Head of Linguistics, University of Nottingham

'… a vital resource for advanced speakers of French who wish to refine their knowledge of the French grammar … This book could certainly serve as a useful resource in ad advanced grammar class … the chapters on the history of the French language and on linguistic register and variation are an excellent resource for introducing linguistic topics that go beyond that which is typically found in a grammar manual.'

Source: French Review

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Usage and grammar
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