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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2016
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Book description

A Reference Grammar of Chinese is a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the linguistic structure of Chinese, covering all of the important linguistic features of the language and incorporating insights gained from research in Chinese linguistics over the past thirty years. With contributions from twenty-two leading Chinese linguists, this authoritative guide uses large-scale corpora to provide authentic examples based on actual language use. The accompanying online example databases ensure that a wide range of exemplars are readily available and also allow for new usages to be updated. This design offers a new paradigm for a reference grammar where generalizations can be cross-checked with additional examples and also provide resources for both linguistic studies and language learning. Featuring bilingual term lists, this reference grammar helps readers to access relevant literature in both English and Chinese and is an invaluable reference for learners, teachers and researchers in Chinese linguistics and language processing.


'This excellent grammar book as a whole provides a comprehensive description of the Chinese language in use and constitutes a new landmark that will be critical for future empirical research on Chinese. It is certainly a useful reference book that will help not only researchers in encouraging descriptive and theoretical linguists to conduct research in creative ways but also language learners and teachers to navigate the complexity of learning and teaching of Chinese.'

Guozhen Peng Source: Journal of Chinese Language and Discourse

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