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Reading Greek Text and Vocabulary

Published 2007


First published in 1978, Reading Greek has become a best-selling one-year introductory course in ancient Greek for students and adults. It combines the best of modern and traditional language-learning techniques and is used widely in schools, summer schools and universities across the world. It has also been translated into several foreign languages. This volume contains a narrative adapted entirely from ancient authors, including Herodotus, Euripides, Aristophanes and Demosthenes, in order to encourage students rapidly to develop their reading skills. Generous…

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Key features

  • Helps students learn ancient Greek at the same time as beginning to explore Greek literature, with the texts used in the first edition retained throughout
  • Offers heavily revised grammatical sections and exercises designed to meet the needs of today's students and successfully trialled
  • Offers a fresh, modern, spacious design making it easier to navigate, with extensive use of illustration in the Text volume and colour in the Grammar volume to highlight different kinds of material

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