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Principles of Enterprise Law The Economic Constitution and Human Rights


, King's College London
Published 2022


Major enterprises shape our lives in countless ways: big tech and 'surveillance media' that affect democratic debate, algorithms that influence online shopping, transport to work and home, energy and agriculture corporations that drive climate damage, and public services that provide our education, health, water, and housing. The twentieth century experienced swings between private and public ownership, between capitalism and socialism, without any settled, principled outcome, and without settling major questions of how enterprises should be financed, governed and the rights…

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Key features

  • Delivers an accessible, detailed account of theories of political economy, aiding students grappling with economics concepts and the use of data
  • Chapter-by-chapter considerations of each enterprise sector, showing how major companies that affect the public interest are regulated
  • Adopts a multidisciplinary approach, appealing to a wide range of students, academics and practitioners in multiple disciplines including law, business, sociology, economics and history

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