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Principles of Computational Modelling in Neuroscience


, University of Edinburgh, , University of Stirling, , Psymetrix Limited, , Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), , University of Edinburgh
Published 2023


Taking a step-by-step approach to modelling neurons and neural circuitry, this textbook teaches students how to use computational techniques to understand the nervous system at all levels, using case studies throughout to illustrate fundamental principles. Starting with a simple model of a neuron, the authors gradually introduce neuronal morphology, synapses, ion channels and intracellular signalling. This fully updated new edition contains additional examples and case studies on specific modelling techniques, suggestions on different ways to use this book, and new…

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Key features

  • Presents all models within the context of biological scenarios to connect computational models with real neurobiology
  • Highlights and explains mathematical details in boxes alongside the main text, so readers can follow the discussion easily and clearly
  • Shows how to choose an appropriate model structure and to set its parameter values
  • Demonstrates how to translate a mathematical formulation of a model into a simulation

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