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Plate Tectonics


, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway, , University of Minnesota
Published 2024


This advanced undergraduate textbook provides a thoroughly modern overview of plate tectonics and is the perfect resource for a capstone geology course. It presents plate tectonics as a multifaceted, interdisciplinary theory that unites many different geological observations and processes into a harmonious model so that readers grasp how the outer part of our planet works in relation to the deep interior. Supported by clear prose, helpful analogies, and stunning colour imagery, readers will gain an in-depth understanding of how and…

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Key features

  • This accessible text is written by an author pairing renowned for their research, teaching and textbook writing experience
  • Data and imagery from around the globe connect the theory with geological phenomena seen in the field
  • Spectacular full-colour field photos, maps, sections, data plots, models and schematics aid visualisation and bring theory to life
  • Up-to-date scholarship explores some of the most recent research questions in Earth science
  • A comparison of tectonic processes on Earth with other terrestrial bodies invites readers into discussion of the latest evidence and theories for the evolution of tectonics through geologic time
  • Learning objectives, bolded key concepts, focus boxes on issues and phenomena, summaries, review questions, recommended reading, and a glossary all invite students to take ownership of their learning journey
  • Quantitative exercises with solutions, animations, videos, and curated links to other tools and materials complete the teaching package

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