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  • Cited by 32
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
August 2010
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Online ISBN:
  • 55.99 (USD)
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Book description

This volume is a synthesis of current knowledge about the growth, development and functioning of plant canopies. The term canopy is taken to include not only the upper surface of woodland, as in the original definition, but also analogous surfaces of other plant communities. Although much research has been carried out on single leaves, canopies are much more than just a collection of individual leaves, and so exhibit properties of their own. It can be argued that it is primarily at the canopy rather than the leaf level that solutions to many practical problems about the growth of plants in the field can be found. In this volume, canopy properties are considered in terms of the processes, such as transpiration and photosynthesis, by which the canopy and its environment interact. Topics discussed include the meaning of canopy structure, interception of solar radiation, exchange processes, nitrogen nutrition, leaf demography and heliotropism. Key principles are illustrated by examples from a wide range of plant community types and geographical locations. This book will be of interest to advanced students and research workers in agriculture, botany, crop sciences, ecology and forestry.


"Discussion of the meaning of canopy structure, interception of solar radiation, exchange processes, nitrogen nutrition, leaf demography, heliotropism, canopy architecture and modelling processes. Covers a wide range of plant community types and geographical locations." SciTech Book Newsu

"...useful to agronomists and others interested in agricultural applications of 'canopy' growth and form." Biochemical Systematics and Ecology

" of a small number of works that define the starting point for the plant biology of the next decade....To the extent that the book's purpose is to identify the range and introduce some of the research activities at the canopy level, it is very successful. The book is interesting, accessible and timely." American Scientist

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