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To what extent are people with disabilities fully included in economic, political and social life? People with disabilities have faced a long history of exclusion, stigma and discrimination, but have made impressive gains in the past several decades. These gains include the passage of major civil rights legislation and the adoption of the 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This book provides an overview of the progress and continuing disparities faced by people with disabilities around the world, reviewing hundreds of studies and presenting new evidence from analysis of surveys and interviews with disability leaders. It shows the connections among economic, political and social inclusion, and how the experience of disability can vary by gender, race and ethnicity. It uses a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on theoretical models and research in economics, political science, psychology, disability studies, law and sociology.


'… the topics chosen and the meticulous documentation of sources and references provided across so many disciplines make this volume distinct from other treatments of the state of economic and social exclusion for people with disabilities. These authors collectively represent the disciplines of economics, law, sociology, political science and social psychology, and it is this breadth of perspective and scholarly expertise that gives this book its richness and distinctiveness.'

Source: International Journal of Employment Relations

'It is written clearly, broad in scope, and objective in its presentation of the issues, making it a successful candidate for adoption onto course reading lists from the student-learning perspective and because of the ease with which I expect it will blend into existing course structures. Academic readers of People with Disabilities will find it hard to not be more sensitized to the many opportunities where experiences of people with disabilities should and can be included easily into college curriculum, be it in economics, history, business, or engineering.'

Linda Barrington Source: ILR Review: The Journal of Work and Policy

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