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Numerical Methods Theory and Engineering Applications


, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Published 2024


Numerical methods are a cornerstone of modern engineering. This lucid textbook strikes a balance between theory and analysis of numerical methods and their practical applications in engineering. Each chapter starts with the formulation and graphical representation of the numerical method. This is followed by the algorithms required to create computer assisted solutions and simulations, which are then applied on real-world examples and case studies to show how exactly they are used. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of the numerical method…

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Key features

  • A gradual increase in complexity helps the reader grasp the concepts better
  • A large number and variety of solved problems helps the reader visualise real-world application
  • Graphical illustrations of the algorithms offer better understanding of the concepts
  • A wide variety of scientific and engineering problems, along with review questions, further help consolidate the knowledge
  • A supplements package comprising pseudocodes for the solutions of the unsolved problems in the book

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