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Cambridge University Press
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This book examines the threat that climate change poses to projects of poverty eradication, sustainable development, and biodiversity preservation. It discusses the values that support these projects and evaluates the normative bases of climate change policy. It regards climate change policy as a public problem that normative philosophy can shed light on and assumes that the development of policy should be based on values regarding what is important to respect, preserve, and protect. What sort of policy do we owe the poor of the world who are particularly vulnerable to climate change? Why should our generation take on the burden of mitigating climate change caused, in no small part, by emissions from people now dead? What value is lost when species go extinct, because of climate change? This book presents a broad and inclusive discussion of climate change policy, relevant to those with interests in public policy, development studies, environmental studies, political theory, and moral and political philosophy.


'This book is a penetrating and comprehensive first effort to tackle a largely unacknowledged but supremely important moral dilemma. It is a unique contribution to advancing the literature on climate change and shows the importance of our necessary initiatives to exit the fossil fuel regime by raising prices to decrease demand and to create a direct threat to the only source of energy now affordable to many of the world’s poorest struggling for sustainable development.'

Henry Shue - Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford

'Darrel Moellendorf's book is a valuable, second-generation contribution to the literature on the normative implications of anthropogenic climate change. It brings together a great many issues that must be addressed in connection with climate change. Among others, it addresses the issues of normative principles and frameworks and of impacts to the non-human world, technical questions about risk and uncertainty and discounting future impacts, the distribution of mitigation costs, and the appropriateness of strategies other than mitigation.'

Kendy M. Hess Source: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews

'This book provides a timely challenge to current trends in decision making frameworks for climate change policies … The text provides an argumentative arsenal for the case that the sense of ‘urgency’ related to climate change does not automatically justify reduced consideration of moral starting points, but rather, such moral perspectives may be the most practical means of determining what we can and cannot do in relation to future climate change policies.'

Phil Johnstone Source: Journal of International Development

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