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  • Cited by 169
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
February 2010
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Book description

Clusters can be viewed as solids at the nano-scale, yet molecular cluster chemistry and solid state chemistry have traditionally been considered as separate topics. This treatment has made it conceptually difficult to appreciate commonalities of structure and bonding between the two. Using analogous models, this is the first book to form a connecting bridge. Although the focus is on clusters, sufficient attention is paid to solid-state compounds at each stage of the development to establish the interrelationship between the two topics. Comprehensive coverage of cluster types by composition, size and ligation, is provided, as is a synopsis of selected research. Written in an accessible style and highly illustrated to aid understanding, this book is suitable for researchers in inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, materials science, and condensed matter physics.


'The book is successfully targeted at advanced undergraduates and graduate students in chemistry. …the book will also be valuable to those looking for real materials with potential applications in fields such as magnetism, opto-electronics and energy storage.'

Source: Chemistry World

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