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  • Cited by 4
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2020
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Online ISBN:
  • 51.99 (USD)
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Book description

Through a long history of co-evolution, multicellular organisms form a complex of host cells plus many associated microorganism species. Consisting of algae, bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists and viruses, and collectively referred to as the microbiome, these microorganisms contribute to a range of important functions in their hosts, from nutrition, to behaviour and disease susceptibility. In this book, a diverse and international group of active researchers outline how multicellular organisms have become reliant on their microbiomes to function, and explore this vital interdependence across the breadth of soil, plant, animal and human hosts. They draw parallels and contrasts across hosts in different environments, and discuss how this invisible microbial ecosystem influences everything from the food we eat, to our health, to the correct functioning of ecosystems we depend on. This insightful read also pertinently encourages students and researchers in microbial ecology, ecology, and microbiology to consider how this interdependence may be key to mitigating environmental changes and developing microbial biotechnology to improve life on Earth.


‘This book focuses on current research investigations of the microbiomes found in animals, plants, and soils. The authors propose an emerging theoretical framework for investigating the complex interactions between microbiomes and their habitats. They promote advancements for studying microbiomes and microorganisms in situ, or in the natural environment, rather than focusing on classical methods using in vitro studies as conducted in labs. Each chapter reveals the significant roles that microbiomes play in biogeochemical cycling and in homeostatic mechanisms of host organisms and natural environments. Also discussed are the impacts of anthropogenic changes on microbiome interactions. Topics in the book include background information on microbiomes, analytical methods for studying them, a review of microbiome research investigations, and biotechnology applications of microbiome research. Each chapter provides a wealth of primary references. As an added plus, the readability level is appropriate for those lacking an extensive background in science.’

B. R. Shmaefsky Source: Choice

‘It is a solid, approachable introduction to the role of microbiomes in ecology and could serve as a primary reading for a graduate seminar course or for a researcher just entering the field.’

Jonathan Newman and Newman Lab Group Source: The Quarterly Review of Biology

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