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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2022
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The interface between mental health and schools has become a major focus of policy and practice. School attendance is important and impacts a range of outcomes, from academic performance, to children and young people's mental health. In this book, experts from the education and mental health sectors have collaborated to produce a practical guide to mental health and attendance at school that will be of interest to both researchers and practitioners across this inter-disciplinary field. The book covers topics such as the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, terminology and socio-political considerations, school attendance problems in relation to emotional, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders, special educational needs, school factors and influences and attendance of vulnerable children. Its aim is to offer practical advice and key information to practitioners from both clinical and educational sectors so that they can work more effectively to enable children and young people to thrive.


‘The link between mental health difficulties and attendance feels intuitive to those of us working with children and young people in schools, but that belies a whole world of complexity and often interlinking factors. This book cuts through that complexity, drawing on the evidence that exists to build a shared understanding and perspective across education and mental health practitioners, and most importantly, with the child as the focus. We know from our experience working in schools, that by addressing mental health issues early on, we can improve wellbeing and ultimately engagement in learning. There has never been a more important time to support children to thrive in their education, and this book is an incredibly helpful and accessible evidence-based guide in that effort.’

Catherine Roche - Chief Executive, Place2Be

‘This book on the connections between school attendance and aspects of mental health is to be strongly welcomed. Too often it can be assumed that school attendance is important and left at that. The various contributions to this book identify how and why this is the case through a multidisciplinary approach. It has a strong research informed basis as well as providing advice and information to practitioners who work in the various services that focus on this important topic.’

Brahm Norwich - Professor of Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs, Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter

'This well-vetted book is a guide for those working with students with special needs and school attendance … When compared to books addressing attendance, this guide rises to the top by targeting students with special needs.'

Sherie Huber Source: Doody's Reviews

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