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Cambridge University Press
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August 2010
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Religious Ethics, Sociology of Religion, Religion, Sociology
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Living Together and Christian Ethics is the first positive, in-depth study of cohabitation outside marriage from a mainstream Christian theological perspective. The book retrieves the traditions of betrothal from the Bible and church history, and shows how these can transform Christian attitudes to living together before marriage. A crucial distinction is made between prenuptial cohabitation where marriage is intended, and nonnuptial cohabitation where it is avoided. Since betrothal was widely understood as a real beginning of marriage, the book argues for a complete pastoral, theological and liturgical renewal that reclaims the riches of forgotten Christian marital traditions and redeploys them in conveying the good news of the faith to women and men who are not yet married. The book takes issue with theologians who marginalize marriage, and suggests that the recognition of marital values can act as a helpful bridge between Christian teaching and people who are not formally married.


‘The significance of the subject matter of this book is beyond doubt. … this is a very important response to the developing marriage crisis.'

Stephen Platten

'This is a wonderful book and it should be required reading for every priest and minister …'.

Michael Northcott Source: The Expository Times

‘This latest book on cohabitation appears in the Cambridge series New Studies in Christian Ethics, and is marked by all the engaging energy and liveliness of [Thatcher’s] previous work.’

Source: Church Times

‘One will certainly encourage one’s students to read this hypnotically well-written addition to theological aesthetics …’.

Source: Scottish Journal of Theology

‘… a well-argued and thought-provoking book …’.

Source: Studies in Christian Ethics

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