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Linguistics and English Literature An Introduction


, University of Arizona
Published 2019


Concise and engaging, this textbook introduces stylistics, the application of linguistics to literary analysis. Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, H. D. Adamson discusses linguistics before addressing its application to literature, enabling students to become knowledgeable in both fields. Targeted specifically at undergraduate literature students, the book covers a wide range of topics in linguistics and literary criticism, as well as a variety of literary genres and popular culture, from poems and contemporary literature to comic book art and advertising.…

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Key features

  • Concise, easy to digest, and engaging, this book is targeted at English literature students taking linguistics courses, assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics
  • Covers a wide range of topics in both linguistics and literary criticism, as well as a range of literary genres and popular culture, from poems and contemporary literature to comic book art and advertising
  • Features include numerous examples, highlighted key terms and glossary, further reading suggestions, and exercises inviting students to apply specific linguistic knowledge to the analysis of literary texts

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