- Cited by 8
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
STRAUS, JOSEPH N. 2006. Normalizing the Abnormal: Disability in Music and Music Theory. Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 59, Issue. 1, p. 113.
Parsons, James 2007. A Companion to European Romanticism. p. 538.
Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel 2007. Sound and Meaning in Recordings of Schubert's “Die junge Nonne”. Musicae Scientiae, Vol. 11, Issue. 2, p. 209.
2014. The Legacy of Johann Strauss. p. 178.
Sobaskie, James William 2016. Conversations within and between two early lieder of Schubert. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, Vol. 13, Issue. 1, p. 83.
Guez, Jonathan 2018. The “Mono-Operational” Recapitulation in Movements by Beethoven and Schubert. Music Theory Spectrum,
Domenighini, P. 2021. On best acoustical parameters’ values for ‘Liederistic’ music performance: A preliminary study. Building Acoustics, Vol. 28, Issue. 4, p. 361.
Cabrillo, Francisco and Baumert, Thomas 2023. On Music, Money and Markets. p. 69.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- March 2015
- Print publication year:
- 2000
- Online ISBN:
- 9781316257029
- Subjects:
- Music, Music: General Interest, Nineteenth-Century Music
- Series:
- Musical Lives