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Language Change Progress or Decay?


, University of Oxford
Published 2012


How and why do languages change? Where does the evidence of language change come from? How do languages begin and end? This introduction to language change explores these and other questions, considering changes through time. The central theme of this book is whether language change is a symptom of progress or decay. This book will show you why it is neither, and that understanding the factors surrounding how language change occurs is essential to understanding why it happens. This updated…

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  • Improved learning features, including introductions outlining the topics to be covered and questions and essay suggestions for students to practise what they have learnt and test their understanding
  • Includes new sections on text messaging and netspeak, as well as extra information about the complaints tradition, polysemy (multiple meanings) and language death
  • Updated references for those who want to read more of the latest research

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