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  • Cited by 10
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2021
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Israel attracts enormous attention among scholars, journalists, politicians, and the general public. Some regard the country as an apartheid regime that can only be challenged through boycotts and sanctions. Others believe it is a stable liberal democracy, created under extreme conditions. This book seeks to unravel these conflicting interpretations by focusing on three questions: How can the Israeli regime be classified? What are the borders of the Israeli regime? And what are the key factors that shape the regime and support its relative stability? Gal Ariely calls for an approach which disaggregates democracy into specific dimensions, examining the diverse aspects of the Israeli regime to determine the level of 'democraticness' exhibited rather than classifying the regime as a whole. In doing so he provides a comprehensive account of the Israeli regime, untangling conflicting interpretations and illustrates the advantages of using this approach for analysing disputed regimes more widely.


‘Ariely introduces an original and variegated approach in his systematic classification of the Israeli regime. He very effectively explains how the ability of the state to strike a balance between different levels of democratic and non-democratic administrative and institutional tools, in various zones of control enable the regime to maintain its stability, despite its many contradictions.’

Amal Jamal - Tel-Aviv University

‘Is Israel a democracy? Gal Ariely approaches this fraught question from a novel perspective, telling us that it depends on where you look - which of Israel’s disputed borders you choose and on which dimensions of democracy you focus. This meticulously researched and carefully analyzed book is an eye-opener, offering an innovative way of thinking about democracy.’

Joel S. Migdal - University of Washington and Hebrew University of Jerusalem

‘This is a timely and innovative book. It contributes to both the literature on democracies and Israel. Relying on his vast theoretical knowledge and research experience, Gal Ariely defuses the charged rhetoric about the Israeli regime and presents the reader with a dispassionate, nuanced, and clear picture.’

Ami Pedahzur - University of Texas, Austin

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