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Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues


, , Metropolitan State University of Denver
Published 2021


How much water does the world need to support growing human populations? What are the potential effects of climate change on the world's water resources? These questions and more are discussed in this thoroughly updated and expanded new edition. Written at the undergraduate level, this accessible textbook covers the fundamentals of water resources, water law, allocation, quality and quantity, health issues, and provides examples of potential personal actions and solutions. There is a keener focus on climate change, as many…

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Key features

  • Equips students with the tools needed to understand the complex world of water resources and environmental issues, and with the knowledge to help them make a positive environmental impact
  • Engages students by focusing on current issues that concern every citizen on both national and international scales
  • Covers the scientific fundamentals of water resources to enable students to develop a thorough understanding of the subject
  • Contains strong teaching features, including 'In Depth' and new 'Think About It' sections to encourage class discussion, and homework questions to test students' understanding
  • Informs students on how to recognise when scientific theories differ from opinion, and reflects on the impact that changing governmental leadership has on attitudes and policies towards science

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