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Introduction to Marine Dynamics


, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Published 2024


Master the fundamentals of complex marine systems with this introduction to marine dynamics, vibrations, hydrodynamics, and stochastic processes. It connects key theoretical concepts, including as the velocity potential, impulsive force and L'Hôpital's Rule, to real-world marine engineering applications such as such as marine platform dynamics, extreme motions and exceedance probabilities, and includes over 60 multi-part end-of-chapter problems, building from simplified questions to advanced exercises, enabling students to grow in confidence towards solving complex questions. Students will gain a deep understanding…

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Key features

  • Provides an accessible and structured introduction beginning with real-world problems and examples then analysing through the lens of theory before relating results back to the real-world scenarios
  • Problems are introduced with a high-level overview, then simplified and assumptions identified and discussed
  • Includes supporting mathematical properties and equations to provide students with clarity on the complex arithmetic

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