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Introducing Second Language Assessment


, Iowa State University
Published 2024


Many books have been written on the topic of second language assessment, but few are easily accessible for both students and practicing language teachers. This textbook provides an up-to-date and engaging introduction to this topic, using anecdotal and real-world examples to illustrate key concepts and principles. It seamlessly connects qualitative and quantitative approaches and the use of technologies, including generative AI, to language assessment development and analysis for students with little background in these areas. Hands-on activities, exercises, and discussion…

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Key features

  • Filled with engaging anecdotes, real-world examples, illustrations, and activities to help students understand and apply the principles of language assessment in varied contexts
  • Integrates existing and emerging technology throughout, demonstrating how these can be harnessed effectively to design, create and analyze
  • Offers an accessible approach to statistical data analyses for students/teachers who have little background or training in language assessment

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