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Book description

This thorough appraisal of competition law and policy from an international and comparative perspective covers the role of different international organisations active in the area, the significance of multinational enterprises and, in particular, the differences between US and EU systems. Taking examples from regions such as Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Maher M. Dabbah looks at the law and policy in developing countries and at a regional level, the internationalisation of competition law and the doctrines of extraterritoriality, bilateral cooperation and multilateral cooperation as well as the relationship between competition and trade policy. The book should prove useful to anyone who is interested in gaining an insight into the international dimension of competition law and policy. It is written in a language and style which make such a complex topic both possible to understand and enjoyable.


'Dabbah … builds upon his previous research as well as his practical knowledge to create a book that not only surveys the developments that are relevant to the themes of the book but also offers thoughtful and thought-provoking insights, suggestions, and comments.'

Source: Book reviews, World Competition

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,European Commission's Guidance on Enforcement Priorities in Applying Article 82 [now Article 102 TFEU] of the Treaty to Abusive Exclusionary Conduct by Dominant Undertakings (2008)
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,European Commission Guidelines on Effect on Trade Between Member States (2004) Official Journal C-1010/81
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