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The Crisis of the European Sciences is Husserl's last and most influential book, written in Nazi Germany where he was discriminated against as a Jew. It incisively identifies the urgent moral and existential crises of the age and defends the relevance of philosophy at a time of both scientific progress and political barbarism. It is also a response to Heidegger, offering Husserl's own approach to the problems of human finitude, history and culture. The Crisis introduces Husserl's influential notion of the 'life-world' – the pre-given, familiar environment that includes both 'nature' and 'culture' – and offers the best introduction to his phenomenology as both method and philosophy. Dermot Moran's rich and accessible introduction to the Crisis explains its intellectual and political context, its philosophical motivations and the themes that characterize it. His book will be invaluable for students and scholars of Husserl's work and of phenomenology in general.


'Any student of the history of philosophy will want to study the Crisis carefully, both for its historical significance and for its continuing influence, and Moran's introduction is the perfect companion … Moran's book is simultaneously an accessible introduction for non-specialists, an impressive contribution on the history of phenomenology, and an invaluable reference for students and scholars of Husserl. I strongly recommend this companion to anyone reading Husserl's Crisis or seeking a deeper understanding of phenomenology in general.'

Donald Landes Source: Dialogue

'The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology has long occupied a position amongst Edmund Husserl's writings of almost singular renown and influence … Moran sets out to provide what he describes as an 'explanatory and critical introduction' to the Crisis … Moran is more than up to the task, his several recent introductory texts having established him as one of the ablest general expositors of phenomenology.'

David J. Bachyrycz Source: Husserl Studies

'Moran’s reconstruction of the vicissitudes surrounding the composition of the Crisis and the development of Husserl’s thought leading up to his last work in chapter 1 is invaluable. By way of reactivating the text’s cultural and philosophical context, Moran makes the Crisis work as an introduction for contemporary readers.'

Andrea Staiti Source: Research in Phenomenology

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Edmund Husserl complete works
Relevant individual Husserliana volumes
Husserl, Edmund.Aufsätze und Vorträge 1911–1921DordrechtKluwer 1986
Husserl, Edmund.Aufsätze und Vorträge 1922–1937DordrechtKluwer 1989
Husserl, Edmund.Cartesianische Meditationen und Pariser VorträgeHagueNijhoff 1950
Husserl, Edmund.Die Krisis der europäischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phänomenologie: Eine Einleitung in die phänomenologische PhilosophieHagueNijhoff 1954
Husserl, Edmund.Die Krisis der europäischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phänomenologie. Ergänzungsband. Texte aus dem Nachlaß 1934–1937DordrechtKluwer 1992
Husserl, Edmund.Die Lebenswelt: Auslegungen der vorgegebenen Welt und ihrer Konstitution. Texte aus dem Nachlass (1916–1937)DordrechtSpringer 2008
Husserl, Edmund.Die Idee der Phänomenologie: Fünf VorlesungenThe HagueNijhoff 1973
Husserl, Edmund.Erste Philosophie (1923/24)The HagueNijhoff 1965
Husserl, Edmund.Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen PhilosophieThe HagueNijhoff 1977
Husserl, Edmund.Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen PhilosophieThe HagueNijhoff 1952
Husserl, Edmund.Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen PhilosophieThe HagueNijhoff 1952
Husserl, Edmund.Natur und Geist: Vorlesungen Sommersemester 1927DordrechtSpringer 2001
Husserl, Edmund.Natur und Geist: Vorlesungen Sommersemester 1919DordrechtSpringer 2002
Husserl, Edmund.Transzendentaler Idealismus: Texte aus dem Nachlass (1908–1921)Rollinger, RobinSowa, RochusDordrechtKluwer 2003
Other works by Husserl
Husserl, EdmundBriefwechselDordrechtKluwer 1994
Husserl, EdmundDie Frage nach dem Ursprung der Geometrie als intentional-historisches ProblemRevue Internationale de Philosophie 1 1939 203
Husserl, EdmundErfahrung und Urteil: Untersuchungen zur Genealogie der LogikHamburgFelix Meiner 1999
Husserl, EdmundLa Crise de l’humanité européenne et la philosophieParisAubier 1977
Husserl, EdmundLa Crise des sciences européennes et de la phénoménologie transcendentaleParisGallimard 1976
Husserl, EdmundMéditations cartésiennes: introduction à la phénoménologiePeiffer, G.Levinas, E.ParisAlmand Colin 1931
Husserl, EdmundNatur und Geist: Vorlesungen Sommersemester 1919. Hrsg. Michael Weiler. Husserl Materialen VolDordrechtSpringer 2002
Husserl, EdmundNotizen zur RaumkonstitutionPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 1940 21
Husserl, EdmundSpäte Texte über Zeitkonstitution (1929–1934). Die C-ManuskripteDordrechtSpringer 2006
Husserl, EdmundPhilosophical Essays in Memory of Edmund HusserlCambridge, MAHarvard University Press 1940
Works by Husserl in English translation
Husserl, EdmundAnalyses Concerning Passive and Active Synthesis: Lectures on Transcendental LogicDordrechtKluwer 2001
Husserl, EdmundThe Basic Problems of Phenomenology. From the Lectures, Winter Semester 1910–1911DordrechtSpringer 2006
Husserl, EdmundCartesian MeditationsThe HagueNijhoff 1967
Husserl, EdmundThe Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology: An Introduction to Phenomenological PhilosophyCarr, DavidEvanstonNorthwestern University Press 1970
Husserl, EdmundEarly Writings in the Philosophy of Logic and MathematicsDordrechtKluwer 1994
Husserl, EdmundExperience and Judgment: Investigations in a Genealogy of LogicLandgrebe, L.Churchill, Trans. J.S.Ameriks, K.LondonRoutledge and Kegan Paul 1973
Husserl, EdmundFichte’s Ideal of Humanity [Three Lectures]Hart, James G.Husserl Studies 12 1995 111
Husserl, EdmundFormal and Transcendental LogicCairns, D.The HagueNijhoff 1969
Husserl, EdmundKersten, FredLawlor, LenMerleau-Ponty, M.Husserl at the Limits of PhenomenologyLawlor, L.Bergo, B.EvanstonNorthwestern University P 2002
Husserl, EdmundHusserl. Shorter WorksElliston, FrederickMcCormick, PeterUniversity of Notre Dame Press 1981
Husserl, EdmundThe Idea of PhenomenologyHardy, LeeDordrechtKluwer 1999
Husserl, EdmundIdeas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, First BookDordrechtKluwer 1983
Husserl, EdmundIdeas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, Second BookDordrechtKluwer 1989
Husserl, EdmundIdeas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, Third BookThe HagueNijhoff 1980
Husserl, EdmundIntroduction to Logic and Theory of Knowledge: Lectures 1906/07DordrechtSpringer 2008
Husserl, EdmundIntroduction to the Logical Investigations: Draft of a Preface to the Logical InvestigationsFink, E.Bossert, P.J.Peters, C.H.The HagueNijhoff 1975
Husserl, EdmundKant and the Idea of Transcendental PhilosophyKlein, Ted E.Pohl, William E.Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 5 1974 9
Husserl, EdmundLogical InvestigationsLondon, New YorkRoutledge 2001
Husserl, EdmundOn the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal TimeDordrechtKluwer 1990
Husserl, EdmundThe Paris LecturesKoestenbaum, PeterThe HagueNijhoff 1970
Husserl, EdmundPhenomenological Psychology: Lectures, Summer Semester 1925Scanlon, J.The HagueNijhoff 1977
Husserl, EdmundThe Philosophy of Arithmetic. Psychological and Logical Investigations with Supplementary Texts from 1887–1901Willard, DallasDordrechtKluwer 2003
Husserl, EdmundPhilosophy as Rigorous ScienceThe New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 2 2002 249
Husserl, EdmundPsychological and Transcendental Phenomenology and the Confrontation with Heidegger (1927–31). The Encyclopaedia Britannica Article, The Amsterdam Lectures ‘Phenomenology and Anthropology’ and Husserl’s Marginal Note in Being and Time, and Kant on the Problem of MetaphysicsDordrechtKluwer 1997
Husserl, EdmundSteinbock, Anthony J. 1998 135
Husserl, EdmundThing and Space: Lectures of 1907Rojcewicz, R.DordrechtKluwer 1997
Welton, DonnThe Essential HusserlBloomingtonIndiana University Press 1999
Selected further reading
Arendt, HannahThe Human ConditionUniversity of Chicago Press 1958
Avenarius, RichardDer menschliche WeltbegriffReisland, O. R.Reprinted Elibron Classics 2005
Banfi, AntonioHusserl: Cahiers de Royaumont IIIParisÉditions de Minuit 1959
Baynes, KennethDallery, Arleen B.Scott, Charles E.Roberts, P. HolleyCrises in Continental PhilosophyAlbany, NYSUNY Press 1990 57
Belousek, Darrin W.Husserl on Scientific Method and Conceptual Change: A Realist AppraisalSynthese 115 1998 71
Benhabib, SeylaAnother Universalism: On the Unity and Diversity of Human RightsProceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 81 2007 7
Berger, Peter L.Luckmann, ThomasThe Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of KnowledgeNew YorkAnchor Books 1967
Bernasconi, RobertCook, SybolRace and Racism in Continental PhilosophyBloomingtonIndiana University Press 2003
Blumenberg, HansThe Genesis of the Copernican WorldCambridge, MAMIT 1987
Bossert, Philip J.A Common Misunderstanding Concerning Husserl’s TextPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 1974 20
Bruzina, RonaldEdmund Husserl and Eugen Fink: Beginnings and Ends in Phenomenology 1928–1938New HavenYale University Press 2004
Buckley, R. PhilipHusserl, Heidegger, and the Crisis of Philosophical ResponsibilityDordrechtKluwer 1992
Cairns, DorionGuide for Translating HusserlThe HagueNijhoff 1973
Carr, David‘Crisis and Reflection: An Essay on Husserl’s Crisis of the European Sciencesby James Dodd’, Gradnate Philosophy Journal Vol. 27 No. 1 (2006), 195–205
Carr, DavidPhenomenology and the Problem of History: A Study of Husserl’s Transcendental PhilosophyEvanston, ILNorthwestern University Press 1974
Carr, DavidCheung, Chan-FaiSpace, Time and CultureDordrechtKluwer 2004
Casement, WilliamHusserl and the Philosophy of HistoryHistory and Theory 27 1988 229
Crowell, Steven GaltHusserl, Heidegger and the Space of Meaning: Paths toward Transcendental PhenomenologyEvanston, ILNorthwestern University Press 2001
Dallery, Arleen B.Scott, Charles E.Roberts, P. HolleyCrises in Continental PhilosophyAlbany, NYSUNY Press 1990
De Gandt, François.Husserl et Galilée: sur la crise des sciences européennesParisVrin 2004
De Gandt, FrançoisMajiolino, ClaudioLectures de la Krisis de HusserlParisVrin 2007
Derrida, JacquesEdmund Husserl’s Origin of Geometry: An IntroductionLeavey, J.P.Allison, D. B.Sussex, NYHarvester Press/Nicolas Hays 1978
Derrida, JacquesOf GrammatologySpivak, G.Baltimore, MDJohns Hopkins 1976
Derrida, JacquesThe Problem of Genesis in Husserl’s PhilosophyHobson, MarianUniversity of Chicago Press 2003
Derrida, JacquesSpeech and Phenomena and Other Essays on Husserl’s Theory of SignsAllison, DavidEvanston, ILNorthwestern University Press 1973
Derrida, JacquesWriting and DifferenceLondonRKP 1978
Dilthey, WilhelmThe Formation of the Historical World in the Human SciencesPrinceton U. P 2002
Dilthey, WilhelmDilthey’s Descriptive Psychology and Historical UnderstandingZaner, RichardHeiges, K. L.The HagueNijhoff 1977
Dodd, JamesCrisis and Reflection: An Essay on Edmund Husserl’s Crisis of the European SciencesDordrechtKluwer 2004
Drake, StillmanGalileo at WorkUniversity of Chicago Press 1978
Drake, StillmanDiscoveries and Opinions of GalileoGarden City, NYDoubleday 1957
Drake, StillmanSwerdlow, Noel M.Levere, Trevor HarveyEssays on Galileo and the History and Philosophy of ScienceUniversity of Toronto Press 1999
Drummond, John J.Historical Dictionary of Husserl’s PhilosophyLanham, MDScarecrow Press 2008
Edie, JamesParker, FrancisSchrag, CalvinPatterns of the Life-WorldEvanston, ILNorthwestern University Press 1970
Embree, LesterSchutzian Social ScienceDordrechtKluwer 1999
Endress, MartinPsathas, GeorgeNasu, HisashiExplorations of the Life-World: Continuing Dialogues with Alfred SchutzDordrechtSpringer 2005
Farber, MarvinPhilosophical Essays in Memory of Edmund HusserlCambridge, MAHarvard University Press 1940
Fink, EugenElveton, RoyThe Phenomenology of Husserl: Selected Critical and Contemporary ReadingsSeattleNoesis Press 2000
Fink, EugenSixth Cartesian Meditation: The Idea of a Transcendental Theory of Method. With Textual Notations by Edmund HusserlBruzina, RonaldBloomingtonIndiana University Press 1995
Fink, Eugen‘What Does the Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl Want to Accomplish? (The Phenomenological Idea of Laying-a-Ground)Research in Phenomenology 2 1972 5
Finocchiaro, Maurice A.The Galileo Affair: A Documentary HistoryBerkeleyUniversity of California Press 1989
Flynn, Bernard CharlesMichel Foucault and the Husserlian Problematic of a Transcendental Philosophy of HistoryPhilosophy Today 22 1978 224
Friedman, MichaelBroughton, JanetCarriero, JohnA Companion to DescartesOxfordBlackwell 2008
Gadamer, Hans-GeorgTymieniecka, Anna-TeresaThe Later Husserl and the Idea of Phenomenology: Idealism-Realism, Historicity and NatureDordrechtD. Reidel 1972
Gadamer, Hans-GeorgTruth and MethodWeinsheimer, JoelMarshall, Donald G.LondonSheed and Ward 1989
Gaiman, Kevin PaulHabermas’ Early Lifeworld Appropriation: A Critical AssessmentMan and World 23 1990 63
Galilei, GalileoDrake, StillmanDrake, Discoveries and Opinions of GalileoNew YorkAnchor Books 1957
Galilei, GalileoSidereus Nuncius or the Sidereal MessengerUniversity of Chicago Press 1989
Garrison, James W.Husserl, Galileo, and the Processes of IdealizationSynthese 66 1986 329
Gens, Jean-ClaudeLa Krisis de Husserl: approches contemporainesParisVrin 2008
Grunsky, Hans Alfred 1937
Gurwitsch, AronMcMullin, ErnanGalileo, Man of ScienceNew YorkBasic Books 1967 388
Gurwitsch, AronEmbree, LesterPhenomenology and the Theory of ScienceEvanston, ILNorthwestern University P 1974 33
Gurwitsch, AronThe Last Work of Edmund HusserlPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 1956 380
Gurwitsch, AronThe Last Work of Edmund Husserl: II. The Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 1957 370
Hart, James G.The Person and the Common Life: Studies in a Husserlian Social EthicsPhaenomenologica 126. DordrechtKluwer 1992
Heidegger, MartinBeing and TimeMacquarrie, JohnRobinson, E.New YorkHarper and Row 1962
Heidegger, MartinOff the Beaten TrackYoung, JulianHaynes, KennethNew YorkCambridge University Press 2002
Heidegger, MartinPathmarksMcNeill, WilliamNew YorkCambridge University Press 1998
Heidegger, MartinThe Essence of ReasonsTrans. Terrence Malick. Evanston, ILNorthwestern University Press 1969
Hopkins, Burt C.Crisis, History and Husserl’s Phenomenological Project of De-sedimenting the Formalization of Meaning: Jacob Klein’s ContributionGraduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 24 2003 75
Hopkins, Burt C.Derrida’s Reading of Husserl in : Ontologism and the Metaphysics of PresenceHusserl Studies 2 1985 193
Hopkins, Burt C.The Philosophy of HusserlDurhamAcumen 2011
Hyder, DavidFoucault, Cavaillès, and Husserl on the Historical Epistemology of the SciencesPerspectives on Science 11 1 2003 107
Hyder, DavidRheinberger, Hans-JörgScience and the Life-World: Essays on Husserl’s ‘Crisis of European Sciences’Stanford University Press 2010
Ingarden, RomanOn the Motives which led Husserl to Transcendental IdealismThe HagueNijhoff 1975
Ingarden, RomanTymieniecka, Anna TeresaAnalecta HusserlianaDordrechtKluwer 1972
Johnson, Galen A.Husserl and HistoryJournal of the British Society for Phenomenology 11 1980 77
Kant, ImmanuelCritique of Pure ReasonSmith, Norman KempCaygill, HowardBasingstokePalgrave Macmillan 2007
Katz, DavidThe World of ColorReprinted LondonRoutledge 1999
Kaufmann, Fritz.The Phenomenological Approach to HistoryPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 2 1941 159
Klein, JacobGreek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of AlgebraNew YorkDover 1992
Kockelmans, Joseph J.Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenological PsychologyPittsburgh, PADuquesne University Press 1967
Kohák, ErazimJan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected WritingsChicago, LondonUniversity of Chicago Press 1989
Koyré, AlexanderÉtudes galiléennesAtlantic Highlands, NJHumanities Press 1978
Koyré, AlexanderFrom the Closed World to the Infinite UniverseBaltimore, MDJohns Hopkins 1957
Koyré, AlexanderGalileo and PlatoJournal of the History of Ideas 4 1943 400
Koyré, AlexanderGalileo and the Scientific Revolution of the Seventeenth CenturyThe Philosophical Review 52 1943 333
Kwan, Tze-WanMoran, DermotEmbree, LesterPhenomenology: Critical Concepts in PhilosophyNew YorkRoutledge 2004 304
Landgrebe, Ludwig.The Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl: Six EssaysWelton. Ithaca, NYCornell University Press 1981
Landgrebe, Ludwig.The World as a Phenomenological ProblemPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 1940 38
Lofts, G. S.Husserl, Heidegger, Cassirer: Trois philosophes de criseRevue philosophique de Louvain 90 1992 570
Machamer, Peter K. 1998 The Cambridge Companion to GalileoCambridge University Press 1998
McMullin, ErnanThe Church and GalileoUniversity of Notre Dame Press 2005
McMullin, ErnanGalileo Man of ScienceNew YorkBasic Books 1964
Mann, DougDoes Husserl Have a Philosophy of History in ?Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 23 1992 156
Marcuse, HerbertOne-Dimensional ManBostonBeacon Press 1964
Merleau-Ponty, MauriceHusserl at the Limits of PhenomenologyLawlor, LeonardBergo, BettinaEvanston, ILNorthwestern University Press 2002
Merleau-Ponty, MauricePhénoménologie de la perceptionParisGallimard 1945
Merleau-Ponty, MauriceSignsEvanston, ILNorthwestern University Press 1964
Merleau-Ponty, MauriceThe Phenomenology of PerceptionLondon, New YorkRoutledge and Kegan Paul 1962
Mishara, AaronHusserl and Freud: Time, Memory and the UnconsciousHusserl Studies 7 1990 29
Moran, DermotEdmund Husserl: Founder of PhenomenologyCambridgePolity Press 2005
Moran, DermotEdmund Husserl’s Phenomenology of Habituality and HabitusJournal of the British Society for Phenomenology 42 2011 53
Moran, DermotEven the Papuan is a Man and not a Beast”: Husserl on Universalism and the Relativity of CulturesJournal of the History of Philosophy 49 2011 463
Moran, DermotFink’s Speculative Phenomenology: Between Constitution and TranscendenceResearch in Phenomenology 37 2007 3
Moran, DermotStone, M. W. F.Wolff, JonathanThe Proper Ambition of ScienceLondon, New YorkRoutledge 2000
Moran, DermotIntroduction to PhenomenologyLondon, New YorkRoutledge 2000
Moran, DermotThe Routledge Companion to Twentieth-Century PhilosophyLondon, New YorkRoutledge 2008
Moran, DermotCohen, JosephThe Husserl DictionaryLondon, New YorkContinuum 2012
Dermot, MoranEmbree, LesterPhenomenology: Critical Concepts in PhilosophyLondon, New YorkRoutledge 2004
Morrison, James C.Husserl’s “Crisis”: Reflections on the Relationship of Philosophy and HistoryPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 37 1977 312
Nenon, Tom.Some Differences between Kant’s and Husserl’s Conceptions of Transcendental PhilosophyContinental Philosophy Review 41 2008 427
Nenon, TomBlosser, PhilipAdvancing Phenomenology: Essays in Honor of Lester EmbreeDordrechtSpringer 2010
Orth, Ernst WolfgangEdmund Husserls ‘Krisis der europäischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phänomenologie’: Vernunft und KulturDarmstadtWissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1999
Owensby, JacobDilthey and Husserl on the Role of the Subject in HistoryPhilosophy Today 32 1988 221
Rasmussen, David M.: Reflections on Schutz and HabermasHuman Studies 7 1984 127
Richir, Marc.La Crise du sens et la phénoménologie. Autour de la Krisis de Husserl suivi de Commentaire de L’origine de la géométrieGrenobleJérôme Millon 1990
Ricoeur, Paul.Husserl: An Analysis of his PhenomenologyBallard, Edward G.Embree, L.Evanston, ILNorthwestern University Press 1967 143
Schuhmann, Karl.Husserl-Chronik: Denk- und Lebensweg Edmund HusserlsThe HagueNijhoff 1977
Schutz, AlfredCollected Papers. I. The Problem of Social RealityNatanson, MauriceThe HagueNijhoff 1967
Schutz, AlfredThe Phenomenology of the Social WorldTrans. George Walsh and Fredrick Lehnert. Evanston, ILNorthwestern University Press 1967
Sepp, Hans ReinerEdmund Husserl und die phänomenologische Bewegung: Zeugnisse in Text und BildFreiburg, MunichKarl Alber Verlag 1988
Soffer, GailPhilosophy and the Disdain for History: Reflections on Husserl’s to the Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 1996 95
Spiegelberg, HerbertThe Phenomenological Movement: A Historical IntroductionDordrechtKluwer 1982
Steinbock, Anthony J.Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after HusserlEvanstonNorthwestern University Press 1995
Steinbock, Anthony J.The New “Crisis” Contribution: A Supplementary Edition of Edmund Husserl’s TextsReview of Metaphysics 47 1994 557
Toadvine, TedPhenomenological Method in Merleau-Ponty’s Critique of GurwitschHusserl Studies 17 2001 195
Trotignon, Pierre.Le Coeur de la raison: Husserl et la crise du monde moderneParisFayard 1986
Vetter, HelmuthKrise der Wissenschaften – Wissenschaft der Krise? Wiener Tagungen zur Phänomenologie im Gedenken an Husserls ‘Krisis’-Abhandlung (1935/36–1996)FrankfurtPeter Lang Verlag 1998
Wagner, Helmut.Husserl and HistoricismSocial Research 39 1972 696
Waldenfels, Bernhard.Experience of the Alien in Husserl’s PhenomenologyResearch in Phenomenology 20 1990 19
Waldenfels, Bernhard.Orth, Ernst WolfgangCheung, Chan-FaiPhenomenology of Interculturality and Life-World, Phänomenologische Forshungen SonderbandFreiburg, MunichKarl Alber 1998 Moran, DermotEmbree, Lesteriv 2004 280
Waldenfels, Bernhard.The Question of the OtherHong KongChina University Press 2007
Welton, DonnThe New Husserl: A Critical ReaderBloomingtonIndiana University Press 2003
Zahavi, DanHusserl and Transcendental IntersubjectivityOHOhio University Press 2001
Zahavi, Dan.Husserl’s PhenomenologyStanford University Press 2003


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