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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
April 2023
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Book description

Complementing existing literature on measuring health outcomes that is largely conceptual, this book focuses on simple, practical advice for measuring outcomes in a variety of settings. Written in an engaging conversational tone, readers will learn why measuring health outcomes is necessary in clinical practice and how these measures may vary between people and across care structures. Covering how to identify measurements as well as collect and analyze the data, the chapters lead readers through a series of logical steps to scaling up a measurement program. The workbook style allows readers to record their own notes and thoughts throughout the book, while the list of action steps at the end of chapters are tangible starting points for developing a measurement program of their own. Explores how to measure and think about outcomes in a way that sees the whole person, not just the medical or behavioral condition they have.


‘Supporting people to live their lives to the fullest demands understanding, defining and measuring the health outcomes that matter most to individuals and their families. The book provides an excellent guide to this important journey written by one of the most practically experienced health care professionals in the field.'

Christina R. Åkerman - M.D., Ph.D., Exec. MBA, Former President of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM)

‘A must-read guide for anyone who is looking to start measuring and improving health outcomes. Written by one of the top experts in the field, this book offers practical advice that will help you overcome implementation challenges in different health care settings.'

Marcia Makdisse - M.D., Ph.D., MBA, VBHC Green Belt, MSc, Academia VBHC, Brazil

‘To truly transform health care, we must understand the outcomes that matter to individuals and families and then measure those outcomes to know if we are helping. Kathleen Carberry's How to Measure Health Outcomes provides a critical toolkit for anyone committed to delivering better health for each and for all.'

Alice Andrews - Ph.D., Director of Education, Value Institute for Health and Care, The University of Texas at Austin

‘This handbook is essential for achieving high value health care. Measuring the outcomes that matter to patients enables clinicians to ensure that they achieve their purpose of helping and healing. Prof. Carberry brings deep expertise and offers specific and actionable steps for how to measure what matters to the people you serve.'

Elizabeth Teisberg - Ph.D., Professor, Cullen Trust Distinguished University Chair in Value-Based Health Care, University of Texas, Austin

‘A dog-eared bookmarked version of this guide belongs in the hands of every type of clinician, health care administrator and QI enthusiast. Kathy Carberry's decades of experience and work with the Value Institute provides an invaluable compass on the journey to creating value for patients in any health system.'

Shannon Jackson - M.D., FRCPC MSc(HCT), Hematologist and Physician Lead for Value Based Health Care, Providence Health Care, Vancouver, Canada

‘Anyone getting started in value-based healthcare transformation should read this Guide. It pragmatically addresses the potentially daunting aspects of outcome measurement and empowers practitioners by clearly demystifying and describing each step. Its applicability to various health contexts is particularly useful to both local and international VBHC leaders.’

Eva Villalba - M.B.A., M.Sc. Healthcare Transformation, VBHC Green Belt Founder and Principal Associate, Expertise Valeur en Santé, Canada

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