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Homer: Odyssey Books XIII and XIV


Edited by , University of Oxford
Published 2014


The second part of the Odyssey takes epic in new directions, giving significant roles to people of 'lower status' and their way of life: epic notions of the primacy of the aristocrat and the achievements of the Trojan War are submitted to scrutiny. Books XIII and XIV contain some of the subtlest human exchanges in the poem, as Athena and Odysseus spar with each other and Odysseus tests the quiet patience of his swineherd Eumaeus. The principal themes and narrative…

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Key features

  • Explains how these books prepare the ground for the whole of the second part of the Odyssey, which moves epic in new directions
  • Provides a full introduction to Homeric dialect and extensive help with unfamiliar morphological and grammatical forms
  • Gives the full cultural background required to understand the text

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