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Cambridge University Press
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November 2015
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This rich study explores the elements of Hegel's social and political thought that are most relevant to our society today. Combating the prevailing post-World War II stereotype of Hegel as a proto-fascist, Charles Taylor argues that Hegel aimed not to deny the rights of individuality but to synthesise them with the intrinsic good of community membership. Hegel's goal of a society of free individuals whose social activity is expressive of who they are seems an even more distant goal now, and Taylor's discussion has renewed relevance for our increasingly globalised and industrialised society. This classic work is presented in a fresh series livery for the twenty-first century with a specially commissioned new preface written by Frederick Neuhouser.


'The book's format is very attractive and useful. In addition to an editorial introduction and author's preface, there are biographical notes on Hegel. Furthermore, a detailed bibliography and an index enhance this rather stimulating and meaningful contribution to Hegelian scholarship.'

Source: German Studies Review

'The best book published in English to recommend as a secondary source for students.'

Source: Teaching Philosophy

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Fischer, Kuno, Hegels Leben, Werke und Lehre, 2 vols., Heidelberg, 1911.
Haering, T., Hegel: Sein Wollen und sein Werk, 2 vols., Leipzig and Berlin, 1929, 1938.
Haym, R., Hegel und seine Zeit, Berlin, 1957.
Rosenkranz, Karl, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegels Leben, Berlin, 1844.
Wiedmann, F., Hegel: an Illustrated Biography, New York, 1968.
Bloch, Ernst, Subjekt–Objekt: Erläuterungen zu Hegel, Berlin, 1951.
Colleti, Lucio, Marxism and Hegel, London, 1973.
Findlay, J. N., Hegel: a Re-Examination, London, 1958.
Kaufmann, Walter, Hegel: a Re-Interpretation, New York, 1965.
Kroner, R., Von Kant bis Hegel, 2 vols., Tübingen, 1921, 1924.
Marcuse, Herbert, Reason and Revolution, New York, 1955.
Mure, G. R. G., An Introduction to Hegel, Oxford, 1940. The Philosophy of Hegel, London, 1965.
Rosen, Stanley, G. W. F. Hegel: an Introduction to the Science of Wisdom, New Haven, Conn., 1974.
Taylor, Charles, Hegel, Cambridge, 1975.
Gadamer, H.-G., Hegel's Dialectic, New Haven, Conn., 1976.
Grégoire, Franz, Etudes Hegeliennes, Louvain and Paris, 1958.
Henrich, Dieter, Hegel im Kontext, Frankfurt, 1967.
Hypollite, Jean, Etudes sur Marx et Hegel, Paris, 1955; English translation by John O'Neill, Studies on Marx and Hegel, New York, 1969.
MacIntyre, A. (ed.), Hegel, New York, 1972.
Steinkraus, W. E. (ed.), New Studies in Hegel's Philosophy, New York, 1971.
Travis, D. C. (ed.), A Hegel Symposium, Austin, Texas, 1962.
Asveld, Paul, La pensée religieuse du jeune Hegel, Louvain and Paris, 1953.
Dilthey, Wilhelm, ‘Die Jugendgeschichte Hegels’ in vol. IV of his Gesammelte Schriften, Stuttgart, 1962–5.
Haering, T., Hegel: Sein Wollen und sein Werk, 2 vols., Leipzig and Berlin, 1929, 1938.
Harris, H. S., Hegel's Development, Oxford, 1972.
Lukács, György, Der junge Hegel, Berlin, 1954; English translation by Rodney Livingstone, The Young Hegel, London, 1975.
Peperzak, Adrien, Le jeune Hegel et la vision morale du monde, The Hague, 1960.
Rohrmoser, G., Théologie et Aliénation dans la pensée du jeune Hegel, Paris, 1970.
Heidegger, M., ‘Hegels Begriff der Erfahrung’ in Holzwege, Frankfurt, 1950; English translation: Hegel's Concept of Experience, New York, 1970.
Hyppolite, Jean, Genèse et structure de la Phénoménologie de l'Esprit de Hegel, Paris, 1946.
Kojève, Alexandre, Introduction à la lecture de Hegel, Paris, 1947; English translation by Allan Bloom, Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, New York, 1969.
Shklar, Judith, Freedom and Independence: a Study of the Political Ideas of Hegel's ‘Phenomenology of Mind’, Cambridge, 1976.
Fleischmann, Eugène, La science universelle, Paris, 1968.
Hyppolite, Jean, Logique et Existence, Paris, 1953.
Mure, G. R. G., A Study of Hegel's Logic, Oxford, 1950.
Avineri, Shlomo, Hegel's Theory of the Modern State, Cambridge, 1972.
Bourgeois, Bernard, La pensée politique de Hegel, Paris, 1969.
Fleischmann, Eugène, La philosophie politique de Hegel, Paris, 1964.
Hyppolite, Jean, Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire de Hegel, Paris, 1947.
Kaufmann, Walter (ed.), Hegel's Political Philosophy, New York, 1970.
Kelly, George Armstrong, Idealism, Politics and History, Cambridge, 1969.
Marcuse, H., Reason and Revolution, New York, 1955.
Pelczynski, Z. (ed.), Hegel's Political Philosophy, Cambridge, 1971.
Plant, Raymond, Hegel, London, 1973.
Riedel, Manfred, Studien zu Hegels Rechtsphilosophie, Frankfurt, 1969. Bürgerliche Gesellschaft und Staat bei Hegel, Neuwied and Berlin, 1970.
Ritter, Joachim, Hegel und die französische Revolution, Cologne, 1957.
Rosenzweig, Franz, Hegel und der Staat, Berlin and Munich, 1920.
Weil, E., Hegel et l'Etat, Paris, 1950.
Kedney, J. S., Hegel's Aesthetics, Chicago, 1885.
Knox, Israel, The Aesthetic Theories of Kant, Hegel and Schopenhauer, New York, 1936.
Chapelle, Albert, Hegel et la religion, Paris, 1967.
Christensen, Darrel (ed.), Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion, The Hague, 1970.
Fackenheim, Emil, The Religious Dimension of Hegel's Thought, Bloomington and London, 1967.
Iljin, Iwan, Die Philosophie Hegels als kontemplative Gotteslehre, Bern, 1946.
Léonard, André, La foi chez Hegel, Paris, 1970.
Reardon, Bernard, Hegel's Philosophy of Religion, London, 1977.


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