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Based around the Pacific Islands Regiment, the Australian Army's units in Papua New Guinea had a dual identity: integral to Australia's defence, but also part of its largest colony, and viewed as a foreign people. The Australian Army in PNG defended Australia from threats to its north and west, while also managing the force's place within Australian colonial rule in PNG, occasionally resulting in a tense relationship with the Australian colonial government during a period of significant change. In Guarding the Periphery: The Australian Army in Papua New Guinea, 1951–75, Tristan Moss explores the operational, social and racial aspects of this unique force during the height of the colonial era in PNG and during the progression to independence. Combining the rich detail of both archival material and oral histories, Guarding the Periphery recounts a part of Australian military history that is often overlooked by studies of Australia's military past.

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Published records

Army List of Officers of the Australian Military Forces, 1950–88
Keeping the Peace (Duties in Support of the Civil Power), War Office, London, 1957, Part 2
Commonwealth of Australia, Territory of New Guinea Report for 1966–1967, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra, 1967

Unpublished records

Australian Army History Unit, Canberra

  • Military Board Minutes, 1950–75

  • Military Board Secretariat Briefing Notes, 1950–75

  • Military Board Submissions, 1950–75

Australian Army Psychology Corps, Canberra

  • 1 Psychology Research Unit Reports, 1968–73

Australian War Memorial, Canberra


Reports of Proceedings, HMA Ships and Establishments, 1939–


Australian Service Canteens Organisation records, 1915–79


Records of the Military History Section (Army), 1940–61


Records of the Directorate of Military Operations and Plans (DMO&P), 1952–75


Department of Defence, Joint Planning Committee records from joint military operations and plans, 1959–75


Written records – Miscellaneous – South-East Asian conflicts, 1948–75


Records of Assistant Director of Medical Services, Headquarters Australian Force Vietnam, 1962–72

National Archives of Australia, Brisbane


PNGVR, Correspondence files, multiple number series with ‘R’ prefix [PNG], 1963–73


HQ PNG Command, Correspondence files, multiple number series [PNG – Pacific Islands Regiment], 1954–66

National Archives of Australia, Canberra


Attorney-General's Department, Correspondence files, annual single number series, 1929–


Department of (External) Territories, Correspondence files, annual single number series, 1951–75


Department of Defence, Courts-Martial files [including war crimes trials], single number series, 1901–


Department of (External) Territories, Correspondence files, multiple number series with alphabetical prefix, 1928–56


Department of Defence, Correspondence files, multiple number series with ‘O’ prefix (primary numbers 1–224), 1940–57


Department of Air, Correspondence files, multiple number series with occasional alphabetical prefixes and infixes [Canberra], 1949–75


Prime Minister's Department, Correspondence files, annual single number series with occasional C [classified] suffix, 1957–


Commonwealth Office of Education, Correspondence files, multiple number series, 1947–60


Department of External Affairs/Foreign Affairs, Correspondence files, multiple number series, 1948–89


Department of Defence, Correspondence files, annual single number series, 1967–73


Defence Committee minutes, 1926–


Department of Defence, Correspondence files, multiple number series with ‘D’ prefix, 1973–74


Menzies and Holt Ministries – Cabinet files ‘C’ single number series, 1949–72


Cabinet files, single number series with ‘C’ [Cabinet] prefix, 1949–1972


Defence Committee agenda, annual single number series, 1932–


Seventh Menzies Ministry – copies of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions (first series), 1958–61


Gorton and McMahon Ministries – Cabinet files, ‘CO’ single number series, 1968–72


‘Shedden Collection’ [Records collected by Sir Frederick Shedden during his career with the Department of Defence and in researching the history of Australian Defence Policy], two number series, 1931–71


Department of the Army, Correspondence files, multiple number series [class 441] [classified], 1956–64


Department of the Army, Outward correspondence files of the Vice or Deputy Chief of the General Staff, 1963–


Department of the Army, Records of, or concerning, the Army in Papua/New Guinea, 1945–75


Department of the Army, Patrol reports of the Army in Papua/New Guinea, 1963–75


Military Board Instructions [functional/amended set], 1962–73


Reports of meetings of the Joint Planning Committee, 1940–


Fraser Ministries – Cabinet files, single number series with ‘LC’ prefix, 1975–83


Department of Defence, Establishment records, two number series with roman numeral prefix and occasional alphabetic suffix, 1937–71

National Archives of Australia, Melbourne


Department of the Army, Secret correspondence files, multiple number series, 1945–55


Department of the Army, General and civil staff correspondence files and Army personnel files, multiple number series, 1943–51


Department of the Army, General and civil staff correspondence files and Army personnel files, multiple number series, 1952–1962


Department of the Army, General and civil staff correspondence files and Army personnel files, multiple number series, 1952–62

Papua New Guinean National Archives, Port Moresby


District Commission, Registry Files


District Commissioner's Department, Port Moresby Central Registry Files


Department of Administrator, Registry Files


Department of Administrator, Government House Files


Department of Administrator, Government Secretary's Files


Department of the Administrator, Registry Files


Department of Central Province, Division of Rural Services and Circular Memorandum Instructions


Department of Provincial Affairs (Margarida), Registry Files


Department of Provincial Affairs (Aitape), Registry Files

National Archives, Kew, United Kingdom

FCO 24–1433

Commonwealth Office, Far East and Pacific Department and Foreign and Commonwealth Office, South West Pacific Department: Registered Files (H and FW Series)

University of Papua New Guinea Archives, Port Moresby

  • New Guinea Collection

Private papers and other sources in possession of the author

  • Flint, Dick, unpublished memoir, n.d.

  • Ivey, Greg, private papers, n.d.

  • Payne, Geoff, unpublished diary, May–June 1972

  • Sayce, Bob, private papers, n.d.

  • Stokes, Peter, unpublished memoir, n.d.

Films and photographs

‘RAAF aid to New Guinea famine areas’, 19 October 1972, 16mm film, AWM, F02822
‘RSM Osi in recruitment poster’, n.d. [c. 1970], <>
Silk, , George, , untitled photograph, 25 December 1942, AWM, 014028
Trindall, , Raeburn, , ‘The Piper’, 1973, 16mm film, AWM, F03381

Oral history, questionnaires and correspondence

Conducted by Tristan Moss

Adam, Sergeant Phil, Brisbane, 3 May 2011
Agwi, Major General Francis, conversation, Murray Barracks, PNG, 25 August 2011
Aibo, Warrant Officer George, Port Moresby, PNG, 30 July 2013
Ainaka, Sergeant Thomas, Moem Barracks, PNG, 6 August 2013
Armstrong, Major Dennis, telephone interview (Melbourne), 16 December 2011
Beazley, Roy, telephone interview (Sydney), 7 December 2011
Boddington, Sergeant Richard, Brisbane, 4 May 2011
Brock, Major Cliff, Canberra, 15 March 2013; questionnaire received 13 March 2013
Brock, Rosemary, Canberra, 15 March 2013
Chalapan, , Warrant Officer Tom Levi, Taurama Barracks, PNG, 31 July 2013
Clark, Lieutenant Ted, telephone interview (Adelaide), 15 May 2011
Claxton, Dr Karl, conversation, Port Moresby, PNG, 25 August 2011
Coppa, Sergeant Robert, questionnaire received 15 November 2012
Dalziel, Sergeant Andrew, Melbourne, 13 July 2011
Daura, Corporal Rodney, Taurama Barracks, PNG, 31 July 2013
Dennis, Lieutenant Colonel Michael, Adelaide, 15 February 2012
Dinji, Warrant Officer Barney, Taurama Barracks, PNG, 31 July 2013
Diro, Brigadier Ted, Port Moresby, PNG, 31 July 2013
Eastgate, Anne, Gold Coast, 14 April 2012
Eastgate, Major Ross, Gold Coast, 14 April 2012
Edwinsmith, Sergeant Terry, Brisbane, 5 May 2011
Farr, Sergeant Greg, Brisbane, 2 May 2011
Garrett, Richard, correspondence, 10 November 2012
Gewa, Corporal Gapi, Port Moresby 30 July 2013
Gibson, Sergeant John, Brisbane, 3 May 2011
Gillies, Major Don, telephone interview (Sydney), 7 December 2011
Gollings, Lieutenant Ian, telephone interview, 3 November 2011; correspondence, received 25 October 2011
Gration, General Peter, Canberra, 15 July 2013
Gwamse, Sergeant Nadu, Moem Barracks, PNG, 6 August 2013
Hartwig, Lieutenant Commander Beverly, Adelaide, 16 February 2012
Haui, Brigadier Tony, Port Moresby, PNG, 29 August 2011
Holland, Brigadier Terry, questionnaire received 26 November 2013
Holloway, Sir Barry, Port Moresby, PNG, 24 August 2011
Horton, Sergeant Kevin, Brisbane, 1 May 2011
Horton, Lynette, Brisbane, 1 May 2011
Howard, Major General Brian (Hori), Canberra, 16 May 2011; questionnaire received 29 March 2012
Hunter, Sergeant Norm, Brisbane, 17 April 2012
Iselin, Sergeant Brian, telephone interview (Sunshine Coast), 12 December 2011; correspondence, 21 December 2011 and 7 January 2012
Ivey, Sergeant Greg, Brisbane, 1 May 2011
James, Major Don, Gold Coast, 14 April 2012; correspondence, 19 December 2011
Jeffery, Major General Michael, Canberra, 16 November 2010
Johnson, Sergeant Graeme, telephone interview (Perth), 27 June 2011
Kairi, Private Moses, Port Moresby, PNG, 2 August 2013
Kakar, Corporal Caspar Nasson, Wewak, PNG, 6 August 2013
Kearney, Colonel George, telephone interview (Brisbane), 19 September 2011
Kelly, Major John, telephone interview (Queensland), 2 August 2012
Kilby, Warrant Officer Alan, Brisbane, 2 May 2011
Knight, Sergeant Richard, Port Moresby, PNG, 23 July 2013
Kombukun, Sergeant Jim, Taurama Barracks, PNG, 31 July 2013
Kukuma, Colonel Jack, Port Moresby, PNG, 3 August 2013
Lange, Colonel Ron, telephone interview (Noosa), 15 May 2012
Lewis, Diane, Adelaide, 14 July 2012
Lewis, Brigadier Laurie, Adelaide, 14 July 2012
McCann, Brigadier Ray, Bowral, NSW, 16 February 2013; questionnaire received 2 March 2013
MacCullum, Major Malcolm, questionnaire received 28 December 2013
McDaniel, Lieutenant Colonel Dan, telephone interview (Perth), 13 August 2012
McDougall, Colonel Peter, questionnaire received 19 November 2013
McFarlane, Major Brian, Bowral, NSW, 16 February 2013
Manning, Lieutenant Colonel Graeme, questionnaire received 27 March 2012
Marsden, Major John, telephone interview (Sydney), 18 November 2011
Miasa, Colonel Sia, Port Moresby, PNG, 3 August 2013
Moripi, Major Frank, Port Moresby, PNG, 3 August 2013
Murray, Lieutenant Colonel Peter, Canberra, 7 and 14 October 2011
Nockels, Jim, Canberra, 26 September 2011
Norrie, Lieutenant Colonel Ben, Canberra, 10 March 2011
Ogston, Sergeant Ian, Canberra, 8 March 2010
Oiwelo, Sergeant Ronnie, Taurama Barracks, PNG, 31 July 2013
Olimomo, Sergeant Patrick, Taurama Barracks, PNG, 31 July 2013
Payne, Lieutenant Colonel Geoff, telephone interview (Sydney), 13 March 2013
Pears, Lieutenant Colonel Maurie, Gold Coast, 14 April 2012
Porteous, Sergeant Peter, questionnaire received 24 November 2013
Posi-tute, Warrant Officer Thomas, Port Moresby, PNG, 30 July 2013
Rauleta, Sergeant Lincoln, Moem Barracks, PNG, 6 August 2013
Renagi, Colonel Reginald, Port Moresby, PNG, 22 and 23 August 2011
Saese, Warrant Officer Valentine, Moem Barracks, PNG, 6 August 2013
Sayce, Colonel Bob, Canberra, 8 November 2012
Singirok, Major General Jerry, Port Moresby, PNG, 29 August 2011 and 25 July 2013
Smith, Sergeant Kevin, Brisbane, 4 May 2011
Suat, Sergeant John, Moem Barracks, PNG, 6 August 2013
Swadling, Captain Ken, questionnaire received 1 August 2011
Takoin, Warrant Officer Martin, Port Moresby, PNG, 30 July 2013
Trei, Private Sammy Joe, Port Moresby, PNG, 8 August 2013
Urr, Captain Tom, conversation, Murray Barracks, PNG, 24 July 2013
Wansley, Colonel Bert, telephone interview (Noosa), 27 May 2013
Watut, Corporal Mutuaina, Taurama Barracks, PNG, 31 July 2013
Wease, Warrant Officer Grahame, telephone interview (Tewantin, Qld), 2 October 2011
Winkel, Warrant Officer Dan, Brisbane, 13 April 2012
Wupu, Warrant Officer Anthony, Moem Barracks, PNG, 6 August 2013

Australians at War Film Archive

  • Adamson, Colin, Archive No. 1171

  • Blake, Murray, Archive No. 1850

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  • Warfe, Peter, Archive No. 2487

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