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Cities are no longer just places to live in. They are significant actors on the global stage, and nowhere is this trend more prominent than in the world of transnational climate change governance (TCCG). Through transnational networks that form links between cities, states, international organizations, corporations, and civil society, cities are developing and implementing norms, practices, and voluntary standards across national boundaries. In introducing cities as transnational lawmakers, Jolene Lin provides an exciting new perspective on climate change law and policy, offering novel insights about the reconfiguration of the state and the nature of international lawmaking as the involvement of cities in TCCG blurs the public/private divide and the traditional strictures of 'domestic' versus 'international'. This illuminating book should be read by anyone interested in understanding how cities - in many cases, more than the countries in which they're located - are addressing the causes and consequences of climate change.


‘An essential read for anyone concerned with how the vast conglomerate of actors involved in the climate space might interact effectively to advance climate change regulation globally.'

Jacqueline Peel - Melbourne Law School

'A vivid and timely account of the important and complex role that cities play in transnational climate change governance.'

Liz Fisher - Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford

'In this compelling book, Professor Lin demonstrates the rise of global cities as forces in the generation of transnational legal norms. As she demonstrates, global cities are not merely engaging in action that suggests the inadequacy of classical accounts of international lawmaking; they are doing so self-consciously. This is truly a new phase in the field of international law, and its recognition and demonstration by Lin is profound.'

Douglas A. Kysar - Yale Law School, Connecticut

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