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  • Cited by 119
  • Peter Li, University of California, Irvine
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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The aim of this graduate-level text is to equip the reader with the basic tools and techniques needed for research in various areas of geometric analysis. Throughout, the main theme is to present the interaction of partial differential equations and differential geometry. More specifically, emphasis is placed on how the behavior of the solutions of a PDE is affected by the geometry of the underlying manifold and vice versa. For efficiency the author mainly restricts himself to the linear theory and only a rudimentary background in Riemannian geometry and partial differential equations is assumed. Originating from the author's own lectures, this book is an ideal introduction for graduate students, as well as a useful reference for experts in the field.


"This monograph is a beautiful introduction to geometric analysis."
Frederic Robert, Mathematical Reviews

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